Chapter 3 DPI

Chapter 3 DPI




Chapter 3 of the DPI Project, entitled “Methodology,” will expand upon the content and concepts presented in the “Strategic Points Final Draft” (Appendix A) document you completed in its final iteration in Topic 2.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

Locate the “DPI Proposal Template” in the PI Workspace of the DC Network.
Locate the Strategic Points Final Draft assignment completed earlier in this course.
Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Use the “DPI Proposal Template” and the “Strategic Points Final Draft” document, to develop a draft of (Chapter 3) Methodology that describes the methodology you are utilizing in your DPI Project Proposal. Sections in Chapter 3 include:

Statement of the Problem
Clinical Question(s)
Project Methodology
Project Design
Population and Sample Selection
Data Collection Procedures
Data Analysis Procedures
Ethical Considerations
DPI Project Proposal Chapter 3 – Methodology
Not Present

Does Not Meet Expectations

Approaching Meeting Expectations

Meets Expectations

74.0 %Content

5.0 %Chapter 3: INTRODUCTION: This section incorporates a summary of the project focus and purpose statement to reintroduce the reader to the need for the project. Clinical questions (in narrative format) and an outline of the expectations for this chapter also are included. (3-4 sentences from Chapter 1).

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

10.0 %Chapter 3: PROJECT METHODOLOGY: This section describes the research methodology for the project (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed) and explains the rationale for selecting this particular methodology. It also describes why this methodology was selected as opposed to the alternative methodologies.

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

10.0 %Chapter 3: PROJECT DESIGN: This section includes a detailed description of, and rationale for, the specific design for the project and describes how it aligns to the selected methodology indicated in the previous section. It explains exactly how the selected design will be used to collect data for each variable, or how the selected design will be used to collect data to describe the nature of the phenomena in detail. It identifies the specific instruments and data sources to be used to collect all of the different data required for the project. This section expands on the Nature of the Project Design section in Chapter 1. (1-2 pages )

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

5.0 %Chapter 3: POPULATION AND SAMPLE SELECTION: This section discusses the setting, total population, project population, and project sample. The discussion of the sample includes the research terminology specific to the type of sampling for the project as well as how the sample population and final sample will be protected. This section provides a detailed description of the population and sample that were identified in the Project Design for the Study section in Chapter 1, as well as project considerations relevant to the sample and population. (1-2 pages)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

5.0 %Chapter 3: INSTRUMENTATION OR SOURCES OF DATA: This section identifies and describes the types of data that will be collected as well as the specific instruments and sources used to collect the data. For quantitative studies, it also describes the specific type of scale of measurement used in an instrument or used to define the different groups. (1-3 pages)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

2.5 %Chapter 3: VALIDITY: This section describes and defends the procedures used to determine the validity of the data collected. (2-4 paragraphs or approximately 1 page in length)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

2.5 %Chapter 3: RELIABILITY: This section describes and defends the procedures used to determine the reliability of the data collected. (2-4 paragraphs or approximately 1 page)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

10.0 %Chapter 3: DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURES: This section details the entirety of the process used to collect the data. It describes each step of the data collection process in a way that another researcher could replicate the project. (1-3 pages in length)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

10.0 %Chapter 3: DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: This section describes how the data was collected for each variable or group (quantitative project) or for each project question (qualitative project). It describes the type of data to be analyzed, identifying the descriptive, inferential, or nonstatistical analyses. Demonstrates that the project analysis is aligned to the specific project design. (1-3 pages in length)

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no gaps that leave the reader with questions.

5.0 %Chapter 3: ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS: This section discusses the potential ethical issues surrounding the project as well as how human subjects and data will be protected. It identifies how any potential ethical issues will be addressed. (3-4 paragraphs or approximately 1 page.

Item is not present.

Not all components are present. There are large gaps in the components that leave the reader with significant questions.

Components are present and adequate, but there are small gaps that leave the reader with questions.

Components are addressed clearly and comprehensively. There are no g

Case Study: Healing and Autonomy.

Case Study: Healing and Autonomy.

Please make sure to write the paper in a form of an ESSAY, and using APA format.


please read the attached document and make use of 2-3 references.

Thank you!

Write a 1,200-1,500 word analysis of “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy.” In light of the readings, be sure to address the following questions:

Under the Christian narrative and Christian vision, what sorts of issues are most pressing in this case study?
Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James?
According to the Christian narrative and the discussion of the issues of treatment refusal, patient autonomy, and organ donation in the topic readings, how might one analyze this case?
According to the topic readings and lecture, how ought the Christian think about sickness and health? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about trusting God and treating James?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Nov 04, 2018

Nov 04, 2018

Learning styles represent the different approaches to learning based on preferences, weaknesses, and strengths. For


learners to best achieve the desired educational outcome, learning styles must be considered when creating a plan. Complete “The VARK Questionnaire,” located on the VARK website, and then complete the following:

Click “OK” to receive your questionnaire scores.
Once you have determined your preferred learning style, review the corresponding link to view your learning preference.
Review the other learning styles: visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic, and multimodal (listed on the VARK Questionnaire Results page).
Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
Examine how awareness of learning styles has influenced your perceptions of teaching and learning.
In a paper (750-1,000 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise and discuss the overall value of learning styles. Include the following:

Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK questionnaire.
Describe your preferred learning strategies. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities. Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners.
Discuss why understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is important to achieving the desired outcome. How do learning styles ultimately affect the possibility for a behavioral change? How would different learning styles be accommodated in health promotion?
Cite to at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Tags: citations nursing references paragraph APAform

NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Week 9 Social Justice Nursing Discussion

NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Week 9 Social Justice Nursing Discussion




Step 1 Post a response to the discussion board. In your post, respond to the following prompts:

  • Describe the difference between market justice and social justice.
  • While maintaining confidentiality, discuss a situation you experienced in practice, or another situation, where there was tension between market justice and social justice.
  • Summarize the nursing role in achieving social justice.

Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59pm MT.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions. NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Week 9 Social Justice Nursing Discussion

Cite any sources in APA format.

Peer Discussion (Maya)

Market justice has to do with self. Think about it as “individualism, self-interest, personal effort, and voluntary behavior” (Market justice and moral compass 2018). The difference is that social justice basically “allocates goods and services according to the individual’s needs” (Market justice and moral compass, 2018). This would mean that everyone could get the care that they need and that access to care was guaranteed.


A situation that I experienced in my practice is that of being forced to advocate for my patient despite the demands of her children. The patient was in the intensive care unit, intubated, and on the maximum dose of vasopressors. The patient was dying however, her two adult children were insisting that she be kept alive until after midnight. After conversation with her children, they wanted her kept alive for four more hours so that they could go to the bank and cash her retirement pension check before she died because it wasn’t legal to cash it if she was already dead. The resident on the team that night, told the family we would keep her alive. Not only was it wrong to ensure someone that we could keep a patient alive, it was wrong to provide futile care to someone for no reason other than another person’s financial gain. Because of this situation, I was able to advocate for the patient, who signed a do not resuscitate order, prior to intubation. I contacted the attending medical staff and social worker. In the end, the patient was allowed to die in her own time without unwanted and unnecessary medical interventions, just as she wanted. In this situation, the patient’s children were an example of market justice (self) while the actions of the team working to allow her a death per her wishes was for the greater good of the patient and is an example of social justice.

Being an advocate for the patient is probably the most important thing a nurse can do (Social justice, 2020). It is our responsibility to educate our patients and to stand up for what is right for them. Advocating between patients and other health care providers is a big part of our profession even if it means doing something as simple as requesting a social worker consult for a patient at risk.

Market justice and moral compass. (n.d.). Retrieved August 17, 2020, from

Social justice. (2020). Denver College of Nursing. Retrieved on 18 August 2020 from

Peer Discussion (Elizabeth)

Social justice and market justice ultimately have the same end goal, however, both have different ways of achieving this goal. “Social justice and market justice denote different situations in society although they do share particular characteristics. While social justice is concerned with the creation of a society in which individuals live in unity, share responsibilities and are accorded equal rights by the state, the notion of market justice is based on the creation of a society or a situation where individuals depend on themselves and their personal efforts to survive”(Skyler, 2018). While social justice focuses on society as a whole, where as market justice focuses on the self-interest of the individual. NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Week 9 Social Justice Nursing Discussion

During my clinical experience I had a patient who was recovering from surgery and was also heavily addicted to opioids. This patient insisted he was in excruciating pain and I felt that many people on the healthcare team deemed him as drug seeking. While they still administered some form of pain medications I always wondered if he was not opioid dependent would the situation have been handled differently. “Social justice emphasizes treating the people in the society, including the poor and the rich, as equals to ensure unity in the society. Market justice, on the other hand, emphasizes giving every individual participating in the exchange of goods and services an equal chance to succeed” (Skyler, 2018). That being said, I felt that this individual would have in-fact needed even more pain killers then the average person because his tolerance to opioids was very high. NUR 370 Denver School of Nursing Week 9 Social Justice Nursing Discussion


Skyler, H. (2018, May 04). What Is Free Market Capitalism? Retrieved September 01, 2020,  from…

NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Week 9 EBP in the Workplace Discussion

NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Week 9 EBP in the Workplace Discussion




Step 1 Review an article.

Using the Cochrane Collaboration website, browse a topic of interest related to your nursing practice. Find a peer-review research article in your area of interest and read the article.

Step 2 Post a summary of the article.

Post a brief summary of the article and results.

Step 3 Answer additional questions.

After providing the article summary, answer the following questions:

  • Describe how this EBP research supports your practice.
  • If your practice is different than the recommendations in the evidence-based article, how could you use this article to support your practice? NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Week 9 EBP in the Workplace Discussion

Step 4 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59pm Mountain Time.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. In your responses, offer your peers one description of an EBP that you use at your workplace. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.


Peer Discussion (Kristen)

The article I chose discusses how accurate rapid test are for diagnosing COVID-19. There are two types of rapid test, antigen and molecular tests. “Antigen tests identify proteins on the virus, often using disposable devices while molecular tests detect the virus’s genetic material, using small portable or table-top devices” (Dinnes, Adriano, Davenport, & Cunningham, 2020). The goal of this study was to see if these two rapid tests could replace the PCR for diagnosing infection. The study included assessing any rapid antigen compared to the standard test. Participants were classified as known to have and not to have COVID-19. The studies then identified false negative and positives. “Antigen tests identify proteins on the virus, often using disposable devices. Molecular tests detect the virus’s genetic material, using small portable or table-top devices” (Dinnes, Adriano, Davenport, & Cunningham, 2020). The results were that five studies reported eight evaluations of five different antigen tests. These antigen test gave false positive results in less than one percent of the samples. NUR 435 Denver School of Nursing Week 9 EBP in the Workplace Discussion

This article was interesting to read considering that working in the emergency room, we do both types of test. If a patient is in need of emergency surgery, we do a rapid test and for other patients we do the PCR test. Typically, the PCR test takes about 2 or 3 days to come back while the rapid is back within an hour. It was interesting to read about a study that was done on both types of test.


Dinnes, J., Adriano, A., Davenport, C., & Cunningham, J. (2020, August 26). How accurate are rapid tests, performed during a health-care visit (point-of-care), for diagnosing COVID-19? Retrieved August 31, 2020, from

Peer Discussion (Leslie)

Post a brief summary of the article and results.

The article I chose to research from the Cochrane website is related to Labor and Delivery where I am currently employed. In summary the article discusses about utilizing a vaginal antiseptic solution such as chlorhexidine and or povidone-iodine solutions prior to a cesarean section and how such utilization of antiseptic solutions reduce the risk of causing a uterine infection or complications with the surgical incision (Haas et al, 2020). Authors Haas et al (2020) state even if women receive antibiotics prior to their cesarean section, antibiotics alone may not be sufficient in preventing such infections due to the possibly of not being able to completely eliminate the bacteria with the antibiotics or there may be bacteria that is resistant to the antibiotic thus causing women to still suffer from these complications. Authors Haas et al (2020) conducted an updated search and reviewed 21 randomized controlled studies of women who received cesarean sections. The studies were conducted in 10 different countries, and the studies included different types of groups (Haas et al, 2020). The groups were the control group that did not use a vaginal antiseptic solution, a group that used a saline vaginal preparation, the group that used povidone-iodine, the chlorhexidine antiseptic solution group and the group that used benzalkonium chloride (Haas et al., 2020). In the study, the authors found that utilizing an antiseptic solution such as the povidone-iodine or chlorehexidine solution in comparison to a saline solution or no solution at all found that such antiseptic solution used does reduce the risk of a uterine infection, postoperative fever and surgical wound infection (Haas et al, 2020).

Describe how this EBP research supports your practice.

This EBP research supports my practice because as a labor and delivery nurse, cesarean sections are a common procedure and my current labor and delivery unit does utilize a povidone-iodine sponge sticks that are a part of the cesarean section process. In combination with the povidone-iodine if a woman develops a uterine infection, a postoperative fever or a surgical wound infection antibiotics are then utilized to further treat the infection happening. Regardless of whether the woman has been laboring, whose membranes are ruptured or not, our protocol for the preparation of a cesarean section always includes utilizing the povidone-iodine sponge sticks before the cesarean section is performed. Authors Haas et al (2020) state that the use of a vaginal antiseptic solution reduced the incidence rate of endometritis post-cesarean from 7.1% to 3.1%. The studies further support the EBP utilized in my practice.

•If your practice is different than the recommendations in the evidence-based article, how could you use this article to support your practice?

The recommendations in this article do not differ from my practice and further supports the utilization of vaginal antiseptic solution preparation in cesarean sections.


Contreras, K., Haas, D. M., Kimball, S., Morgan, S. (2020). Vaginal preparation with antiseptic solution before cesarean section for preventing postoperative infections. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Retrieved from…

DSN A Culture of Blame and A Culture of Safety in The Workplace Discussion

DSN A Culture of Blame and A Culture of Safety in The Workplace Discussion



Step 1 Research “culture of blame” and “culture of safety”. Do you consider your current workplace to have a culture of blame or a culture of safety? Support your choice giving specific examples, if possible.

  • What is one way to promote or enhance a culture of safety in your workplace?
  • How comfortable are you reporting an error or near miss in your workplace?
  • Does your workplace provide for anonymous reporting?

Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. Provide your peer with an additional way to promote or enhance a culture of safety in his or her workplace.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions. DSN A Culture of Blame and A Culture of Safety in The Workplace Discussion

Discussion 1


Per ANA, a culture of safety describes the core values and behaviors that come about when there is a collective and continuous commitment by organizational leadership, managers, and healthcare workers to emphasize safety over competing goals (Nursing World, 2016 para. 3). And blame of culture is when employees or nurses or focusing on the question “Who” instead of “what or Why whenever errors or problems occur at the workplace (Radzi, S. 2016, para. 2).

In my workplace, one of many ways to promote the culture of safety is to allow the nurses to report safely their mistakes and treat every error as the possibility to learn (White, J 2017, para. 8). It is also important to follow the steps, for example when administering medication to patients, by following the seven rights, go along with the hospital policies, participate in differents in-service and demonstrate an understanding of the skills. When an error happens, instead of taking the time to blame the person at fault, better focus on finding out why this error happening and find a way to fix it to prevent the situation to reappear for the safety of the patient. Utilize the team lead, supervisor, and co-worker when we are in doubt about an order or a procedure.

In my workplace, there is an anonymous reporting line. This line is mostly used to report corrupt nurses, doctors, or any neglect that happening in the facility. I am comfortable reporting any mistake; I know my team is there for me. I witnessed how professional my supervisor used to handle a mistake for my co-workers. They tried to fix it, explained why it happened. And if it is applicable send the person to the in-service class as a way to prevent the same mistake in the future.


Discussion 2


A culture of safety is marked by multiple things such as a collaborative approach to identifying solutions to patient safety issues, the determination to achieve safe practices and processes and recognizing high-risk nature of activities, a commitment to use resources to address safety issues, and an environment where individuals, without fear of repercussion, can report errors (Blais & Hayes, 2016). I consider my current workplace to have a culture of safety in that we take staff and patient safety very seriously. As most of our daily operations are surrounded by surgical procedures, there are many high-risk health care activities taking place that could be harmful to patients and staff if not carried out per protocol with safety being of the utmost concern. My company promotes safety in our practice in the way of having a safety committee made up of multiple staff members from all different departments that focus specifically on improving safety outcomes in all aspects of care. Assessing work environment conditions that could be hazardous, providing awareness of safety issues, and giving information about interventions can be used to measure effectiveness of improvements over time (Blais & Hayes, 2016). All of these key points are managed through our safety team and implemented to the staff. Safety is a major focus upon any new employee being hired and trained and each new employee meets with the head of the safety team for a full day of training on office safety protocols for each department. DSN A Culture of Blame and A Culture of Safety in The Workplace Discussion

I feel very comfortable reporting an error or near miss in my practice without having any sort of repercussion because of it. We are a very teamwork based practice and only want the best for each other and our patients. We are all human and there is always a chance for error with anyone. Thankfully that has not happened often with my team but the few occasions it has, we have learned from the situation and put new education and policies in place to prevent a similar situation from occurring in the future. We always come out stronger as a team on the other side.

Blais, K., & Hayes, J. (2016). Professional issues in nursing practice: concepts and perspectives (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

NUR 445 Denver School of Nursing Week 10 Implement and Measure Results Paper

NUR 445 Denver School of Nursing Week 10 Implement and Measure Results Paper


Week 10: Part 8: Implement and Measure Results

This assignment is due Sunday night of Week 10 at 11:59pm Mountain Time.

Before starting this assignment, you may want to watch the following PowerPoint presentation Click for more options

again to gain a better understanding of how to complete this assignment.

Step 1 Because of a lack of time, you will not be able to fully implement your change project. However, consider how you would implement the project and how you would measure the results. In a two- to three-page paper, discuss the following:

    1. Implementation
      1. Who needs to be involved in the change process?
      2. Who has to approve the change?
      3. How does the plan get communicated to those affected by the change?
      4. Step-by-step process to implement the change from beginning to end (more detail than perhaps what was provided in the change theory discussion).
    1. Measuring results
      1. How will results be measured or data collected (survey, observation)?
      2. Validity/reliability of the pre- and post-assessment tool used for measuring intervention.
      3. What will you do with the results?


Step 2 Save and submit your assignment.
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor. NUR 445 Denver School of Nursing Week 10 Implement and Measure Results Paper
Cite all sources in APA format.
For grading details, see the rubric Click for more options

NUR 445 DCN Wk 11 Meaning of Change Agents within Organizational Change Presentation

NUR 445 DCN Wk 11 Meaning of Change Agents within Organizational Change Presentation

This assignment is due in the Week 11 discussion on Wednesday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time AND as your assignment submission on Friday night of Week 11 at 11:59pm Mountain Time.

Before starting this assignment, you may want to watch the following PowerPoint presentation Click for more options


again to gain a better understanding of how to complete this assignment.
Step 1 Prepare a PowerPoint or poster presentation summarizing the entire quality improvement or change project. Include the following elements:
Title and author name
Background (summary of interview with nurse administrator/leader)
Research question
Literature review (summary of annotated bibliography)
Change theory
Project implementation steps/details
Measurement of results
Step 2 Post your PowerPoint file or poster file as an attachment to the Discussion post in Week 11 for your peers to critique.
Step 3 Save and submit your assignment.
When you have completed your assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place and submit a copy to your instructor.
Cite all sources in APA format.
For grading details, see the rubric. NUR 445 DCN Wk 11 Meaning of Change Agents within Organizational Change Presentation

Denver College of Nursing Professional Issues in Nursing Root Cause Analysis Chart Worksheet

Denver College of Nursing Professional Issues in Nursing Root Cause Analysis Chart Worksheet


In this written assignment, you will explore a patient incident using root cause analysis.

For all writing assignments, you will run your paper through a program called SafeAssign. This will formulate a similarity report and will give you a percentage. If you percentage is greater than 30%, please review the report and see where you are flagged for similarity. If you have properly cited your information with a quote or an in-text citation, you are good to go! If you have neglected to cite your information, please do so and re-submit your paper for grading to prevent plagiarism. Denver College of Nursing Professional Issues in Nursing Root Cause Analysis Chart Worksheet


Step 1 Read the scenario.

Download and read the Root Cause Analysis Scenario handout

Step 2 Complete the chart.

You have been charged with leading the interprofessional team that will investigate Mr. Jones’s issue. Your analysis should focus on systems and processes, not individual performance. Download and complete the Root Cause Analysis Chart

Step 3 Develop a plan of action.

Based on your investigation, develop a two-page (minimum) plan of action detailing the recommendations the team makes. Your plan should answer the question “What can be done to prevent a similar incident?” Denver College of Nursing Professional Issues in Nursing Root Cause Analysis Chart Worksheet

Handout for Assignment 9.1: Root Cause Analysis Scenario


For your assignment, read the scenario below.



John Jones requires a blood transfusion due to hemorrhage following a motor vehicle accident. The physician enters the order for blood to be drawn for a type and cross-match and then to transfuse one unit of packed red blood cells using computerized physician order entry. The nurse confirms the order for the blood work and prints the laboratory forms and stickers. The nurse gives the laboratory forms to the student nurse technician and asks him to draw blood on Mr. Jones and send it to the laboratory. The student nurse technician reviews the chart and confirms the order for blood work.


When the student nurse technician arrives at John’s semi-private room, he has to wade through several family members to reach the patient’s bed. John seems distracted by the questioning of his well-meaning family members. So the student, not wanting to interrupt their discussion, quickly asks the patient if his name is Mr. Jones. John responds with a simple yes while continuing his discussion with his family. With just the verbal confirmation and without checking the patient’s ID band, the student nurse technician proceeds to draw the blood and send it to the laboratory.


When the blood arrives on the unit two hours later, the nurse performs a cross check with another nurse to confirm the patient name, unit number, and blood type on the blood and the blood slip. They then go the patient’s room to administer the blood. The nurse asks the patient his name and he states, John Jones, which matches his ID band. The two nurses then check the ID band against the blood and the medical record. All names match. The nurses continue with their bedside check and hang the blood.


Within minutes of hanging the blood, Mr. Jones begins to complain to shortness of breath. The nurse immediately stops the blood and begins infusing normal saline. She notifies the physician and the blood bank of a possible transfusion reaction. The physician immediately comes to see the patient, who responds well to treatment. The blood bank reports that the blood and tubing that were returned to them did not match the patient’s blood type. Denver College of Nursing Professional Issues in Nursing Root Cause Analysis Chart Worksheet

Denver College of Nursing IOM Competency of Informatics Discussion

Denver College of Nursing IOM Competency of Informatics Discussion


Step 1 Write one well-developed paragraph addressing each of the following questions:

  • Research the IOM competency of informatics. How can informatics be used in each of these aspects of nursing care?
    • Communication
    • Reducing errors
    • Managing knowledge and information
    • Making decisions

Reflect on your practice or clinical experience. Select two of the above elements of the IOM competency of informatics and describe examples of how informatics has been used to improve patient care related to the elements you have selected.

  • According to the IOM competency, how might informatics be used to further improve these areas of nursing care?

Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. Consider the use of informatics described by the other students. Do you agree or disagree with the uses the students identified? Why or why not? If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions. Denver College of Nursing IOM Competency of Informatics Discussion


Discussion 1 Richard

As nurses, we use informatics daily, all day every day. We use informatics to communicate in a variety of different ways such as using web-based platforms for meetings and conferences, potentially reaching more people quicker (Blais & Hayes, 2016, p 303). We use it to reduce errors, for instance, scanning bar codes and name bands for medication delivery. In 1999, medication errors were the eighth leading cause of death in the United States, since then increased use of nursing informatics including bar code scanners and automated dispensers, has improved patient safety (Gann, 2015). Computerized physician order entry reduces the probability of transcription errors, the pharmacy verifies and releases the meds, and a warning appears on the nurse’s screen if one of the five rights is not met (Gann, 2015). Advances in technology surrounding the management of knowledge and information have assisted nurses in delivering quality care by streamlining workflow processes and ensuring data can be easily retrieved and/or modified (Ang, 2019). All this data collected from assessments, care, and outcomes can be used to help with decision-making on future patients (Blais & Hayes, 2016, p 304). In my nursing practice I use a web-based platform several times per day to communicate. At my facility, we use Webex for our meetings and conferences. My position requires me to attend meetings and since COVID-19 arrived, most of those are on the web. I also seem to be the troubleshooter when our patient monitor data is not flowing over to the EMR. I use the patient occurrence system (SAFE reporting) and Excel to look for trends in patient safety incidents such as where incidents occur, what type of issue, who was involved, etc. I report to risk management via the SAFE system. Denver College of Nursing IOM Competency of Informatics Discussion

Discussion 2 Bobby


Informatics competencies include the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to use and manipulate electronic media in support of these processes ( Schleyer, R. et al. 2011, March). Informatics can be used to manage patient information because it allows providers to store and retrieve an individual’s health-related data. Provider’s can use electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic medical records to document all aspects of a patients health care, health history, assessments, diagnostics, and interventions. Informatics systems we can have workstations, or even have PDA’S or smartphones to access the data needed to help with evidence based practice at bedside. Nurses can acquire basic information such as medication the patient takes. For example when scanning the patients bar code for medication administration, the nurse scans the identifier to the medication and the patient’s identification bracelet to support administrating the right drug to the right patient. The system will alert the nurse if there are any mismatches. Informatics systems can verify the correct patient receiving the proper medications, interventions, or procedures (Blais & Hayes. 2016).

Informatics with communication is effective way to communicate with a provider. We have a system called cortext at my employment that makes communication with a provider much more easier to facilitate. We send a text through the cortext, which has all our hospital physician’s on it. The hospital physicians get back to you right away, and they can give you orders through this system. This kind of communication is much more effective in the care of my patients faster and easier. Informatics helps reduce errors at my workplace. When I do my medication administration I scan the patients barcode on his identification bracelet and the system verifies it is the correct patient, the correct meds and at the right time. I can manage knowledge and information more effectivetly due to informatics. I can click on the medication on monograph, which it gives me the information for that medication, the side affects, drug interaction, dosages, how it is used. Discharging patients is so much easier today with informatics. Physicians can electronically send prescriptions straight to the patients pharmacy. Informatics also shows me the patients lab, microbiology, and other results exactly when the lab puts them in the system. Informatics to me is the best thing that could happen to the health care system. It helps in preventing errors and helps with effective communication. I can have as much information I need about my patients at the tip of my fingers.

Step 1 Select and research a reproductive system disorder. (Cryptorchidism)

Step 2 Using the CDC website or other credible source of medical information, research the pathophysiologic alterations for the reproductive system disorder you chose. Denver College of Nursing IOM Competency of Informatics Discussion

Step 3 Select three to five key alterations in reproductive functioning that are caused by the disorder you selected.

Step 4 In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peer’s posts.

In your response to your peers, provide constructive feedback and/or share a clinical example from your own experience. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide data to support your opinions.

Discussion 1 Bobbi

Understanding the female reproductive system works .The female reproductive tissues in women are the ovaries, uterus, and fallopain tubes. These tissues are primarily controlled by hormones produced by the brain, which are the pituitary and the ovaries. These hormones also control menstrual cycles, pregnancy, and breast milk production. The female sex hormones are called estrogen and progesterone are produced by the ovaries. These hormones are responsible for sexual development and for preparing the uterine wall every month to hold and norish a fertilized egg during pregnancy. These hormones also help with the health of the heart, bones, liver, brain, and many other tissues. So, a reproductive alteration can affect your estrogen and progesterone production and can also reduce your general health (Centers for disease and Control Prevention. 2017).

I chose to tell you about uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids are the most common non cancerous tumors in women. Fibroids are made of muscle tissues that grow in and around the walls of the uterus and or the womb. Although the cause is unknown, some risk factors for uterine fibroids is being overweight or being African-American. The symptoms of fibroids include heavy or painful menstrual cycles, feeling “full”in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, pelvic pressure or pain, lower back pain, pain during sex, and reproduction problems. Some women may not eve show any symptoms. This is why routine exams are important (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2018).

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Common reproductive health concerns for women. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.…

Discussion 2 Jing

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age (“Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”, 2020). This condition is one of the most common causes of female infertility, affecting 6% to 12% of the women in the United States (“Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”, 2020). Up to 70 percent of women with PCOS do not know they have it and have never been diagnosed (“Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”, 2020). PCOS may result in complications such as infertility, miscarriage, premature birth, diabetes, and endometrial cancer (“Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”, 2017). The pathogenesis of PCOS has been linked to altered luteinizing hormone action, insulin resistance, and a possible predisposition to hyperandrogenism (Williams et al., 2016). The underlying insulin resistance exacerbates hyperandrogenism by the suppressing synthesis of sex hormone, binding globulin, and increasing adrenal and ovarian synthesis of androgens, thereby increasing androgen levels (Williams et al., 2016). These androgens then lead to irregular menses and physical manifestations of hyperandrogenism (Williams et al., 2016). Signs and symptoms of PCOS vary, and a diagnosis of PCOS is made when the individual experience at least two of the following symptoms: oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, hirsutism due to hyperandrogenism, weight gain, and multiple ovarian cysts after ultrasonography (“Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”, 2020). There is no cure for polycystic ovary syndrome, however symptoms of PCOS can be managed by weight loss, metformin, birth control pills, progestin therapy, and other fertility drugs (“Polycystic Ovary Syndrome”, 2017). Denver College of Nursing IOM Competency of Informatics Discussion