

Critical Appraisal of a Quantitative Study Assignment Guideline and Rubric The goals of this assignment are to: 1.


Assist students in understanding the basic process of conducting a literature review/critical appraisal. 2. Assist students in understanding the beginning process of conducting an evidence-based practice review. 3. Provide students with the beginnings of scientifically based knowledge on a selected procedure/topic related to nursing research. Steps of the process: 1. Select a topic with instructor’s approval. Important because some articles that have been shown to me are not research quantitative nor qualitative research studies that have come from refereed journals. Article can be quantitative or qualitative and preferably from a nursing research journal. (Please submit article to me by end of the day on Monday because I must critique it in order to be able to evaluate your critique.) 2. Appraise the article critically using the guidelines provided in Chapter 12. This is the information provided in the syllabus.. 3. Prepare a presentation to facilitate where a/the group member(s) discuss aspects of the critique. (See guidelines/questions below.) Power point is suggested because it may provide creativity and generate audience interest. Information to include in the report (see examples on pages 433-442) Research Problem and Purpose Why is the problem significant to nursing? • Will the study problem and purpose generate or refine knowledge for nursing practice? Literature Review • How current is the literature review? • Does the literature review provide rationale and direction for the study? • Is a clear, concise summary presented of the current empirical and theoretical knowledge in the area of study? Study Framework • Is the framework/theoretical basis presented with clarity? • If a map or model is presented, is it adequate to explain the phenomenon of concern? • If a proposition from a theory is tested, is the proposition clearly identified and linked to the study hypotheses? Research Objectives, Questions, or Hypotheses • Are the objectives, questions, or hypotheses expressed clearly? • Are the objectives, questions, or hypotheses logically linked to the research purpose and framework? • Are the research objectives, questions, or hypotheses linked to concepts and relationships from the framework? 1 Variables • Do the variables reflect the concepts identified in the framework? • Are the variables clearly defined? • Is the conceptual definition of a variable consistent with the operational definition? Method/Design . What type of research is it? Explain. • How were study subjects selected? • Are any subjects excluded from the study based on age, socioeconomic status, or race, without a sound rationale? • If more than one group is used, do the groups appear equivalent? • Are the rights of human subjects protected? • Is the setting used in the study typical of clinical settings? Measurements What are the instruments that were used to measure variables and if they are scales and questionnaires did the investigator(s) clearly describe them, especially the reliability/validity of the instruments? If data were collected by observation as in qualitative studies are the phenomena to be observed clearly identified and defined? Is interrater and intrarater reliability described? Are the techniques for recording observations described? Interviews Do the interview questions address concerns expressed in the research problem? Are the interview questions relevant for the research purpose and objectives, questions, or hypotheses? Physiological Measures • Are the physiological measures or instruments clearly described? Are the methods for recording data from the physiological measures clearly described? • Data Collection and Analysis • Is the data collection process clearly described? • Is the training of data collectors clearly described and adequate? Are the results presented in an understandable way? Interpretation of Findings • • • Are findings discussed in relation to each objective, question, or hypothesis? Are the findings clinically significant? Do you believe that there are limitations that the investigator(s) did not identify? Evaluation • What do you determine are the major strengths/weaknesses of the study? • To what populations can the findings be generalized? • What questions emerge from the findings, and are these identified by the researcher? • What future research can be envisioned? Can the study be replicated by other researchers? 2 • How do findings inform your practice as a nurse? • When the findings are examined based on previous studies, what is now known and not known about the phenomenon under study? That is, are the findings consistent with those from previous studies? Does the author indicate the implication of the findings for practice? What are the implications of the findings for nursing practice? • 3 NURS 400 – INTRODUCTION TO NURSING RESEARCH Rubric for evaluation of research critique NURS 400 – INTRODUCTION TO NURSING RESEARCH Rubric for evaluation of research critique TITLE OF ARTICLE: CRITERIA Value % % Earned COMMENTS STRUCTURE Evaluation of overall Critique 90% Introduction (10%) Title of article How was article selected Purpose of the study Paper logically arranged to address main points of criteria for critique: (70%) Statement of the problem Hypotheses Theoretical framework Literature review Variables Operational definition(s) Sample Instruments Data collection and analysis Results 4 Summary: (10%) Conclusions/How do findings inform nursing practice? APA 10% Where necessary uses APA format correctly (5%) Uses correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Article critiqued is from peer reviewed journal (5%) FINAL GRADE 100% 100% 5 Assignment Resources Bowie State University Department of Nursing, School of Professional Studies NURS 400- Introduction to Nursing Research Data analysis – 5 points 1. Are the statistical tests used identified and the values reported? 2. Are appropriate statistics used, according to level of measurement, sample size, sampling method, and hypotheses/research questions? Results – 6 points 1. Are the results for each hypothesis clearly and objectively presented? 2. Do the figures and tables illuminate the presentation of results’? 3. Are results described in light of the theoretical framework and supporting literature? Conclusions/discussion -12 points 1. Are conclusions based on the results and related to the hypotheses’? 2. Are study limitations identified? 3. Are generalizations made within the scope of the findings? 4. Are implications of findings discussed (i.e., for practice, education, and research)? 5. Are recommendations for further research stated? Research utilization implications – 15 points 1. Is the study of sufficient quality to meet the criterion of scientific merit’? 2. Is the study of relevance to practice? 3. Is the study feasible for nurses to implement? 4. Do the benefits of the study outweigh the risks? Use of proper format (APA), grammar, spelling, and punctuation – 17 points Student Paper General Requirements and Guidelines 1. All papers must be typewritten or printed on standard 81/2 x 11 inch white bond paper. The type-face should be times roman or courier. Do not use bold or other styles of type. Limit the use of italicized words. 2. All papers must have a title page that includes a page header, running head, title and author’s name and affiliation. 3. All papers must have margins of at least 1 inch at the top, bottom, left, and right of every page. Do not justify the right margin and do not hyphenate words at the end of a line. 4. The entire paper must be double-spaced including the reference list. 5. The first line of every paragraph in the paper must be indented 5 spaces. 6. There must be only 1 space after commas, colons, semi-colons, punctuation marks at the end of sentences, and periods after initials. 7. Headings may be used to organize the paper into sections. 8. The reference list must include only those references cited in the text of the paper. 9. All ideas that are not your own must be cited within the text of the paper and referenced in the reference list. Failure to do so is PLAGIARISM. 11. Limit the use of direct quotes by paraphrasing ideas taken from references. These paraphrases do need to include citation of the author(s). 12. The citation after direct quotes must include the page number of the reference that is being quoted. TOTAL POINTS Fauthors in the boch paper 5 10 pages/ Ane 23rd April Bowie State University Department of Nursing, School of Professional Studies NURS 400- Introduction to Nursing Research Quantitative Research Evaluation Listed below are criteria that you will use to critique your primary research article. Discuss how the investigator satisfied each criterion. Cite relevant passages in the articles, with reference to page number if appropriate. Don’t merely respond “yes” or “no’ to the presence or absence of each criterion you must provide examples and rationale for your response. Introduction – 6 points 1. Is the purpose of the study presented? 2. Is the significance (importance) of the problem discussed? 3. Does the investigator provide a sense of what he or she is doing and why? Problem statement – 6 points 1. Is the problem statement clear? 2. Does the investigator identify key research questions and variables to be examined? 3. Does the study have the potential to help solve a problem that is currently faced in clinical practice? Literature review – 6 points 1. Does the literature review follow a logical sequence leading to a critical review of supporting and conflicting prior work? 2. Is the relationship of the study to previous research clear? 3. Does the investigator describe gaps in the literature and support the necessity of the present study? Theoretical framework and hypotheses – 6 points 1. Is a rationale stated for the theoretical/conceptual framework? 2. Does the investigator clearly state the theoretical basis for hypothesis formulation? 3. Is the hypothesis stated precisely and in a form that permits it to be tested? Methodology – 10 points 1. Are the relevant variables and concepts clearly and operationally defined? 2. Is the design appropriate for the research questions or hypotheses? 3. Are methods of data collection sufficiently described’? 4. What are the identified and potential threats to internal and external validity that were present in the study? 5. If there was more than one data collector, was inter-rater reliability adequate? Sample – 6 points 1. Are the subjects and sampling methods described? 2. Is the sample of sufficient size for the study, given the number of variables and design? 3. Is there adequate assurance that the rights of human subjects were protected? Instruments – 5 points 1. Are appropriate instruments for data collection used? 2. Are reliability and validity of the measurement instruments adequate?
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