NUR 415 Denver School Week 10 Nurses Appointment to Boards Discussion

NUR 415 Denver School Week 10 Nurses Appointment to Boards Discussion


Step 1: Reflect on your personal views related to nurses’ being appointed to boards, organizations or other policy forming entities.

Step 2: Post a response to the discussion board by addressing the following questions:

  1. Why would a nurse want to seek an appointed position in government?
  2. How would you prepare for consideration to an appointed position?
  3. Give examples of how nurses can affect public policy in various appointed positions.

Step 3: Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59 pm MT. Cite any sources in APA format.

Response Posts: In your responses to your classmates, contribute to the discussion with your own original opinions about why a nurse would seek an appointed position in government and offer other examples of how nurses can affect public policy. NUR 415 Denver School Week 10 Nurses Appointment to Boards Discussion


Discussion 1

In addition to providing care and services to their patients, nurses can also help and care for their patient by advocating for them. Nurses can influence policy by advocating for a unique point of view. There are a lot of reasons why nurses may want to seek out an appointed position in government, but one prime and ultimate reason is so that they can advocate on behalf of the patients and impact healthcare policies. By seeking out government appointed placements, nurses may be able to set laws that work towards the safety of their patients (Maryland & Gonzalez, 2012).

In order to prepare for consideration to an appointed position, I will make sure to carry out a personal research on the position that is up for consideration. I would also make sure to seek advice and counsel from people who have past experiences with the position. In addition, I will continue by researching to the constituent in which the appointed position is.

When given appointed positions, nurses can influence public policies by working collaboratively with others to address health policy issues on both local and national levels (Burke, 2016). Moreover, nurses could make an impact by supporting good healthcare causes and by helping on committees. NUR 415 Denver School Week 10 Nurses Appointment to Boards Discussion

Discussion 2

Week 10 Discussion

A nurse might want to seek a position in government so they can represent the interests of colleagues, influence healthcare policy, and uphold the obligation of public service in the nursing profession (Guide to Getting Appointed to Your State Boards of Nursing, n.d.). I would prepare to seek an appointed position by becoming familiar with demographics and health issues, speaking with other health care professionals, studying policies and procedures, and becoming more politically active. Nurses can join professional nursing organizations, undertake internships, and run for state office as a way to affect public policy. Nurses can also affect public policy by expanding legal rights and enforcing legal and regulatory requirements (Nursing Roles and Specialists, n.d.). NUR 415 Denver School Week 10 Nurses Appointment to Boards Discussion

NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 10 Analysis in Action Discussion

NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 10 Analysis in Action Discussion



Step 1 Reflect on your proposed research question or problem of interest.

Quantitative Research Reflection

  • In your proposed study, what data collection instrument could you use and why?
  • What types of data would you expect to obtain?
  • What statistical analysis packages would best help you analyze your data?

Qualitative Research Reflection

  • In your proposed study, what data collection procedures could you use?
  • What data collection procedures are best suited to the proposed qualitative research?
  • What types of data would you expect to obtain?
  • What steps could you take to interpret your qualitative research findings?

Step 2 Post a response to the discussion board.

In your initial post, consider your proposed quantitative or qualitative study and respond to the following prompts:

  • Evaluate the statistical-analysis packages available for quantitative research. Which statistical-analysis packages would be most beneficial for the examination of quantitative data within your study?
  • What statistical calculations would you have the proposed statistical-analysis package calculate to help you interpret your findings and formulate conclusions?
  • Discuss the qualitative data-analysis procedures you would employ to analyze data and interpret the findings obtained in your proposed qualitative study. NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 10 Analysis in Action Discussion


Discussion 1

The most beneficial statistical-analysis package for my examination would be an independent t-test. A t-test is used to compare the difference of 2 groups (Bevans,2020). The independent t-test will be choose because although both groups will be tested for seizures; the groups will be broken up to those who have a diagnosis of seizures versus those who are at risk for seizures. To conduct the independent t-test a hypothesis will be formulated: Can a seizure be successful induced and treated in patient with a diagnosis of epilepsy as well as a patient at risk for epilepsy. To interpret my findings both patients will be set up for EEG treatment and the normal process of treatment will be conducted. The patients will then be individually interviewed on what they think could have been done better or differently. If seizures can be induced in both diagnosis ed patients with epilepsy and those at risk for epilepsy; safe ways to treat the condition can be implemented. This could help EEG testing shift from “trying to pinpoint” previous seizure activity to “stopping” seizure activity before it happens.

Bevans, R. (2020, May 20). Choosing the Right Statistical Test: Types and Examples. Retrieved from…

Discussion 2

Statistical-analysis tools make it easier to sort through the data gathered in research. They can be as simple or manual in an Access data table or Excel spreadsheet or more complex and more automatic with a tool such as the Statistical Package for Social Science. (Data and Statistics for Social Sciences (n.d.) NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 10 Analysis in Action Discussion

Excel is user friendly, and I have quite a bit of experience in both Excel and Access tables so these would be the tools I would be most comfortable in utilizing. Excel can easily create charts and graphs from the data as to quickly see the comparable or contrasting results in my research participants showing if there is any adverse effect in long-term prophylactic use of H2 Blockers. Access tables organize the data to allow me to pull queries of data from questionnaires, physician check-ups, etc. The questionnaires could even be in an Access table for the participants to answer them for the data to be accessed quicker. These tables could also be exported to excel to create graphs or charts.


Data and Statistics for Social Sciences: (n.d.). Retrieved from

NUR 425 Denver School Week 10 Public Health Responsibility Discussion

NUR 425 Denver School Week 10 Public Health Responsibility Discussion


Step 1: In your initial post to this discussion forum, respond to the following prompts. Include personal and practice-related experiences or observations as examples that support your response.

  1. Choose a disaster that has occurred in the United States within the last 20 years
  2. Describe at least 2 actions that were taken in one of the following stages of the disaster response. What stage of disaster response? What was done, and which agency, organization or individuals completed these actions?
  • Pre-disaster Stage
  • Impact Stage
  • Emergency Stage
  • Recovery Stage
  • Evaluation Stage

3. Analyze the impact of these actions on the disaster recovery

Discussion 1

In 2013, President Obama declared a major disaster for Oklahoma after one of the deadliest tornadoes went through the southern area of Oklahoma City, Newcastle, and Moore, Oklahoma (Peer, 2018). By declaring a major disaster, it made federal funding available to help support those that were affected in the Cleveland, Lincoln, McClain, Oklahoma, and Pottawatomia counties in Oklahoma. In the Emergency Stage, three national Urban Search and Rescue Teams and an Incident Support Team were deployed and FEMA activated the National Response Coordination Center (Anderson, 2013). The Search and Rescue Teams and Incident Support teams helped with providing support for immediate response efforts. The activation of the National Response Coordination Center helped with coordination of the federal response and supported Oklahoma’s requests for assistance. The Moore tornado led to $2 billion worth of damage in Moore, Oklahoma, killed 24 people, and destroyed two schools and 300 homes (Peer, 2018). The World Vision staff arrived in Moore, Oklahoma within 24 hours and provided emergency supplies, essentials, and building materials to rebuild homes. NUR 425 Denver School Week 10 Public Health Responsibility Discussion


Anderson, L. (2013). Oklahoma Tornado Response & How to Help. Retrieved from

Peer, A. (2018). 2013 Moore, Oklahoma, tornado Facts, FAQs and How to Help. Retrieved from

Discussion 2

In 2013, President Obama declared a major disaster for Oklahoma after one of the deadliest tornadoes went through the southern area of Oklahoma City, Newcastle, and Moore, Oklahoma (Peer, 2018). By declaring a major disaster, it made federal funding available to help support those that were affected in the Cleveland, Lincoln, McClain, Oklahoma, and Pottawatomia counties in Oklahoma. In the Emergency Stage, three national Urban Search and Rescue Teams and an Incident Support Team were deployed and FEMA activated the National Response Coordination Center (Anderson, 2013). The Search and Rescue Teams and Incident Support teams helped with providing support for immediate response efforts. The activation of the National Response Coordination Center helped with coordination of the federal response and supported Oklahoma’s requests for assistance. The Moore tornado led to $2 billion worth of damage in Moore, Oklahoma, killed 24 people, and destroyed two schools and 300 homes (Peer, 2018). The World Vision staff arrived in Moore, Oklahoma within 24 hours and provided emergency supplies, essentials, and building materials to rebuild homes.

Anderson, L. (2013). Oklahoma Tornado Response & How to Help. Retrieved from

Peer, A. (2018). 2013 Moore, Oklahoma, tornado Facts, FAQs and How to Help. Retrieved from NUR 425 Denver School Week 10 Public Health Responsibility Discussion

NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Consequences of Diabetic Neuropathy PPT

NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Consequences of Diabetic Neuropathy PPT

In this experiential learning assignment, you will prepare a presentation in which you discuss the significance, influence, and strength of the evidence supporting a current recommendation to healthcare practice.

Step 1: To complete this experiential learning assignment, you will be logging into The Neighborhood. The Neighborhood is a virtual community that enables you to achieve a deep understanding of total patient care. The Neighborhood’s stories, activities, and case studies on more than 40 characters provide a 360°-view of a client’s life. The Neighborhood will enhance the skills you use daily in the nursing profession.


Click on Accessing and Using The Neighborhood Click for more options
for directions to enter the virtual community.
Select the link watch the video for further instruction on The Neighborhood.
Click the “Neighborhood” link to access the neighborhood simulation.
Step 2: Select a character (setting/population) from The Neighborhood with a disease/intervention/issue that is of clinical interest. NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Consequences of Diabetic Neuropathy PPT

The clinical topic should have relevance to nursing.
The topic might be problem focused or knowledge focused.
Step 3: View the episodes related to that character to become familiar with the issue(s).

Clearly state a purpose, aim, or objective for the project.
Use of a PICO format (Populations/People/Patient/Problem-Intervention(s)-Comparison-Outcome) would be helpful in considering the clinical question.
The clinical question should be stated from a consumer’s (nurse’s) perspective rather than from a researcher’s perspective.
Step 4: Research the current state of the evidence for the clinical topic.

Retrieve current EBP guidelines using the selected setting/population.
Identify a change or improvement if one is evident.
Validate current practice if no change is suggested.
Step 5: Identify the proposed change based on the evidence retrieved and create a 12- to 14-slide presentation to illustrate your work. In your presentation:


Identify a relevant nursing topic that is identified as problem focused, knowledge focused, or both.
Identify a purpose, aim, or objective for the project.
Show the use of a PICO format in developing the clinical question.
State the clinical question from a consumer’s (nurse’s) perspective rather than from a researcher’s perspective.
Discuss the current state of the evidence for the clinical topic.
Include current EBP guidelines using the selected setting/population.
Identify a change or improvement if one is evident.
Validate current practice if no change is suggested. NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Consequences of Diabetic Neuropathy PPT
Address two or three strategies to implement the proposed change to improve clinical practice based on evidence (patient, healthcare provider, or agency).
Identify two facilitators and two barriers to the identified change.
Identify two ways to evaluate the effectiveness of the change in practice.
Step 6: Review your presentation to ensure that you are using best practices for formatting slides.

Include a title screen and summary screen.
Avoid making slides too text heavy or dense with text. As a guideline, limit text on each slide to five bullet points of six words each.
If using graphics, be sure that they are professional, reinforce your points, and are not used merely for decoration.
Be sure to add what you would say if delivering the presentation to a live audience in the notes section of each slide.
Cite any sources in APA format.

Step 7: Save and submit your assignment. NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Consequences of Diabetic Neuropathy PPT

NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Selected Community Setting Discussion

NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Selected Community Setting Discussion


Step 1: In your initial post to this discussion forum, respond to the following prompts. Include personal and practice-related experiences or observations as examples that support your response.

Propose a new community health program that could address a population-level health need. Include the following points:

  • A description of the health need
  • An explanation of the program, including the community health agency that would administer it
  • Hypothesize potential health benefits for the population if the program was implemented. Support your opinion with evidence (impact of similar programs or other evidence) NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Selected Community Setting Discussion


Step 2: Your initial post should be 2-3 paragraphs in length. In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by Sunday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time. Read other students’ postings and respond to at least two other students’ postings. What else would you like to know about this setting? Speculate on how you could expand or enhance the community health nurse’s role and effectiveness in the community. Use a professional tone when interacting with your peers. Cite all of your references in APA format.

Discussion 1

The population health need I chose was childhood obesity. “In 2019, an estimated 38.2 million children were overweight or obese” (World Health Organization, 2020). The most common cause of childhood obesity is due to unhealthy eating and lack of physical activity. A new community health program that would address childhood obesity is a program that requires exercise sessions and healthy eating strategies. Fruits and vegetables need to be offered rather than chips. The exercise session would go based on age. Exercises would include jump roping, running, biking, and dancing. The community health agency that I would have administer it is the local community health center. They are the ones that help support health and well-being of the community. I think that there would be many benefits to this program. I think this program may also help get parents involved too. The benefits of this program would be that it improves cognitive function and musculoskeletal issues in children. “Obesity during childhood can greatly influence brain development, and researchers have argued that the excess weight is associated with cognitive dysfunction” (Luque, 2019). NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Selected Community Setting Discussion


World Health Organization. (2020, April). Obesity and overweight. Retrieved June 14, 2020, from…

Luque, M. (2019, December 30). Stand Up To Childhood Obesity: How Fitness Pros Can Impact The Future. Retrieved June 14, 2020, from…

Discussion 2

Healthy eating and healthy lifestyle behaviors can be difficult for many families to achieve. The health need that I will be focusing on is childhood obesity and the need for health education regarding healthy eating and healthy lifestyle behaviors.

The program would be implemented at schools where children spend most of their time. As the program is implemented at schools, parents may be more willing to participate in the programs as it could resemble a school function pertaining to the health of their child or children rather than a doctor’s visit, making the environment less stressful and comfortable for both the parents and the children. The location is also a familiar place to parents and there wouldn’t be a worry about navigating the health care system or health care campus. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019) states, “The prevalence of obesity decreased with increasing level of education of the household head among children and adolescents aged 2-19 years” (para. 2). The program would also focus on, educate and teach families how to make healthy choices with foods that they already have at home without having to spend a lot of money on healthy foods.

The local public health department and/or local community clinic could help implement this program at schools. Also, the National Association of School Nurses (NASN) can help implement this program to further help bring awareness to childhood obesity and aid in the development of a health program that not only will help educate parents and children about healthy eating and creating healthy lifestyle behaviors but it will also help these children carry on these healthy behaviors into adulthood. NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Selected Community Setting Discussion

The potential health benefits for the population targeted if the program was implemented would help families make healthier choices with foods that they may have at home as well as make healthy food choices when they go grocery shopping. Schools are a place for learning and what better place to further teach families how to make healthy choices than a school. Author Kolbe (2019) states, “School health is a cross-disciplinary field of study and a fundamental strategy that can be used to improve both health and education outcomes” (para. 1). Adults who hold a lower educational level tend to develop more-unhealthy lifestyle behaviors, they experience more psychological stress, suffer from illnesses and disabilities and tend to have children who are also unhealthy (Kolbe, 2019). By providing health education about healthy diets and healthy lifestyle behaviors to children and parents this can prevent children from carrying unhealthy behaviors into adulthood as well as improve their health overall. Author Kolbe (2019) states, “Recent research suggests that healthier children learn better, and, reciprocally, more educated adults lead healthier, more productive, wealthier, and longer lives” (para. 5). School health programs have a variety of names such as child friendly schools, coordinated school health programs, health promoting schools and more to help encourage the integration of school health components that focus on education and health to further improve the health and education outcome, and also the well-being for all students from Pre-K to the 12thgrade (Kolbe 2019). NUR 425 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Selected Community Setting Discussion


Childhood obesity facts. (2019). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from

Kolbe, L. J. (2019). School health as a strategy to improve both public health and education. Annual Review of Public Health,40, 443-463. Retrieved from…

NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Embracing Change Discussion

NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Embracing Change Discussion


Step 1 Reflect on the issue of change.

Reflect on your proposed research question or problem of interest. Consider what changes might be needed following your study, and what strategies you could use to incorporate the changes.

Look to literature to find information about your proposed research question or problem of interest. Find and post a nursing journal article that you feel would be useful in identifying current research findings about change that might be needed following your proposed study. NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Embracing Change Discussion


Step 2 Post a response to the discussion board responding to the following questions:

  • What strategies can be leveraged to incorporate change in nursing after a study using evidence-based practice? Give some examples that illustrate how the strategies might be used.
  • What are some changes that might be needed in your practice and your colleagues’ practices following your proposed study?
  • What rationale would you provide as a basis for your proposed changes?
  • What communication techniques will you use to incorporate the proposed changes?
  • How will you promote staff buy-in?

Step 3 Read and respond to two other students’ posts by Friday 11:59pm MT.

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions. NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Embracing Change Discussion

Cite any sources in APA format.

Discussion 1

Change in an organization can be incredibly disruptive if there is no clear strategy to guide the transformational initiative. The most effective strategy in managing change focus on human behavior elements (Campbell & Douglas,2017). This is because employees in organizations are the ones most affected by the change. In the proposed evidence-based practice, refining the cultural values strategy will be used to drive the change. Change in the organization will be enhanced by establishing a culture of continuous improvement. The initiative seeks to ensure that healthcare professionals contact follow-ups after the patients are released from the hospital. The organizational culture will be promoted through training and technical support to healthcare practitioners.

Anticipated Changes

In the clinical setting, the healthcare providers have not been conducting follow-ups on patients after there have been released from the hospital. Therefore, a culture of conducting medical follow up two to three times will be initiated in the clinical setting. This will help to monitor medication adherence, hence improving healthcare delivery. Conducting medical follow up on patients after they are released from the hospital will help to reduce the instances of hospital readmission.

Communication Techniques

Effective communication is essential in the successful implementation of any organizational change. It helps to ensure there are no miscommunications and conflicts. The Top-bottom communication approach will be used to promote the change in the organization (Sarkies, Bowles, Skinner, Haas, Lane & Haines,2017). The top management will be educated on the proposed change since they play a crucial role in supporting the change initiative. Besides, the employees will be expected to send and receive feedback on issues that they encounter during the implementation of the change.

Moreover, the feedback will be provided timely and consistently when the need arises. The success of the initiative depends on staff buying in. This will be achieved through involving them in decision making process and endorsing them as champions of the change initiative (GOODIE & HUNTER, 2018). This will allow them to own the change and make it part of their routine process.


Discussion 2

Implementing change within a facility, whether large or small in size, can prove to be a daunting task. Identifying the need and urgency for change is of the utmost importance. Evidence-based practice, can assist greatly in facilitating the change that is needed (“Week 11 Lesson,” 2020, p. 4). Proper use of evidence-based practice begins with literature review. For example, the research problem I am considering seeks to determine the effect that music therapy has on behaviors and anxiety in patients diagnosed with dementia and/or Alzheimer’s Disease. In researching this particular question, I found a journal article published by Frontiers in Neuroscience back in 2019 titled: “Music Intervention Approaches for Alzheimer’s Disease: A Review of the Literature.” This particular article has drawn conclusions from many studies performed on this topic and can se rve as an aide in determining the best ways to approach the change needed in my facility for these patients. NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Embracing Change Discussion

Evidence-based practice is paramount in identifying needed changes. Change first needs to begin with staff. Engaging the staff can be difficult at times, but assertive communication is the key to success. Being assertive, rather than aggressive, increases the chances of the staff being engaged and should allow them to express their feelings and suggestions toward the proposed changes (“Week 11 Lesson,” 2020, p. 14). Once you have received appropriate feedback from the staff, it is important to begin considering ways in which to involve them. For example, empathy is an effective way to approach staff when discussing changes that need to be made within the facility (“Week 11 Lesson,” 2020, p. 5). Empathy places you in the “shoes” of your staff members, giving them the reassurance that their concerns are validated and the understanding that any changes being made encompass teamwork.

Regarding my research problem, there are several changes that could be made within my facility. There are currently two units that are dedicated to residents with Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia. There are activity programs in place that engage the residents in games, crafts, exercise, etc. But after reading through literature that pertains to this study, I have concluded that individual music therapy sessions have been found to be most beneficial to this population. In doing this research, I have found additional benefits to residents with this disease aside from decreasing anxiety and behaviors. Studies have shown that individual music therapy improves autobiographical memory and promotes autonomy as well. We can possibly incorporate individual MP3 players pre-loaded with the resident’s preferred music. They can either listen through a headset, or if they reside in a private room, a docking station that houses the MP3 player so their music can be playing for a good portion of the day. It would be beneficial to discuss with the recreation department, ways that we can incorporate this program into the daily lives of these residents to promote their overall well-being and quality of life.


Leggieri, M., Thaut, M., Fornazzari, L., Schweizer, T., Barfett, J., Munoz, D., & Fischer, C. (2019). Music intervention approaches for Alzheimer’s Disease: A review of the literature. Frontiers in Neuroscience.…

Week 11 lesson: Implementing change. (2020). Denver College of Nursing.…. NUR 400 Denver School of Nursing Week 11 Embracing Change Discussion

Denver School of Nursing Time Management Plan Research Paper

Denver School of Nursing Time Management Plan Research Paper


You will be writing a three-page document as follows:

  • Develop a cover page using APA formatting 7th Ed.
  • Construct a paper by writing an introduction, write two to three paragraphs and a conclusion addressing the following topic:


Attending an online program requires a considerable time commitment on the part of the student, and depending on your selected course progression, the weekly requirement may be equivalent to a part-time or full-time job. State the steps you plan to take to manage your time effectively. Give at least one evidence-based strategy found in your research of the literature that you would like to incorporate into your time management plan.

  • A reference page correctly formatted in APA format. Include at least two references cited in-text. Denver School of Nursing Time Management Plan Research Paper

NURS 309 Denver School of Nursing Week 1 Breast Cancer Risk Factors Paper

NURS 309 Denver School of Nursing Week 1 Breast Cancer Risk Factors Paper


In this assignment, you will complete a self-assessment to analyze your risk factors for development of cancer.

Step 1 Select a type of cancer to examine.

Step 2 Select a cancer risk factor self-assessment tool. There are a number of online cancer risk factor tools. Select one to explore your risk for your choice of cancer and remember to cite your source using proper APA 7th Edition formatting.


Step 3 Summarize your individual risk for development of cancer. In your summary, include the following information:

  • Identification of individual and familial genetic factors that could lead to cancer development
  • Description of your lifestyle factors that could contribute to cancer development
  • A description of the role gender plays in risk for development of cancer
  • A description of the role nutrition plays in risk for development of cancer
  • A list of interventions you can take to reduce your risk of developing cancer
  • How the aging process affects cells and causes cellular injury that can lead to cancer. NURS 309 Denver School of Nursing Week 1 Breast Cancer Risk Factors Paper

NUR 370 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Cultural Sensitivity & Competency Discussion

NUR 370 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Cultural Sensitivity & Competency Discussion


Only a discussion post! One-Two Paragraph MAX. Peer responses required. First peer discussion found below. Second will be added shortly. Peer responses on 1 paragraph needed.

Step 1 Download and read the Cultural Sensitivity and Competency handout describing the ASKED model. (see below)

Step 2 Post a response to the discussion board.
The terms cultural sensitivity and cultural competency are frequently used interchangeably. However, each has unique characteristics and implications for nursing practice. Realize that cultural competency involves intentional, lifelong learning.

  • Based on your personal self-reflection, summarize your self-reflection responses to the ASKED model.
  • Identify which component(s) were most helpful and most difficult for you to reflect on.
  • Identify two lessons learned from this experience. NUR 370 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Cultural Sensitivity & Competency Discussion
  • Explain how you will incorporate these cultural concepts into your nursing practice.
  • Explain how cultural sensitivity and cultural competency impact health care.


Step 3 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59 pm MT.

As part of your response to your peers’ posts, share one of your two lessons with your peers and explain why you feel this lesson was important to you.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Cultural Sensitivity and Competency Handout
Nursing practice is at the heart of nursing and is an important place to build diverse relationships for the purpose of providing optimal health care for all. There are numerous cultural assessment models; one of those models was created by Campinha-Bacote. This model is designed as a tool for nurses to increase self-awareness and explore their own beliefs and practices.
Ultimately, to assure culturally-responsive nursing services, CampinhaBacote suggests the use of the mnemonic, “ASKED,” which is defined as:
A – Awareness S – Skill K – Knowledge E – Encounters D – Desire
Use of the “ASKED” method allows the nurse to consider the five components of cultural competency. These components include awareness, skill, knowledge, encounters, and desire. Addressing each of these components assists the nurse in the continual process of developing cultural competency. It is vital that nurses view themselves as becoming culturally competent, rather than being culturally incompetent. NUR 370 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Cultural Sensitivity & Competency Discussion
Resource: Campinha-Bacote, J. (2002). Cultural competence in psychiatric nursing: have you ASKED the right questions? Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association,8(6):183–187.

Peer Response 1 (Angelica)

When it comes to cultural competency the nurse must be open to diversity. Because cultural competency is a life long learning process having basic knowledge will enable the nurse to provide individualized care while keeping the upmost respect towards that individual. One way that nurses can reflect on their own cultural self assessment is using Campinha-Bacote’s model. The “ASKED” model which stands for awareness, skills, knowledge, encounters, and desire are the five components of cultural competency. Reflecting on my own answers I have realized that I haven’t had many encounters with different cultures. Unfortunately, many elderly patients where I work do not have active family so therefore I haven’t had many face to face encounters with different cultures. One example, I do recall was when I placed a cross outside the door of the dying patient as per the family’s request. I try to always maintain a patient’s dignity and respect even in their last days of life. If someone is catholic I make sure I have a rosary present and offer the last oils if the family requests. As a nurse you always want to provide the best care possible, yet I have found that dealing with a dying patient is always hard for me because you become attached to them in your day to day life. As a nurse I want to do everything possible to make a patient get better but there has been times I have needed to take a step back and remind myself they are on palliative care. They do not want to have treatment and as a nurse I must respect and carry out their wishes even if it maybe hard to see the family suffer along the process. Having cultural sensitivity is important because it will help you as a nurse to develop a better relationship with both the patient and family by developing trust. Being cultural sensitive will also help you as a nurse be able to do a cultural assessment. You will be able to develop an individualized care plan by using a holistic approach. Being able to reflect on your own culture enables you to be open to learning about other cultures and customs. I hope to continue learning about other cultures in my nursing career. NUR 370 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Cultural Sensitivity & Competency Discussion

NUR 435 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Nursing Management Style Discussion

NUR 435 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Nursing Management Style Discussion




Step 1 Read and respond to the scenario.

You are interviewing for an assistant nurse manager position with the nurse manager of your unit. She asks you to answer the following questions:

    • Explain a time you had to take charge, formally or informally, on your clinical unit (be specific).
    • Describe the management style you used and the type of power you had.
    • Discuss whether your management style was effective and what you would have done differently.
    • Would you use a different management style in the future in the same situation? If so, which one and why?
    • Which management style would you choose to use going forward, and why. NUR 435 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Nursing Management Style Discussion


Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59pm Mountain Time.

Read and respond to at least two other students’ posts. Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to help support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.

Peer Discussion 1 (Kristen)

A time I had to take charge on my unit was recently during this COVID pandemic. Many of the employees were put on temporary leave and we were short staffed. During some of my shifts, I was the one who was responsible for maintaining performance of not only myself but my fellow coworkers. When I was in this position, before our shift started, I had a huddle with the nursing team that day to go over the strategies to overcome the challenges we were facing. The management style I think that directly relates to the type of power I had is Laissez-faire. “The leader assumes the group is internally motivated by recognition, achievement, increased responsibility, and so on and needs autonomy and self-regulation” (Finkelman, 2016). I maintained leadership while still trying to get input from other nurses. I think that this type of leadership style worked well due to the circumstances we were facing. If I became an official member of leadership, I would use the bureaucratic style. I think it is important to have set directions and expect them to be followed.


Finkelman, A. (2016). VitalSource Bookshelf Online. Retrieved July 06, 2020, from

Peer Response 2 (Elizabeth)

I am often a charge nurse on my unit and although this position does not come with any power if an incidence occurs the charge nurse needs to be the resource and know the policies and be able to give orders as appropriate to all of the team members to make sure that all of the patients on the floor are cared for despite the emergency. Since I am one of the senior nurses, I am often in this position. On a typical night I somewhere between a Bureaucratic and Laissez-faire leader. Everyone knows their job and I expect them to do it if there is an issue they can come to me and I will assist them with whatever they need! If an emergency occurs, I am more autocratic because I direct all of the movements on the floor to make sure that everyone receives care since we will run short so that the patient’s primary nurse and I can handle the emergency and everything that comes with that. An example of this is last week we had to call a code stroke on our unit because a patient suddenly became confused and unable to follow commands which were far from her baseline!Therefore, I delegated making the schedule for the next shift to another senior nurse and had each other nurse take one of the Primary nurses’patients until the code stroke could be handled. I also made calls to the doctors, Respiratory therapy, CT scans, etc. to help the primary nurse. I would behave the same again in the same situation. On my floor, people have not needed to have that close of monitoring, but when it is needed, I implement changes as needed. On the floor I am on the staff is very internally motivated to care for our patients and we all have a passion for our jobs (Finkleman, 2016). NUR 435 Denver College of Nursing Wk 1 Nursing Management Style Discussion



Finkelman, A. (2016). Leadership and Management for Nurses: Core Competencies for Quality Care. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from…