HIT Denver School of Nursing Wk 9 Mobile Access Privacy Concerns Discussion

HIT Denver School of Nursing Wk 9 Mobile Access Privacy Concerns Discussion




Due: Sunday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time

In this writing assignment, you will write a one-page paper in which you describe privacy concerns pertaining to mobile access of informatics systems.


Step 1 Think about privacy concerns in relationship to mobile access in your own clinical practice in the workplace.

Step 2 Include responses to the following questions as you write your paper:

  • In what ways might the mobile access of healthcare informatics systems be used in your clinical setting?
  • What concerns would you have about the mobile access of healthcare informatics systems in your clinical setting?
  • How could these concerns be addressed to ensure privacy or confidentiality?
  • Provide a recent example of a patient’s security breech from the news and explain how it could be prevented.

Cite any sources in APA format. HIT Denver School of Nursing Wk 9 Mobile Access Privacy Concerns Discussion

NUR 325 Denver School of Nursing Wk 9 Delivery of Health Care Discussion

NUR 325 Denver School of Nursing Wk 9 Delivery of Health Care Discussion


In this discussion forum, you will explore the use of evidence-based practices (EBP) in the delivery of health care.

In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peer’s posts by Friday at 11:59pm MT. Cite any sources in APA format.


Click on the Discussion Board link above to participate in this week’s discussion.

Step 1 Post a response to the discussion board.

Respond to the following prompts and, if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience:

  • Discuss one example of when and how EBP impacted the quality of care delivered in nursing.
  • How has EBP influenced overall health care delivery? NUR 325 Denver School of Nursing Wk 9 Delivery of Health Care Discussion

NUR 335 Denver School of Nursing Wk 9 Health Care in Vulnerable Populations Paper

NUR 335 Denver School of Nursing Wk 9 Health Care in Vulnerable Populations Paper

In this discussion forum, you will identify disparities of health care in vulnerable populations.

In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peer’s posts by Friday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time. Cite any sources in APA format.


Click on the Discussion Board link above to participate in this week’s discussion.

Step 1 Answer the following prompts in your initial post due Wednesday at 11:59 pm Mountain Time:

Identify a vulnerable population that you see in your caseload or that lives in your community.
Describe the effect of disparities of health services to that population on health-promotion outcomes. NUR 335 Denver School of Nursing Wk 9 Health Care in Vulnerable Populations Paper

NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 6 Qualitative Research Discussion

NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 6 Qualitative Research Discussion


Step 1 Before you focus on your specific topic, consider these questions:

  • What is qualitative research methodology?
  • What types of qualitative research questions would best help you obtain useful qualitative information to improve your research?
  • How would you approach qualitative research methodology in a study relating to your problem of interest?

Step 2 Consider the following questions before posting to the discussion board:

  • Why do we do it this way?
  • Are there better ways to assess or intervene?
  • Do patients with a specific intervention/assessment have better outcomes?


Step 3 Post a response to the discussion board.

In your initial post, respond to the following questions:

  • Consider your research problem/research question. How could you study your topic using qualitative research— specifically, what type of qualitative research questions would you use and why?
  • Explain qualitative research methodology and what types of research questions benefit from qualitative studies.
  • Explain how you would approach studying your problem of interest using qualitative research methodology.
  • Outline the steps you would take and propose a research problem, purpose statement and research question
  • What are some assumptions and limitations in your study? NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 6 Qualitative Research Discussion

NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 6 Spread of Tuberculosis Discussion

NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 6 Spread of Tuberculosis Discussion




Step 1: Choose ONE of the following communicable or tropical diseases:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Hepatitis B
  • Zika virus
  • Yellow Fever
  • Typhoid Fever

Step #2: Determine the mode of transmission for your chosen disease

Step #3: Analyze maps, statistics and reports showing the incidence and spread of your chosen disease worldwide. How has the spread of the disease changed over time? What commonalities do you see between countries with high rates of the disease? Discuss the implication of the disease related to population-based nursing in developing countries. NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 6 Spread of Tuberculosis Discussion


Your post should be 2-3 paragraphs long, following the outlined in the discussion rubric under course materials. In addition, respond to at least two classmates. Use a professional tone when interacting with your peers. Please add to the discussion with informative responses, instead of posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.” Make sure that your post and your peer responses are posted by the deadline. Your initial post is due by Wednesday at 11:59 pm and your peer responses are due by Sunday at 11:59 pm. APA guidelines and plagiarism prevention matter in discussion posts just like with other scholarly works. Cite all references appropriately using APA format.

Denver School of Nursing Week 7 Populations in Actions Discussion

Denver School of Nursing Week 7 Populations in Actions Discussion


Step 1 Reflect on your proposed research question or problem of interest.

Step 2 Post a response to the discussion board responding to the following questions:

  • Who/what is the population of interest in your proposed study, and why is this population being used to consider the research question?
  • What is the difference between target and accessible populations?
  • What is the target population for this study?
  • What is an accessible population for this study?
  • How will the sample reflect the target population?
  • What exclusion criteria exist, if any?


Step 3 Develop a PICO question that fits your search for literature

Step 4 Read and respond to two other students’ posts by Friday 11:59pm MT. Denver School of Nursing Week 7 Populations in Actions Discussion

Denver School of Nursing Week 7 The Patient Centered Medical Home Model Discussion

Denver School of Nursing Week 7 The Patient Centered Medical Home Model Discussion


Step 1. The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model, also known as a health home, is a health care delivery model designed to improve access to care, increase quality, and reduce costs. Familiarize yourself with the PCMH model. Use these websites or research them on your own.


The Medical Home Model of Care

How the Affordable Care Act Will Strengthen the Nation’s Primary Care Foundation

Health Policy Gateway

Step 2: For this discussion, select one of the health care delivery settings discussed in chapters 33-39 (e.g. home health/hospice, long term care, the VA system, retail/nursing clinics, community health centers) and consider ways in which the setting could incorporate aspects of the PCMH model. Specifically address access, quality, and cost. Finally, discuss the nurse’s role in advocating for these changes. If possible, share your own experiences and example of this model (or related principles).

Step 3: Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59 pm MT.

Cite any sources in APA format. Denver School of Nursing Week 7 The Patient Centered Medical Home Model Discussion

Denver School of Nursing Week 7 Women Health Needs Article and Intervention Analysis

Denver School of Nursing Week 7 Women Health Needs Article and Intervention Analysis


To create your initial post to this discussion forum, complete the following steps.

Step 1: Find an article.
Identify one peer-reviewed article from a nursing journal focused on the health needs of one of the following populations in the United States:

  • Women
  • Children and adolescents
  • Families

Step 2: Read the article.
Critically read the article. While you read, note the audience targeted by the article, the purpose of the article, how evidence is incorporated into the nursing implications, the major ideas of the article, whether the article makes sense, whether the conclusions are logical, and so on.

Step 3: Summarize the article and propose a population-based intervention
Summarize the article, including the audience and purpose of the article, as well as the implications for population-based nursing. Based on the information in the article, propose one population-focused intervention. Make sure that you use APA format to properly cite the article. Denver School of Nursing Week 7 Women Health Needs Article and Intervention Analysis


Step 4: Post to the discussion forum.
Post the summary of your article to the discussion forum.

In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by Sunday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time. Read other students’ article summaries and respond to at least two other students’ postings that focused on the health needs of two populations that were different from the one you chose. (Step 1 lists the three populations.) What else do you want to know about the health need? Comment and/or expand on the implications for population-based nursing posed for the other two populations. Give suggestions for enhancing the proposed interventions. Expand on aspects of population-based and community-based nursing as defined by others that are different from or complementary to your own ideas.

Your initial post should be 2-3 paragraphs long and follow the requirements outlined in the discussion rubric. Please add to the discussion in your peer responses with informative responses, instead of posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.” The initial post and the peer responses have different deadlines. Make sure that your discussion adheres to these deadlines.

APA guidelines and plagiarism prevention matter in discussion posts just like with other scholarly assignments. Cite all references appropriately using APA format. Denver School of Nursing Week 7 Women Health Needs Article and Intervention Analysis

NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 7 Sampling Techniques Presentation

NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 7 Sampling Techniques Presentation


Due: Sunday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time

In this assignment, you will create a presentation that reflects on your proposed problem of interest and evaluates sampling techniques that would create a meaningful study pertaining to this problem.

Step 1: Reflect on your proposed research question or problem of interest.

Step 2: Consider different sampling techniques.

Think about how you would compare and contrast the following sampling techniques:

  • Simple Random Sample
  • Stratified Random Sample
  • Cluster Random Sample
  • Systematic Random Sample

Consider which of these sampling techniques you might employ for your research study. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Step 3: Consider who your audience might be if you were to deliver your presentation in person.

  • What would you want them to know about this topic?
  • What would you expect them to already know? NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 7 Sampling Techniques Presentation


Step 4: Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation that that evaluates and briefly summarizes the various sampling techniques listed in Step 2. Describe the sampling technique(s) you will use in your research and explain how your choice of sampling technique(s) will help you to create a meaningful study cohort.

Address the following questions in your presentation:

  • Who/what will your proposed sample consist of?
  • How will subjects be recruited?
  • Are there any special considerations about your population of interest that might pose barriers to obtaining a sample?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the sampling method(s) you plan to use?
  • What potentials for error and bias related to sampling exist?

Step 5: Review your presentation to ensure that you are using best practices for formatting slides.

  • Include a title screen and summary screen.
  • Avoid making slides too text heavy or dense with text. As a guideline, limit text on each slide to five bullet points of six words each.
  • If using graphics, be sure that they are professional, reinforce your points, and are not used merely for decoration.
  • Be sure to add what you would say if delivering the presentation to a live audience in the notes section of each slide. NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 7 Sampling Techniques Presentation

Make sure that the format of your presentation is professional and visually attractive. Cite any sources in APA format.

Step 6: Save and submit your assignment

When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy of the paper to your instructor. NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 7 Sampling Techniques Presentation

See the rubric

for the grading details.

NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Phenytoin for Treatment of Pressure Ulcers Discussion

NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Phenytoin for Treatment of Pressure Ulcers Discussion

NUR435 Discussion post:

Step 1 Review an article.

Using the Cochrane Collaboration website, browse a topic of interest related to your nursing practice. Find a peer-review research article in your area of interest and read the article.

Step 2 Post a summary of the article.

Post a brief summary of the article and results.

Step 3 Answer additional questions.

After providing the article summary, answer the following questions:

Describe how this EBP research supports your practice.
If your practice is different than the recommendations in the evidence-based article, how could you use this article to support your practice?
Step 4 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them and cite your references using APA 7th edition. NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Phenytoin for Treatment of Pressure Ulcers Discussion


Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. In your responses, offer your peers one description of an EBP that you use at your workplace. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

NUR435 Student Posts:
Student #1: The article I chose to read about is one concerning the interventions for the treatment of persistent, post COVID-19 olfactory dysfunction. Time and time again the patients I help treat and my own family members have reported this annoying and lingering symptom that occurs after they have been diagnosed with COVID-19. I found this article practical as it gives pointers and recommendations on how to manage symptoms.

“The treatment, in this case, was a course of steroid tablets, given with a nasal spray consisting of a mix of steroids, decongestant, and an agent that breaks down mucus. The researchers followed them for 40 days. They found that systemic corticosteroids and nasal irrigation with an intranasal corticosteroid/decongestant/mucolytic compared to NO treatment yielded restoring the sense of smell back to normal in 40 days.” (Cochrane Data Base, 2021).

This EBP research article supports my practice by providing this information that I could potentially share with doctors caring for the patients and recommend nasal spray and steroids if they are not already on them. This article is a resource to use to support EBP if and when a patient, family member, or friend discloses that they are experiencing these types of symptoms. NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Phenytoin for Treatment of Pressure Ulcers Discussion

Student #2: “The peer review research article that sparked my interest is regarding thrombectomy and intra-arterial interventions for acute care in ischemic stroke patients. Since I use to work in the Neuro ICU and my younger sister has cerebral palsy, it has always been near and dear to me. Stroke is the third leading cause of death and disability in the United States. This article evaluates whether or not each of these interventions provide better outcomes than standard stroke treatment which normally consist of TPA or TNK. Treatment with endovascular thrombectomy and intra-arterial interventions can improve patients’ chance of survival with the ability to function well without increasing the risk of bleeding in the brain or death (Roaldsen et al., 2021).

This evidenced based practice supports my practice due to the underlying interventions we provide to our ischemic stroke patients such as these that increase their brain and their ability to function. Depending on their condition, I have witnessed patients come from the OR via thrombectomy able to regain full function of their affected limbs and/or speech. Of course, the window of treatment and the risk of converting into a bleed can decrease the chances of brain tissue survival. Overall treatment can reduce the risk of death by greater than 50%. I stand by thrombectomy and intra-arterial interventions when the chances of survival are greater.


NUR445 Discussion Post:

Step 1: Consider a problem related to health that impacts society that is important to address. Why do you believe this problem is important to society in general? Use data to explain your reasons. Outline a policy recommendation to address this problem, Why do you suppose that this policy would be successful in addressing the problem? What impact in health outcomes do you expect to see if the policy is enacted? NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Phenytoin for Treatment of Pressure Ulcers Discussion

Step 2: Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them and cite your references using APA 7th edition.

Respond to your classmates by discussing any potential barriers you can foresee during the implementation of their policy recommendation. List some strategies to resolve these problems.

NUR445 Student Posts:
Student#1: One thing that impacts society is Healthcare gap. There are a number of challenges when it comes to receiving quality healthcare, particularly in the U.S. Despite the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, gaps in coverage remain, particularly with mental health resources. The U.S. spends more on healthcare for individuals than any other country, but that increase in expenditure has not translated to higher life expediencies for Americans (9 biggest social justice issues of 2020, 2020). I feel this is a important problem in society because everyone needs some type of healthcare. People with mental health issues and serious health issues will not go see a doctor because of lack of healthcare

Public health policy exists at the intersection between medical experts, state and federal legislators, health educators and the broader healthcare system. Through close collaboration, government officials and clinical caregivers work to eliminate health inequalities, spotlight emerging health risks and develop actionable solutions based on the latest scientific knowledge(Public health policy: problem and solution,2021). Over time, certain public health policies may need to be revised or completely replaced to stay relevant. If this policy work more people should be able to get healthcare.

Student #2: Society is critical for us to thrive. A problem related to health that impacts society that is important to address is mental health and problems related to mental health such as mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, psychotic disorders etc. Unaddressed mental health problems can have negative impact on society as a whole. Mental health is important to society because not only does it affect your physical health, it determines how we handle everyday activities including how we think, feel and act. This is crucial when making healthy life choices.

Mental Health America takes a unique approach to policy. MHA is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness (children, adolescents, adults and elders) and to promoting overall mental health including suicide prevention and access to crisis care. This policy includes expanding coverage for affordable access to mental health care. This policy would be successful in addressing the problem because their main focus is early identification and intervention for those at risk, integrated care, services, and supports for those who need it, with recovery as the goal (“Public”, 2021). If this policy is enacted early intervention and prevention of mental health will be prioritized. NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Phenytoin for Treatment of Pressure Ulcers Discussion