medical questions

medical questions

questions about diseases and medications are uploaded in a document word, look at it


Pre Sim –Doris Bowman

1.Opioids are a common medication used in PACU to control the patient’s pain. What side effect of these drugs should the nurse be alert to in the immediate postoperative period?

2.What drug classification is Narcan and when is it indicated?

3. A patient has had a bowel resection with an ileostomy created on the left lower abdomen. What information will the nurse gather during a focused stoma assessment?

4. List three complications of general anesthesia.

5. A patient has had a bowel resection with an abdominal incision covered with 4 x 4 gauze. She also had a Jackson Pratt drainage appliance to the right of the incision. What information will the nurse gather during a focused wound assessment?

6. A patient has had an abdominal hysterectomy. What information concerning the surgical procedure will the primary care physician need to know in terms of follow-up hormonal replacement therapy?

Pre-Sim: Jennifer Hoffman

1. A patient has a stat ABG drawn. The respiratory therapist asks you to “take care of the site” while she runs the sample to the lab. How will the nurse reduce the risk of injury to this patient?

2. Jennifer has a bronchodilator ordered as well as a corticosteroid. How should you teach her to administer these medications?

3. A patient is having an acute asthma attack and appears frightened by the increased, audible wheezing. What should the nurse do next?

a. Listen to the patient’s lungs

b. Leave the room to call the PCP

c. Prepare for intubation

d. Administer oxygen while calling for help

Pre Sim- Kenneth Bronson

1.What is the classification of epinephrine? What are some indications for its use?

2.List the steps used, in the correct order, to administer a Z-track injection into a patient’s gluteus maximus.

3.The nurse is to administer 0.5 g of Rocephin. The available dose of Rocephin is 1000 mg in 2cc of NSS. How many ccs will the nurse administer?

4.What are some of the causes of pneumonia? What are some signs and symptoms of pneumonia?

5.Which laboratory and diagnostic exams would confirm a diagnosis of pneumonia?

6.What are some common signs and symptoms of a mild allergic reaction?

Pre Sim- Marilyn Hughes

1. What types of fractures can occur in the body? Which fractures require surgical repair?

2. What complications can occur to someone after having surgery involving general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia?

3. Which diagnostic test are necessary to collect prior to a patient’s surgery? What abnormal values may preclude and individual from having surgery?

4. Discuss the pathology and pharmacological treatment of compartment syndrome.

5. Discuss the clinical manifestations and treatment of compartment syndrome.

Pre Sim – Lloyd Bennett

What different types of blood products may be ordered for a patient with a low hemoglobin and hematocrit?

2.A nurse must administer 70 mg of Lovenox. The dose on hand is 80 mg per ml. How many ml will the nurse administer to the patient?

3.A patient has blood infusing at 125 ml/hr. The patient’s temperature climbs to 100.7°F. What type of blood administration reaction is this person experiencing?

4.What causes an acute hemolytic reaction to blood or blood products?

5.What precautions does the nurse take when preparing to deliver blood to an individual with respect to preventing a hemolytic reaction?

6.A patient has had an acute hemolytic reaction to a unit of blood. The nurse has stopped the blood and notified the physician. What is the nurse’s next course of action with regard to the patient and the transfusion reaction?

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