Topic 2 DQ 2

Topic 2 DQ 2

Please Respond to the following post with a paragraph, add citations and references.



In order to perform a study and gain statistical data, we need to start with a target population and then get a sample of that target population. An example of a sample would be to take a survey of 5,000 mothers with children under the age of one year old in Marion county. This would be a sample of all mothers in Marion county. In order to get the most accurate data from the study there are several types of sampling techniques used. There is cluster sampling, random sampling, stratified random sampling, convenience sampling and systematic sampling (“The visual learner,” n.d.).

Cluster sampling refers to the researcher separating the group into smaller groups called clusters. Then a simple random selection of clusters is picked from the population. Then the researcher can conduct his analysis of data from the sampled clusters. The most common form of cluster sampling used is a geographical cluster. An example of this is if a researcher wants to study the academic performance of high school students in China. The researcher can divide the entire population of China into individual clusters such as cities. Then the researcher can select a number of clusters depending on the research done through simple or systematic random sampling. Then, from the randomly selected cities the researcher can either include all the high school students as subjects or he can select a number of subjects from each cluster through simple or systematic random sampling.

Random sampling is where every member of the study population has an equal opportunity to be chosen to be in a study. Random sampling involves identifying each person in a target population and then randomly selecting a sample from that population. This allows every person of the study population to be represented without showing bias and minimizes errors. An example of this is when a there are 30 employees names drawn out of a hat from a company of 3,000 employees. Each person has equal opportunity to be drawn out of the hat.

Stratified random sampling is the division of a population into smaller groups known as strata. In stratified random sampling, or stratification, the strata are formed based on members’ shared attributes or characteristics. When running analysis or research on a group of individuals with similar characteristics, a researcher may find that the population size is too large to run a research on. To save time and money, an analyst may take on a more feasible approach by selecting a small group from the population. The small group used is referred to as a sample size, which is a subset of the population that is used to represent the population. There are a number of ways a sample may be selected from a population, one of which is the stratified random sampling method. An example is when an academic researcher would like to know the number of BSN students that got a job within three months of graduation in 2014-2015. It is noted that there were almost 216,000 BSN graduates for the year. It might be better to just take a simple random sample of 50,000 grads and run a survey or divide the population into strata and take a random sample from the strata. To do this, the researcher could create population groups based on gender, age range, race, country of nationality, and career background. A random sample would then be taken from each stratum in a number proportional to the stratum’s size when compared to the population. These subsets of the strata are then pooled to form a random sample.

A convenience sample is a group that is made up of individuals or elements that are easy to reach or obtain (Rumsey, 2010, p. 139). This is also referred to as a grab sample because we grab individuals from the population for our sample. An example of this is when a poll is being taken at a local mall or market. This type of sample is very easy to obtain but the lack of effort for the samples and the sample itself is ultimately worthless for believable statistical purposes.

Finally, there is systematic sampling is a type of probability sampling method where sample members from a larger population are selected according to a random starting point and a fixed, periodic sampling interval. This interval is calculated by dividing the population size by the desired sample size. Systematic sampling is still thought of as being random if the periodic interval is determined beforehand and the starting point is random. An example of this is if you want to sample 8 houses from a street of 120 houses. Then every 15th house is chosen after a random starting point between 1 and 15. If the random starting point is 11, then the houses selected are 11, 26, 41, 56, 71, 86, 101, and 116. But then if every 15th house was a “corner house” then this corner pattern could destroy the randomness of the sample.


Rumsey, D. J. (2010). Statistic essentials for dummies (1st ed.). Retrieved on October 2, 2018 from Http://

The Visual Learner. (n.d.). Statistic Terms. Retrieved October 2, 2018, from…

holistic health

holistic health

Medications, Therapy, Supervision and Support groups for individuals with addictions such as Narcotics, Alcoholics, Gamblers and Overeaters have a role in holistic healing but treatment methods must go beyond those common resources. Holistic treatment must address the mind, body and spirit. Describe one holistic method to address the mind, body or spirit for individuals for any of the above additions and support your response with a journal article.


Discussion form related to nursing, must cite sources

Discussion form related to nursing, must cite sources

“Flordelisa Garcia works as a preschool teacher: She schedules a clinic visit to discuss a variety of concerns. For each of the concerns she mentions, answer the following 4 questions:


What theoretical knowledge do you need?
Where could you find it?
What, if any, additional patient information do you need?
How would you respond to Mrs. Garcia’s concerns?
Flordelisa’s concerns:

Flordelisa tells you that her skin is very dry and irritated.
Flordelisa tells you that several of the children at the preschool have recently been diagnosed with head lice. She would like to know how to assess for pediculosis.
Flordelisa tells you that her 3-year-old granddaughter, Bettina, frequently refuses to bathe. She asks for advice on how to handle this.
Discussion questions:

Why is it important to keep a reflective journal? Give an example
How do critical thinking and the nursing process go hand in hand
This discussion board will close 10/3/18 at 11:59 pm.”

Disease Analysis Paper 3-4 pages

Disease Analysis Paper 3-4 pages

For this assignment, you will select a disease of your choice and conduct a detailed analysis of that disease, exploring it from a balanced traditional and alternative health perspective.


Begin by searching the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website Diseases and Conditions Index Click for more options

to choose a disease or condition of interest to you.

Next, review the website for Healthy People 2020 for information related to the disease or the disease category (e.g., mental health for ADHD).


In your paper, discuss the following:

Prominent aspects of this disease
Current data and statistics related to the disease
Health disparities related to the disease
Prevention strategies including complementary and alternative health therapies
Contemporary research and clinical studies related to the disease
An analysis of the pathophysiologic effects of stress related to the disease
Evidence-based stress management interventions that might help with prevention or cure
The paper should be between 3–4 pages.

Incorporate at least three scholarly sources within the paper. Sources should be no more than three years old.

Use proper APA format to cite and reference sources.

250 words per dq. APA. 1 credible source

250 words per dq. APA. 1 credible source

Dq1:A 27-year-old male presents to your office with acute abdominal pain. His mother had to bring him in because


he is in so much pain. Blood pressure is 160/98 with a temperature of 100.2º Moderate pain to palpation over the lower abdominal area. When questioned about urinary symptoms he stated he experienced pain during urination that morning. Explain what your next steps would be for this patient including what areas you will further examine, labs, and testing. List two or three DDX that need to be considered with treatment plans for each DDX. Support your answer with two or three peer-reviewed

Dq2:A 55-year-old male comes to see you with increased fatigue and “no sex drive.” Discuss important history components. Review any labs and testing that you will obtain, including rationale. List DDX with treatment options and rationale according to evidence-based guidelines. Support your answer with two or three peer-reviewed

please respond to the following post in APA format.

please respond to the following post in APA format.

Please respond to the following post in APA format, add citations and references.




Review the Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” Write a 750-1,000 word paper discussing the influence of the IOM report on nursing practice. Include the following:

Summarize the four messages outlined in the IOM report and explain why these are significant to nursing practice.
Discuss the direct influence the IOM report has on nursing education and nursing leadership. Describe the benefits and opportunities for BSN-prepared nurses.
Explain why it is important that a nurse’s role and education evolve to meet the needs of an aging and increasingly diverse population.
Discuss the significance of professional development, or lifelong learning, and its relevance in caring for diverse populations across the life span and within the health-illness continuum.
Discuss how nurses can assist in effectively managing patient care within an evolving health care system.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the

Paragraph 5 (Tere)

Paragraph 5 (Tere)

Please respond to the following post with a paragrapgh


From witchcraft to doctor assistant, the public view of what nurses do, changes with the times. According to (GCU, 2018) “Through history, the nursing profession has faced discrimination, prejudice, and a less than desirable public perception”. The public is unaware of nursing history, and the theories behind taking care of the sick. It is our responsibility to change the views of our communities. Nurses must remain professional during all aspects of care. Introduce yourself at the beside with your name, and your years of experience with confidence. Explain and educate why you have involved the dietician in a patient’s care when he is suffering from a deep wound to the skin. Never feel or act in a defensive manner when a family member questions your decisions. Nurses use critical thinking and evaluation when providing care, which improves patients outcomes.

Some ways to provide knowledge to the public about the role of the professional nurse is thru advocating for our patients and their family, and by talking up about our profession as nurses, and taking pride in medication error prevention and preventing a fall by using a bundle of preventive measures. “The science of nursing is a dynamic entity evolving with time. Hence, it is important to develop a systematic and scientific methodology to assess public or patient perceptions about nursing. It is also important for the nurses to understand the perceptions of the public to achieve their professional goal of quality nurse care” (The Journal of Nursing, 2007).


Grand Canyon University (Ed). (2018). Dynamics in nursing: Art & science of professional practice. Retrieved from and-science-of-professional-practice/v1.1/

Maria Jose Duaso . (2007). The Journal of Nursing. Retrieved 2 October, 2018, from…

Tags: citations nursing references paragraph

Type one Error

Type one Error

STATISTICS FOR NURSING: A PRACTICAL APPROACH_3RD EDITION_ELIZABETH HEAVEY FOR ONLINE BOOK PLEASE USE: 1) 2) LOG INTO ACCOUNT a. Username i. b. Password i. Maximus2015 3) Select: a. Navigate 2 Advantage Access for Statistics for Nursing, Third Edition 4) Select: a. LAUNCH 5) Select: a. Chapter 5 Sampling Methods i. eBook: Chapter 5 (hyperlink in black)
Purchase answer to see full attachmen



Pediatric Wellness Paper

Pediatric Wellness Paper

Well Child Developmental Assessment Paper Guidelines


Each student will conduct a pediatric developmental assessment in order to facilitate his/her learning of the multiple, predictable aspects of a child’s growth and development.The student will also assess the child’s home environment to identify some of the factors influencing the child’s development.Following the visit, a written paper will be due which will include physiologic and psychosocial assessment data, goals for the child and family, interventions, and recommendations.

Identify a well child (1 month – 10 years of age) either in a home or school environment.The child should not be a member of the student’s immediate family.

For home visits, you will be conducting a developmental and a home assessment for a child birth to 10 years of age.For school students, you may conduct a systematic assessment of their developmental status and identify environmental factors located in the school which are aimed at stimulating their development.

Some suggested parameters to include:

a)birth date, age, and gender

b)growth parameters – use growth charts based on the

For children < 2 years, use the Birth to 36 months 3rd-97th percentile forms and plot the following on the chart:
length for age
weight for age
head circumference for age
weight for length
For children > 2 years, use the 2-20 years 3rd-97th percentile forms and plot the following on the chart:
stature for age
weight for age
BMI for age
c)nutritional status

d)development – remember the different aspects of development


Who lives in the home and what are their roles with the child?
What influences do they have on the child’s development?
Is the child cared for outside of the home and what impact does that have on the child and his/her family?
f)home environment or school assessment–

include safety issues that may not be covered by this tool, i.e.: guns in home, helmets w/ bikes, harmful chemicals within reach, etc.

Interpret the child’s growth percentiles.
Describe and interpret child developmental findings. Select at least two developmental theorists and compare the child’s development.
Assess the child’s environment in the areas of cognitive and social emotional support, safety, nutrition, and list factors that facilitate or inhibit the child’s growth and development. Or, if school based, describe environmental factors you have identified that are stimulating the child’s development
Discuss problems to be addressed, nursing diagnoses, and needs. If there are no problems, discuss anticipatory guidance needs.
3) GOALS – for child and family

4) INTERVENTIONS OR RECOMMENDATIONS – to maintain and promote growth, development and health of the child.Include documented rationale.

5)REFERENCE LIST – Use APA format. Not more than 5 years reference

Field Experience Site Information Form

Field Experience Site Information Form

Please fill out in a word Document for each space the followings 4 questions for my future Capstone class , For that class is required 100 practicum hours in a Hospital with a Preceptor. I should fill out with 10 characters or 600 maximum the blank spaces. I will attach the 4 questions in a Word Document so you can see the attachment bellow. Please let me know if you have any questions.