Power Point – 4 Slides.

Power Point – 4 Slides.

Orem’s Self Care Deficit Theory Presented by: Lauren Cappelletti, Jill Kaiser, Lorena Hernandez, and Elyse Shifren Apri


l 22nd, 2018 Agenda • • • • • Self care Orem’s Self Care Deficit Theory Subtheories Explained Incorporation of the four metaparadigm concepts. Ways in which this nursing conceptual model could be used to improve nursing practice with explanation. Self Care (Lauren) • Learned behavior to sustain life • Individualized state of well being Orem’s Theory Defined (Lauren) • • • • • Deliberate All people can benefit from nursing Occurs during periods of health related limitations Incapable of self care Dependency of others Subtheories (Lorena ) • The theory of nursing systems • The theory of self-care deficits • The theory of self-care Theory of Nursing Systems (Lorena ) Theory of Self Care Deficits Lorena The Theory of Self Care Lorena The Four Metaparadigm Concepts Jill • • • • Person Environment Health Nursing How Can We Improve Nursing Practice? (Lauren) 1. How Can We Improve Nursing Practice? Jill • 2. How Can We Improve Nursing Practice? • 3. How Can We Improve Nursing Practice? • 4. References
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