Capstone Project Topic Selection Maternal (Mother/Baby)

Capstone Project Topic Selection Maternal (Mother/Baby)

Running head: CANCER PREVENTION 1 Cancer Prevention Name Grand Canyon University Professional Capstone


Practicum NRS-490 Professor Name Date CANCER PREVENTION 2 Cancer Prevention “Cancer” is a word that no one wants to hear when presenting to a doctor’s office or as a diagnosis for any family members. It is not one disease, but many diseases that affect many Americans each day (CDC 2016). Therefore it is very crucial to create awareness about the disease and its prevention. The setting or context in which the problem can be observed. The occurrence of cancer disease has been found out to exist mainly in the young adults aged from 18-29 years. The reason behind it is that majority of the patients are not event aware that it is this disease they’re dealing with until they visit the hospitals. The symptoms that indicate the disease involve significant hair fall, muscular pain, constant constipation and body swelling. (Scheel, B. I., & Holtedahl, K. 2015) A description providing a high level of detail regarding the problem It has been observed that this disease majorly resides in the people belonging to middle or lower class because of their lack of knowledge for cancer. By the time these patients come to the hospital for a checkup, the disease has spread beyond than it can be cured. Therefore, it is essential to carry out an awareness program related to cancer in order to attain positive outcomes. The awareness to be spread must be through an official platform than the usual meagre number of clinical staff working to spread awareness about the disease. The cancer awareness program would involve improving the diet, exercise and living habits of the individual (Spring, et al, 2015). Moreover, the ratio of development of cancer appears to be greater among males than in CANCER PREVENTION 3 females according to a research done by the National Cancer Institute (Dowswell, G. 2011). This research also identifies that by the time the patients come to have their checkup, they are already at the last stage of the disease making the treatment not effective at all. Successful treatment can only be accomplished if the patient arrives before it’s too late i.e. in the first or second stage and the only way it seems possible is by making the people aware of this disease such that they can apprehend when to have a proper checkup. Impact of the problem on the work environment, the quality of care provided by staff, and patient outcomes. The impact of this problem on the workforce lies in the insufficient medical equipment with the increasing number of cancer patients in hospitals, shortage of available expert doctors, and high treatment charges for cancer cure. However, the staff is well trained and work at their best skills to serves the patient with cancer with utmost care. Nevertheless, without proper medical techniques and therapies, these skills aren’t enough to cure the disease, neither prevent it from happening. Significance of the problem and its implications to nursing. The problem lies in the high treatment charges at the hospitals or cancer treatment centers that results in the patient not having regular checkups. The requirement of this prevention program to flourish is urgently needed because once the people are made aware of this issue, desperate measurements are likely to be taken to prevent it from happening in the first place. The problem can be signified when one apprehends the age range that cancer takes place or occurs (Cancer.Net, 2015). Lack of knowledge and improper facilities are the chief reasons that serve to CANCER PREVENTION 4 increase the rate at which cancer occurs. The problem also calls for nurses to be self-motivated and well-educated in order to help stabilize the patient’s condition at the workplace. Proposed solution It should be the top priority of the higher authorities in the healthcare centers to implement a cancer awareness and prevention program so that the lives of the people suffering from it can be saved along with the people who are prone to fall victims of this disease. If immediate parameters to prevent this disease from happening are not considered, then there’s a possibility that cancer might continue to haunt the nation in the future as well. For the best possible outcomes, it is necessary to maintain a healthy partnership with the leading health organizations of the world who would provide funds for the program to be carried out with better efficiency. Nurses and doctors must also take part in these awareness programs against cancer in order to obtain successful outcomes. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be said that the importance of disseminating cancer prevention plan is more than actually treating the patients for cancer. If focus is only laid down on cancer treatment and no actions are taken into account in order to raise awareness, then cancer will only continue to be an issue all over the world. Hence, prevention should be made a priority by higher authorities as treatment. CANCER PREVENTION References How to Prevent Cancer or Find It Early. (2016, September 06). Retrieved January 22, 2017, from Scheel, B. I., & Holtedahl, K. (2015). Symptoms, signs, and tests: The general practitioner’s comprehensive approach towards a cancer diagnosis. Scandinavian Journal Of Primary Health Care, 33(3), 170-177. doi:10.3109/02813432.2015.1067512 Spring, B., King, A. C., Pagoto, S. L., Van Horn, L., & Fisher, J. D. (2015). Fostering multiple healthy lifestyle behaviors for primary prevention of cancer. American Psychologist, 70(2), 7590. doi:10.1037/a0038806 Dowswell, G. (2011)” “Men’s experience of erectile dysfunction after treatment for colorectal cancer”: qualitative interview study”. BMJ, PP. 1-11 Cancer.Net. (2015). “Cancer and the Affordable Care Act”. Retrieved January 22, 2017 from Cancer.Net: 5
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7 Nursing care plans for patient who has malignant neoplasm of stomach?

7 Nursing care plans for patient who has malignant neoplasm of stomach?

Assessment Subjective: Patient report “he has abdominal pain” Objective: Grimacing Subjective: Patient report that


“he is vomited after each meal”. Objective: Pale, dry skin Nursing diagnosis Pain related to the presence of abnormal epithelial cells, nerve impulse disorders of the stomach evidenced by patient Reports of pain (5-10). goal Intervention Relief of pain 1.Administer analgesic agents as prescribed. Deficient Fluid Volume related to bleeding (loss of active) and hemoptysis. Vomiting with blood. Fluid requirements are met. Patient report pain less than 5 on a rating scale of 0 to 10. Vital signs within normal limits, good skin turgor, moist mucous membranes, the production of urine output is balanced, not vomiting blood and stools are not black rationale Patient reports decreased pain. 2.Assess frequency, intensity, and duration of pain to determine effectiveness of analgesic agent. 3.Work with patient to help manage pain by suggesting nonpharmacologic methods for pain relief, such as position changes, imagery, distraction, relaxation exercises, back rubs, massage, and periods of rest and relaxation. 1-Record the characteristics of vomiting and / or drainage. 2-Monitor vital signs; compared with normal results of client / previous. Measure blood pressure with sitting, sleeping, standing if possible. 3-Record patient’s physiological response to bleeding, such as mental changes, weakness, restlessness, anxiety, pale, sweaty, tachypnea, the increase in temperature. 4-Monitor input and output and connect them with changes in body weight. Measure blood loss / fluid through vomiting and defecation. 5-Maintain bed rest; prevent vomiting and stress at the time of defecation. Schedule of activities to provide a rest period without interruption. 6-Elevate head of bed for antacid drug administration. 7-Give fluid as indicated. evaluation Assist in distinguishing gastric distress. Postural hypotension showed decreased circulating volume. Worsening of symptoms may indicate the continued bleeding or inadequate fluid replacement. Provide guidelines for fluid replacement. Activities / vomiting increased intraabdominal pressure and can trigger further bleeding. Prevent gastric reflux and aspiration of antacids which can cause serious lung complications. Replacement fluid hypovolemia. It may be used when the infection causes chronic gastritis. A tool to determine the need for blood replacement and 8-Give antibiotics as indicate. Subjective: Objective: Ineffective tissue perfusion related to hypovolemia Maintain effective tissue perfusion 9-Supervise laboratory examination; e.g. Hb / Ht. 1.Monitor changes in level of consciousness, dizziness complaints / headaches. 2.Auscultation apical pulse. Guard heart rate / rhythm when there is a continuous ECG. 3.Assess the skin to cold, pale, sweating, slow capillary filling, and peripheral pulse is weak. 4.Note the report abdominal pain, especially sudden severe pain or pain spreading to shoulders. 5.Observations for pale skin, reddish. Massage with oil. Change positions frequently. 6.Collaboration: 7-Provide supplemental oxygen as indicated. 8-Give IV fluids as indicated oversee the effectiveness of therapy The change may indicate inadequate cerebral perfusion due to arterial blood pressure. Change dysrhythmias and ischemia can occur as a result of hypotension, hypoxia, acidosis, electrolyte imbalance, or cooling near the heart area. Vasoconstriction is a sympathetic response to the decline in circulation volume and / or may occur as a side effect of vasopressin. Pain caused by gastric ulcer, often disappear after acute hemorrhage due to buffer the effects of blood. Disturbances in peripheral circulation increases the risk of skin damage. Treat hypoxemia and lactic acidosis during acute hemorrhage. Maintain circulating volume and perfusion. Subjective: Objective: Tiredness; drowsiness; apathy; insufficient energy and impaired competence to maintain the usual level of Fatigue related to physiological condition, malnutrition, negative life event and sleep deprivation improved sense of energy. 1. To orient for more frequently rest throughout the day. 2. To recommend avoiding excessive physical effort, to not waste energy. 3. To monitor blood count to assess the presence of major anemia. 4. To refer for medical evaluation if necessary. promote rest and restore energy physical activity. Subjective: Objective: Pale, dry skin Poor muscle tone Unbalanced nutrition: less than the body Requirements, related to gastric injury. Patient displays nutritional ingestion sufficient to meet metabolic needs. 1. Assess the patient’s knowledge on the importance and benefits of maintaining the normal nutritional body requirements. Patient takes adequate amount of food with the appropriate calories. 2. Explain to the patient and significant others the importance of maintaining proper nutrition. 3.Suggest eating preferred and well tolerated by the patients, better food with high content of calories / protein. 4.Encourage small, frequent feedings of nonirritating food to decrease gastric irritation; encourage fluid consumption between meals rather than with meals. 5.Schedule rest periods before meals and open packages and cut up food for patient. 6.facilitate tissue repair by ensuring food supplement 8. Record intake, output, and daily weights. 9.Assess sign of dehydration (thirst, dry mucous membranes, poor skin turgor, tachycardia, deceased urine output). 10.Review results of daily laboratory studies to note any metabolic abnormalities (sodium, potassium, glucose, blood urea nitrogen). Risk of bleeding Risk of bleeding related to advanced gastric lesion Patient does not experience bleeding as evidenced by normal blood pressure, stable hematocrit and hemoglobin 11.Administer antiemetic agents as prescribed. 1.Monitor patient’s vital signs, especially BP and HR. Look for signs of orthostatic hypotension. 2.Evaluate the patient’s use of any medications that can affect hemostasis Patient shows no sign of bleeding. Maintained normal blood pressure, stable hematocrit and levels and desired ranges for coagulation profiles. (e.g, anticoagulants, salicylates, NSAIDs, or cancer chemotherapy). 3.Monitor platelet count and coagulation test results. hemoglobin levels and desired ranges for coagulation profiles. 4. Check stool and urine for occult blood. 5. Educate the patient about over-the-counter drugs and avoid products that contain aspirin or NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and naproxen. 6.Provide psychological and emotional support to the patient. Subjective: Objective: Impaired skin integrity related to low fluid intake and poor nutrition. Regains integrity of skin. 7. Keep in touch with blood transfusion center. 1-Assess changes in body temperature, specifically increased in body temperature. 2-Assess the patient’s level of distress. 3-Assess patient’s nutritional status; refer for a nutritional consultation and/or institute dietary supplements. 4-Monitor site of impaired tissue integrity at least once daily for color changes, redness, swelling, warmth, pain, or other signs of infection. 5-Provide tissue care as needed. 6- Monitor patient’s skin care practices, noting type of soap or other cleansing agents used, temperature of water, and frequency of skin cleansing. 7-Encourage a diet that meets nutritional needs. 8-Educate patient about proper nutrition, hydration, and methods to maintain tissue integrity. Demonstrates understanding of plan to heal skin and prevent injury. Describes measures to protect the skin. 9-Encourage use of pillows, foam wedges, and pressure-reducing devices.
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Tags: nursing university

Adult screening

Adult screening

The following website will aid you in completing this Assignment:


Utilizing the US Preventive Services Task force site:

Recommendations for Primary Care Practice. (n.d). Retrieved from…


The same information found at AHRQ in a more user friendly format:

Section 2. Recommendations for Adults. (2014, June 25). Retrieved from
Be sure the information is the most current from these sites.


You will need to create a chart that illustrates Adult screenings, Grades A, and B: preventative care measures for individuals ranging from age 21–65.
You do not have to include Grade C, pregnancy recommendations or pediatric recommendations. You should not include Grade D or I.

The chart should include:

● Adult Immunization recommendations
● Well person visit recommendations- be sure to break this out clearly as to what is being screened at the well visits.
● Prevention counseling
● Cancer screening recommendations (cervical, breast, colon, lung) Other preventative services (dental care, vision care)

There should be sufficient information as to what the screening is. Look up examples of prevention guideline charts to help you get some ideas. Be sure your content and information is current per the required source above and is not content based on examples that you may find for ideas on design alone. These may be outdated.
Please include gender and age groups in your chart data. There is no narrative. This assignment consists of a title page, a chart and a reference page.

DUE: to Dropbox on end of Day 7 of Unit 10.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Tags: nursing msn

Professional Paper (1)

Professional Paper (1)



The purpose of this assignment is to allow the learner to demonstrate writing skills, organizational skills, and ability to correctly present ideas and credit others in APA formatting when writing a professional paper.


This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO3. Demonstrate effective verbal, written, and technological communication using legal and ethical standards for transferring knowledge using success resources provided to Chamberlain students. (PO3)

CO4. Integrate critical thinking and judgment in professional decision-making in collaboration with faculty and peers. (PO4)

CO5. Apply concepts of professionalism when planning for personal, intellectual, and professional development. (PO5)

CO9. Demonstrate accountability for personal and professional development by assessing information and technology competence, implementing plans for upgrading technology skills, and using effective strategies for online student success using resources provided to Chamberlain students. (PO5)


Submit the assignment Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT. (check your Canvas calendar for your local time).


Click to view and download the NR351 Professional Paper Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..


This assignment is worth a total of 225 points.

PREPARING THE Professional Paper

Carefully read these guidelines including the Rubric, which may be found in the Gradebook.
Download the Professional Paper Template (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Rename that document as Your Last Name Professional Paper.docx. Save it to your own computer or drive in a location where you will be able to retrieve it later. Type your assignment directly on the saved document. Remember that only Microsoft Word 2010 or a later version is acceptable. The document must be saved as a .docx. Save frequently to prevent loss of your work.
Mechanics of the Professional Paper include:
Times New Roman size 12 typeface (font) double spaced with 1-inch margins
No abstract
Correct APA format
Correct spelling, apostrophe use, grammar, punctuation, paragraphing, and sentence structure
Contents must include Title Page, body of the paper (500-600 words including Introduction, two Main Points and subpoints from your Professional Paper Worksheet outline including revisions suggested by instructor, and Conclusion), and References page.
Two Main Points and Conclusion should be Level 1 headings. No Level 2 headings are needed for this short paper.
References should only include your Hood textbook and the assigned article found here: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Contents of the paper must include any revisions suggested by your instructor in Professional Paper Worksheet feedback.
When your assignment is complete, save and close your Professional Paper. Submit your completed paper as by the due date.

Respiratory function and design, immune function, bulk flow vs diffusion

Respiratory function and design, immune function, bulk flow vs diffusion

Explain how certain structures and properties in the upper respiratory system and lower regions, especially the alveoli, are well-designed to accomplish their function (form fits function). Make sure to mention- immune related attributes as well as bulk flow vs diffusion in your answer).


Respiratory gas exchange and hemoglobin

Respiratory gas exchange and hemoglobin

The reaction of hemoglobin and oxygen is complicated. Explain some of this relationship in regards to the Hb-O2 saturation curves and why breathing at altitude is more difficult and CO2’s role. (mention affinity for O2/CO2 and factors affecting the right shift).


Respiratory function expiration and forced inspiration

Respiratory function expiration and forced inspiration

Discuss the mechanics of how quiet inspiration and expiration are accomplished vs forced inspiration and expiration? Why or how do we breath deeper and faster? (Mention the muscles involved with each, elastic recoil, Boyle’s Law etc.) must answer in paragraph form.


hollistic health

hollistic health

Describe ethical dilemmas associated with the current state of population health and care disparities. Support your response with at least one scholarly journal reference.


Topic 2- DQ 1

Topic 2- DQ 1

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion:


The knowledge of the foundation and history of nursing can provide us a context in which to understand current nursing care because it gives us a broad idea of where and who our profession began with. Nursing has been a part of communities for a long time whether it was taking care of one’s neighbor or bandaging a soldier’s wounds. Florence Nightengale used her basic nursing skills and knowledge to involve a push for more sanitary conditions for soldier’s healthcare in the British military. Her work was noticed because families and soldiers could see that what she was doing was actually working, causing less unnecessary deaths. This is how nursing was put on the map and was respected by the community. Florence used data and numbers and statistics to save lives. (Hood, L. J., & Leddy, S. K. ,2006).

If we do not have a solid knowledge and understanding of the roots of nursing we can do our job on a day to day basis, however if the time came to make a change and improvements for our patients we may not have the skills to do it. Nursing theories allow us to continue to direct our nursing care and keep a direction in which we want our careers to go. We can dig deep into our nursing practice and find out what it will take to make a change. We can grow as nurses by referring back to original thoughts and ideas of the nursing theories and try to understand what nursing means to us. (Hood, L. J., & Leddy, S. K. ,2006).

Three trends I see in nursing practice from “Nursing Timeline of Historical Events” is caring for those who cannot care for themselves, taking care of the environment to benefit the individual and education . Several of the very first names in nursing, including St. Vincent De Paul focused their work specifically on the poor and dying. These people are those who need us the most, they are unable to take care of themselves and need extra attention. This has influenced my day to day nursing care because I see people at their most vulnerable and I have to remember these people are scared and it is in my hands to not only care for them as a nurse but also offer emotional support. The sanitation of a patient’s environment is also a trend I saw in the history of nursing especially in nursing careers like that of Harriet Dame, who worked hard to advocate for the military to have sanitary areas to be treated, sanitary nursing supplies and adequate surgeons. This is important to me in my nursing care because we are always doing more and learning more to prevent hospital acquired infections for our patients. Whenever doing a sterile dressing change always making sure I take my time as to not harm my patients, or even just offering a patient a shower/sponge bath and cleaning their sheets. Finally,I found many of these historical nurses were involved in education of new nurses and passing on of their skills to others. This is very relevant to me as I am always wanting to learn more in my nursing career and am working on my BSN to continue my education. ( “Nursing timeline of historical events n.d.”)


Hood, L. J., & Leddy, S. K. (2006). Conceptual bases of professional nursing (6th ed.).

Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Topic 2 DQ 1- Answer #2

Topic 2 DQ 1- Answer #2

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your help.


The knowledge of the foundation and history of nursing can provide us a context in which to understand current nursing care because it gives us a broad idea of where and who our profession began with. Nursing has been a part of communities for a long time whether it was taking care of one’s neighbor or bandaging a soldier’s wounds. Florence Nightengale used her basic nursing skills and knowledge to involve a push for more sanitary conditions for soldier’s healthcare in the British military. Her work was noticed because families and soldiers could see that what she was doing was actually working, causing less unnecessary deaths. This is how nursing was put on the map and was respected by the community. Florence used data and numbers and statistics to save lives. (Hood, L. J., & Leddy, S. K. ,2006).

If we do not have a solid knowledge and understanding of the roots of nursing we can do our job on a day to day basis, however if the time came to make a change and improvements for our patients we may not have the skills to do it. Nursing theories allow us to continue to direct our nursing care and keep a direction in which we want our careers to go. We can dig deep into our nursing practice and find out what it will take to make a change. We can grow as nurses by referring back to original thoughts and ideas of the nursing theories and try to understand what nursing means to us. (Hood, L. J., & Leddy, S. K. ,2006).

Three trends I see in nursing practice from “Nursing Timeline of Historical Events” is caring for those who cannot care for themselves, taking care of the environment to benefit the individual and education . Several of the very first names in nursing, including St. Vincent De Paul focused their work specifically on the poor and dying. These people are those who need us the most, they are unable to take care of themselves and need extra attention. This has influenced my day to day nursing care because I see people at their most vulnerable and I have to remember these people are scared and it is in my hands to not only care for them as a nurse but also offer emotional support. The sanitation of a patient’s environment is also a trend I saw in the history of nursing especially in nursing careers like that of Harriet Dame, who worked hard to advocate for the military to have sanitary areas to be treated, sanitary nursing supplies and adequate surgeons. This is important to me in my nursing care because we are always doing more and learning more to prevent hospital acquired infections for our patients. Whenever doing a sterile dressing change always making sure I take my time as to not harm my patients, or even just offering a patient a shower/sponge bath and cleaning their sheets. Finally,I found many of these historical nurses were involved in education of new nurses and passing on of their skills to others. This is very relevant to me as I am always wanting to learn more in my nursing career and am working on my BSN to continue my education. ( “Nursing timeline of historical events n.d.”)


Hood, L. J., & Leddy, S. K. (2006). Conceptual bases of professional nursing (6th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.