Individual Client Health History and Examination

Individual Client Health History and Examination

Functional Health Pattern Assessment (FHP) Pattern of Health Perception and Health Management: • How does the


person describe current health? • What does the person do to maintain health? • What does person know about links between lifestyle and health? • How big a problem is financing health care for this person? • Can this person report his/her medications and the reason for taking them? • If this person has allergies, what does he/she do to prevent/manage them? • What does the person know about medical problems in his/her family? • Have there been any important illnesses/injuries in this person’s life? Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern: • Is this person well-nourished? • How does this person’s food intake compare with recommended food intake? • Does this person have any disease that affects nutritional/metabolic function? Pattern of Elimination: • Are the person’s excretory functions within normal range? • Does the person have any disease of the digestive system, urinary system, or skin? Pattern of Activity and Exercise: • How does this person describe his/her weekly pattern of: Activity/Leisure?–Exercise/Recreation? • Does this person have any disease that affects his/her: Cardio/Respiratory System?–Musculoskeletal System? Cognitive/Perceptual Pattern: • Does this person have any sensory deficits? If yes, are they corrected? • Can this person express himself/herself clearly and logically? • What is this person’s level of education? • Does this person have any disease that affects mental or sensory functions? • If this person has pain, describe it and its causes. Pattern of Sleep and Rest: • Describe this person’s sleep/wake cycle. • Does this person appear physically rested and relaxed? Pattern of Self-Perception and Self-Concept: • Is there anything unusual about this person’s appearance? • Does this person seem comfortable with his/her appearance? • Describe this person’s feeling state. Role-Relationship Pattern: • How does this person describe his/her various roles in life? • Has, or does this person presently have positive role models for these roles? • Which relationships are most important to this person at this time? • Is this person presently going through any changes in role or relationships? If yes, describe changes. Sexuality – Reproductive Pattern: • Is this person satisfied with his/her situation related to sexuality? • Does this person have any disease/dysfunction of the reproductive system? • Is this person satisfied with his/her plans regarding children? Pattern of Coping and Stress Tolerance: • How does this person cope with difficult situations/problems? • Do these coping mechanism/actions help or make things worse? • Has this person had any treatment for emotional distress? © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Pattern of Value and Beliefs: • What principles did this person learn as a child that are still important to him/her? • Does this person identify with any social, religious, ethnic, regional, cultural, or other groups? • What support systems does this person currently have? © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Health History and Examination Health Assessment of the Head, Neck, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Throat, Neurological System, and the 12 Cranial Nerves Skin, Hair, Nails, Breasts, Peripheral Vascular System, Lymphatics, Thorax, Heart, Lungs, Musculoskeletal, Gastrointestinal, and Genitourinary Systems Save this form on your computer as a Microsoft Word document. You can expand or shrink each area as you need to include relevant data for your client. Student Name: Date: Client/Patient Initials: Occupation of Client/Patient: Sex: Age: Health History/Review of Systems (Complete and systematic review of systems) Neurological System (headaches, head injuries, dizziness, convulsions, tremors, weakness, numbness, tingling, difficulty speaking, difficulty swallowing, etc., medications): Head and Neck (pain, headaches, head/neck injury, neck pain, lumps/swelling, surgeries on head/neck, medications): Eyes (eye pain, blurred vision, history of crossed eyes, redness/swelling in eyes, watering, tearing, injury/surgery to eye, glaucoma testing, vision test, glasses or contacts, medications): Ears (earache or other ear pain, history of ear infections, discharge from ears, history of surgery, difficulty hearing, environmental noise exposure, vertigo, medications): Nose, Mouth, and Throat (discharge, sores or lesions, pain, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, sore throat, allergies, surgeries, usual dental care, medications): Skin, Hair and Nails (skin disease, changes in color, changes in a mole, excessive dryness or moisture, itching, bruising, rash or lesions, recent hair loss, changing nails, environmental hazards/exposures, medications): Breasts and Axilla (pain or tenderness, lumps, nipple discharge, rash, swelling, trauma or © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. injury to breast, mammography, breast self-exam, medications): Peripheral Vascular and Lymphatic System (leg pain, cramps, skin changes in arms or legs, swelling in legs or ankles, swollen glands, medications): Cardiovascular System (chest pain or tightness, SOB, cough, swelling of feet or hands, family history of cardiac disease, tire easily, self-history of heart disease, medications): Thorax and Lungs (cough, SOB, pain on inspiration or expiration, chest pain with breathing, history of lung disease, smoking history, living/working conditions that affect breathing, last TB skin test, flu shot, pneumococcal vaccine, chest x-ray, medications): Musculoskeletal System (joint pain; stiffness; swelling, heat, redness in joints; limitation of movement; muscle pain or cramping; deformity of bone or joint; accidents or trauma to bones; back pain; difficulty with activity of daily living, medications): Gastrointestinal System (change in appetite – increase or loss; difficulty swallowing; foods not tolerated; abdominal pain; nausea or vomiting; frequency of BM; history of GI disease, ulcers, medications): Genitourinary System (recent change, frequency, urgency, nocturia, dysuria, polyuria, oliguria, hesitancy or straining, urine color, narrowed stream, incontinence, history of urinary disease, pain in flank, groin, suprapubic region or low back): Physical Examination (Comprehensive examination of each system. Record findings.) Neurological System (exam of all 12 cranial nerves, motor and sensory assessments): Head and Neck (palpate the skull, inspect the neck, inspect the face, palpate the lymph nodes, palpate the trachea, palpate and auscultate the thyroid gland): Eyes (test visual acuity, visual fields, extraocular muscle function, inspect external eye structures, inspect anterior eyeball structures, inspect ocular fundus): © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Ears (inspect external structure, otoscopic examination, inspect tympanic membrane, test hearing acuity): Nose, Mouth, and Throat (Inspect and palpate the nose, palpate the sinus area, inspect the mouth, inspect the throat): Skin, Hair and Nails (inspect and palpate skin, temperature, moisture, lesions, inspect and palpate hair, distribution, texture, inspect and palpate nails, contour, color, teach selfexamination techniques): Breasts and Axilla (deferred for purpose of class assignment) Peripheral Vascular and Lymphatic System (inspect arms, symmetry, pulses; inspect legs, venous pattern, varicosities, pulses, color, swelling, lumps): Cardiovascular System (inspect and palpate carotid arteries, jugular venous system, precordium heave or lift, apical impulse; auscultate rate and rhythm; identify S1 and S2, any extra heart sounds, murmur): Thorax and Lungs (inspect thoracic cage, symmetry, tactile fremitus, trachea; palpate symmetrical expansion;, percussion of anterior, lateral and posterior, abnormal breathing sounds): Musculoskeletal System (inspect cervical spine for size, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain, range of motion; inspect shoulders for size, color, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain, range of motion; inspect elbows for size, color, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain, range of motion; inspect wrist and hands for size, color, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain, range of motion; inspect hips for size, color, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain, range of motion; inspect knees for size, color, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain, range of motion; inspect ankles and feet for size, color, contour, swelling, mass, deformity, pain and © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. range of motion): Gastrointestinal System (contour of abdomen, general symmetry, skin color and condition, pulsation and movement, umbilicus, hair distribution; auscultate bowel sound;, percuss all four quadrants; percuss border of liver; light palpation in all four quadrants– muscle wall, tenderness, enlarged organs, masses, rebound tenderness, CVA tenderness): Genitourinary System (deferred for purpose of this class) FHP Assessment Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern: Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern: Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern: Pattern of Elimination Pattern of Activity and Exercise: Pattern of Sleep and Rest: Pattern of Self-Perception and Self-Concept: Summarize Your Findings (Use format that provides logical progression of assessment.) Situation (reason for seeking care, patient statements): © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Background (health and family history, recent observations): Assessment (assessment of health state or problems, nursing diagnosis): Recommendation (diagnostic evaluation, follow-up care, patient education teaching including health promotion education): © 2016. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.
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Political Activism

Political Activism



Many careers are influenced by government regulations. Health care is one of those careers, similar to education, where the workers are hesitant to be involved in the political process. If we are to advance the cause of quality patient care it becomes imminent that doctorally prepared advanced practice nurses get involved in the political process.

This assignment will prepare you to determine what policy you may want to be involved in changing by creating an objective policy brief. A policy brief is a concise summary of a particular issue, the policy options to deal with it, and some recommendations on the best option. This assignment will be two parts.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Part One:

Write a policy brief regarding an issue relevant to health policy of 1,000-1,250 words. Include the following:

Executive summary
Approaches and results
Implications and recommendations
Graphics and tables may be included as appropriate
Part Two:

Locate the contact information for a state, local, or federal official for your area.
Locate information regarding the official’s stance on the issue you discuss in your policy brief.
Send the official a letter or e-mail that explains your position and offers suggestions on how the official should move forward with the agenda from your policy brief. Include the brief as an attachment.

Political Activism


Less Than Satisfactory




70.0 %Content

10.0 %Executive Summary

An executive summary which describes a recent practice experience involving health care outcomes is not present.

An executive summary which describes a recent practice experience involving health care outcomes is present but incomplete.

An executive summary which describes a recent practice experience involving health care outcomes is present but rendered at a perfunctory level.

An executive summary is present which is thorough and defines specific elements but not as completely as expected. Information presented is from scholarly but dated sources.

A complete executive summary is clearly present.

10.0 %Policy Brief (Including Introduction, Approaches and Results, Implications and Recommendations, and Concluding Sections)

Introduction, approaches and results, implications and recommendations, and concluding sections are not present.

Introduction, approaches and results, implications and recommendations, and concluding sections are present but incomplete.

Introduction, approaches and results, implications and recommendations, and concluding sections are present but rendered at a perfunctory level.

Introduction, approaches and results, implications and recommendations, and concluding sections are clearly present but are not as complete as expected. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but not as completely as expected.

Introduction, approaches and results, implications and recommendations, and concluding sections are clearly present.

10.0 %Thesis Statement and Points the Policy Brief Will Address

Thesis statement and discussion points are not present.

Thesis statement and discussion points are present but incomplete.

Thesis statement and discussion points are present but rendered at a perfunctory level.

Thesis statement and discussion points are present but are not as complete as expected. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but not as completely as expected. Information presented is from scholarly but dated sources.

Thesis statement and discussion points are clearly present.

10.0 %Approaches and Results Expected From the Policy Brief

Approaches and results expected from the policy brief are not present.

Approaches and results expected from the policy brief are present but incomplete.

Approaches and results expected from the policy brief are present but rendered at a perfunctory level.

Approaches and results expected from the policy brief are present but are not as complete as expected. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but not as completely as expected. Information presented is from scholarly but dated sources.

Approaches and results expected from the policy brief are clearly present. Discussion is convincing and defines specific elements. Discussion is insightful and forward-thinking. Information presented is from current scholarly sources.

20.0 %Implications and Recommendations of Any Implementation of the Policy

Implications and recommendations of any implementation of the policy are not present.

Implications and recommendations of any implementation of the policy are present but incomplete.

Implications and recommendations of any implementation of the policy are present but rendered at a perfunctory level.

Implications and recommendations of any implementation of the policy are present but are not as complete as expected. Discussion is thorough and defines specific elements but not as completely as expected. Information presented is from scholarly but dated sources.

Implications and recommendations of any implementation of the policy are present. Discussion is convincing, insightful, and forward-thinking. Information presented is from current scholarly sources.

10.0 %Summary of the Policy Brief in a Concluding Paragraph, Including Any Graphics or Tables Needed as Appendices

Concluding paragraph summarizing the policy brief is not present.

Concluding paragraph summarizes the policy brief but is incomplete.

Concluding paragraph summarizes the policy brief but is rendered at a perfunctory level.

Concluding paragraph summarizes the policy brief but is not as complete as expected. Graphics or tables are included as appendices, if needed.

Concluding paragraph summarizes the policy brief. Graphics or tables are included as appendices, if needed.

20.0 %Organization and Effectiveness

7.0 %Thesis Development and Purpose

Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim.

Thesis and/or main claim are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear.

Thesis and/or main claim are apparent and appropriate to purpose.

Thesis and/or main claim are clear and forecast the development of the paper. It is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose.

Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

8.0 %Argument Logic and Construction

Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources.

Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility.

Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis.

Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative.

Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

5.0 %Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)

Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice and/or sentence construction are used.

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, and/or word choice are present.

Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.

Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used.

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

10.0 %Format

5.0 %Paper Format (Use of appropriate style for the major and assignment)

Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly.

Appropriate template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent.

Appropriate template is used. Formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present.

Appropriate template is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting style.

All format elements are correct.

5.0 %APA Format

Required format is rarely followed correctly. An appropriate number of topic-related scholarly research sources and related in-text citations are not present. No reference page is included. No citations are used.

Required format is attempted, but some elements are missing or mistaken. A lack of control with formatting is apparent. Some sources are not scholarly research or topic-related. Reference page is present. Citations are inconsistently used.

Required format is used correctly, although some minor errors may be present. Scholarly research sources are present and topic-related, but the source and quality of some references is questionable. Reference page is included and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present.

Required format is fully used. There are virtually no errors in formatting. Scholarly research accounts for the majority of sources presented and is topic-related and obtained from reputable professional sources. Reference page is present and fully inclusive of all cited sources. Documentation is appropriate and citation style is usually correct.

The document is correctly formatted to publication standards. All research presented is scholarly, topic-related, and obtained from highly respected, professional, original sources. In-text citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The documentation of cited sources is free of error. The paper could readily be accepted for publication.

Nursing change project

Nursing change project

Identify the change project topic and identify why it is a problem (provide details). i.e. something to change in


nursing , like reduce falls or something like that. Identify the stakeholders (both internal and external) and summarize the benefits of the change project as well as the benefits and challenges associated with internal and external stakeholders.

All submissions must have a minimum of two scholarly references to support your work.

Examples of work to show mastery:

1-2 page paper – APA format

Nursing Pathophysiology Case Study on Neuro/Endocrine

Nursing Pathophysiology Case Study on Neuro/Endocrine

A fifty-nine (59) year old black American with hypertension and hypercholesterolemia is brought


to the emergency department. She has a history of tobacco use for 25 year; quit ten years ago.

Husband smoked one pack per day. She has a positive family history of heart disease.

Occasionally takes walks in the neighborhood with friends, but does not have a regular

exercise regimen.

In the emergency department, Mrs. Johnson is alert and oriented. Her vital signs are

temperature 98.2 F (36.7C), blood pressure 148/97, pulse 81, and respiratory rate 14. An

electrocardiogram (EEG, EKG) monitor shows a normal sinus rhythm. Mrs. Johnson is still

complaining of “numbness” of the right side of her face and down her right arm. Her mouth is

noted to divert to the right side with a slight facial droop when she smiles. Her speech is clear.

She is able to move all of her extremities and follow commands. Her pupils are round, equal,

and reactive to light (4mm to 2 mm) and accommodation. There is no nystagmus noted. Her

right hand grasp is weaker than her left. Mrs. Johnson does not have a headache and denies

any nausea, vomiting, chest pain, diaphoresis, or visual complaints. She is not experiencing

any significant weakness, has a steady gait, and is able to swallow without difficulty.

Laboratory blood test results are as follows: white blood cell count (WBC) 8,000 cells/mm,

hemoglobin (Hgb) 14 G/dL , hematocrit (Hct) 44%, platelets = 294,000 mm, erythrocyte

sedimentation rate (ESR) 15 mm/hr, prothrombin time (PT) 12.9 seconds, international

normalized ratio (INR) 1.10, sodium (Na) 149 mEq/L, Potassium (K) 4.5 mEq/L, glucose 105

mg/dL, calcium (ca) 9.5 mg/dL, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 15 mg/dL, and creatinine (creat) 0.08

mg/dL. A head computed tomography (CT) scan is done which shows no acute intracranial

change and magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) is within normal limits. Mrs. Johnson is started

on an intravenous heparin drip of 25,000 units in 500cc of D5W at 18 ml per hour (900 units per

hour). Mrs. Johnson is admitted for a neurology evaluation, magnetic resonance angiography

(MRA) of the brain, a fasting serum cholesterol, and blood pressure monitoring. Upon

admission to the nursing unit, her symptoms have resolved. There is no facial asymmetry and

her complaint of numbness has subsided.

Paragraph 1

Paragraph 1

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.


A comprehensive health assessment in a geriatric patient is conducted to help identify potential abnormal findings (Grand Canyon University, 2012). The assessment should include a physical examination, family history, evaluation of cognition, sensory loss, nutrition, mental health, and a determination of any advance care plan for end of life.

When the nurse first encounters the patient, there are clinical signs that can be observed by paying close attention to the client’s general appearance and behavior. Close observation is important in conducting a thorough assessment, and observation begins from the first moment of contact with the client. Important factors to notice include the steadiness of the patient’s gait and balance, and the general appearance of self-care and hygiene. Also, it is important to note if the elderly client is wearing corrective lenses or hearing aids. These findings are indications of a sensory deficit, and they should trigger the nurse to speak slowly and clearly, making direct interactions in close proximity.

Assessment of family history is important in assessing risk factors and heritable disease, and, especially with the elderly, it has the added benefit of helping the nurse address living conditions and the existence of a support system, which might be beneficial when evaluating a patient’s ability to manage care. Cognition is a critical factor in determining patient’s ability to manage care. A patient with a neurodegenerative disorder, such as dementia, may have a severely diminished capacity to comply with medical recommendations, follow-up care, self-care, and nutrition.

Assessment of nutrition should include examination of the hair, nails, and teeth. This can provide important clues about the state of a patient’s nutrition. Patient’s with diminished nutrition may not be as resilient after sickness or injury, and they are more vulnerable to pathogens and hospital-acquired infections.

The assessment of advanced directives and end-of-life plans is another crucial element in providing care for the elderly. This portion of the assessment is important because many of these directives are legally binding, and they can provide a large amount of information and direction to healthcare providers in the event of death or incapacitation.


Health assessment of the older adult (2012). Grand Canyon University. Retrieved from

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 2

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and


references in alphabetical order in case of another source.

Physical Health

The medical history focuses special attention on medication use and the risk for malnutrition, falling, incontinence, and immobility. The nurse examination seeks to identify specific diseases or conditions for which curative, restorative, palliative, or preventive treatment may be available. Special attention is directed towardvisual or hearing impairment, nutritional status, and conditions that may contribute to frailty and falling or difficulty in ambulation.

Mental Health

Cognitive, behavioral, and emotional statuses are evaluated, paying close attention to detecting dementia, delirium, and depression.

Social and Economic Status

The social support network includes the accessibility and capability of caregivers, the elderly person’s economic resources, and other bases of support such as cultural, ethnic, and spiritual resources. It also includes the individual’s own assessment of their quality of life.

Functional Status

Functional status is measured by the ability to accomplish basic activities of daily living (ADLs) and to participate in behavioral and social activities referred to as instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs). ADLs include bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, continence, and feeding. IADLs require a higher level of cognition and judgment than physical activities and include preparation of meals, shopping, light housework, financial management, medication management, use of transportation, and use of the telephone.

Environmental Characteristics

Evaluating the patient’s physical environment regulates the safety of the living environment. It also assesses the patient’s availability and use to essential services, such as shopping, pharmacy, and transportation.

What special considerations should the nurse keep in mind while performing this assessment?

It might take a little more time to complete the assessment and need to make sure that we are doing it at an optimal time, They might tire easier and when they take and what medications that they are taking. We need to make sure that we have them use any assistive devices that they normally use such as glasses, hearing aids, pocket talkers, walkers, and provide written explanations if needed. Be prepared to use interpreters instead of family members for non-English speaking patients. Make sure that when testing for mobility to have a safe clear and enough room. Be respectful of their environment and their things as well as the need for pain relief.


Jarvis, C., (2016), Physical Examination and Health Assessment, Seventh Edition, Elsevier., MO.

Paragraph 3

Paragraph 3

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.


The comprehensive health assessment of the geriatric patient requires knowledge of normal aging changes, the effects of chronic diseases, genetic makeup, and lifestyle. It is multidimensional and incorporates the physical exam and assessment of mental status, functional status, social and economic status, pain and exam of the environment for safety concerns (Jarvis, 2016). Some of the special considerations the nurse must keep in mind is the presence of “geriatric syndromes” such as urinary incontinence fragile skin, confusion, eating problems or feeding problems, falls and sleep disorders. The goal of the functional assessment of the geriatric patient is to identify the geriatric patient’s strengths and limitations and to be able to come up with interventions to promote independence and prevent functional decline.


Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical Examination and Health Assessment

Paragraph 5

Paragraph 5

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.


Studies have shown that about 80% of Americans would prefer to die in their own home, if possible. In spite of this, 60% of Americans pass away in acute care hospitals, 20% in nursing homes and only 20% at home. A smaller number of dying patients uses hospice care and even those patients are often referred to hospice only in the last 3-4 weeks of life. However, not every patient will want to die at home. Dying at home is taboo in certain cultures and some patients may wish not to die at home, out of concern that they might be a burden on the family. Still, it is clear that fewer patients are dying at home than want to do so. (Stanford school of medicine 2018)

End-of-life care is almost 30% of Medicare’s annual budget over the last year of life. Dying at home is much cheaper rather than in the Hospital or nursing home. Family caregivers have the heavy burden of caring for their loved ones which could be too much at times. Hospice care at home is helpful, but the family might not be ready for the emotional response of losing your loved one. Patient might get more sick and unable to maintain pain control forcing them into the Emergency Room for care and possibly a hospital admission. Also the caregivers might be fatigued and need a little break, to reset.

As Nurses we need to be supportive and non-judgmental. The family caregivers might be trying to overcome their guilt of not being able to live up to their loved ones last wishes. We can be understanding and offer pastoral help for the family. We as nurses can reassure the family that we will maintain their loved ones wishes with dignity.


Brenoff, A. (2017). When Loved Ones Die At Home, Family Caregivers Pay The Price. HuffPost

Paragraph 4

Paragraph 4

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.


I see this first hand from working in hospice where patients have been relocated into their children’s homes because they can no longer take care of themselves or bel eft alone for that matter. Prior to them moving into their children’s homes, there were already pending medical issues that prompted the final move in such as reoccurring falls, fractures, forgetfulness/cognitive decline, poor vision, constant hospitalizations, failure to thrive and failed cancer treatments/interventions. I even see this on admission with elderly patients and not just my hospice patients. So sometimes the child has to basically be the more responsible one when it comes to the safety and health of the elderly parent since sometimes the parent can be in denial of need or unaware of how severe their condition is.

Assessment 2 Legal and Ethical Considerations

Assessment 2 Legal and Ethical Considerations

Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


For this assessment, you will develop a presentation to support an educational session that you plan to conduct for your clinical team that addresses the ethical and legal implications typically associated with the provision of coordinated care. Because you do not expect to be able to assemble all of your team members, in person, for this session, you have decided to add detailed speaker’s notes to your slides, record a voice-over track, and make the presentation available for team members to review at their earliest opportunity.

Before you begin developing your presentation:

Complete the Vila Health: Overseeing the Legal Process exercise, linked in the Required Resources. This interactive simulation will enable you to gather the information needed as the basis for your educational session.
Consider creating a Care Coordination Legal Responsibility table to help organize your thoughts about the legal implications of the issues associated with the patient you interviewed in the Vila Health simulation. A table is not required, but if you choose to create one, you may use the Care Coordination Legal Responsibility Table Template provided in the Suggested Resources or devise one of your own.
Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft presentation to Smarthinking for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. However, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback, if you plan on using this free service.

Presentation Tools
You may use Microsoft PowerPoint or any other suitable presentation software to create your slides. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your instructor to avoid potential file compatibility issues.

Use the speaker’s notes section of each slide to develop your talking points and cite your sources, as appropriate. If you need help designing your presentation, you are encouraged to review the various presentation resources provided for this assessment. These resources will help you to design an effective presentation, whether you choose to use PowerPoint or other presentation design software.

You have the option of either recording a voice-over track for your presentation or creating a video. In either case, you may use Kaltura Media, Adobe Connect, or other technology of your choice for your audio or video recording

If using Kaltura Media, refer to the Using Kaltura tutorial for directions on recording and uploading your video in the courseroom.
If using Adobe Connect, refer to the instructions and tutorials available from the Using Adobe Connect support page.
Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact Disability Services to request accommodations.

Develop a presentation to support an educational session for your clinical team.

Presentation Format and Length
At a minimum, your presentation must include the following slides:
Purpose (the reasons for your presentation).
References (at the end of your presentation).
Your slide deck should consist of 15–18 slides, not including the title, purpose, and references slides.
Supporting Evidence
Cite 5–7 sources of credible, scholarly or professional evidence to support your analysis and recommendations.
List your sources on the references slide.
Developing the Presentation
Note: The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your presentation addresses each point, at a minimum. You may also want to read the Ethical and Legal Considerations Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

Explain the concept of informed consent in care coordination.
What is informed consent?
What circumstances require the patient’s consent for a medical intervention?
How much, and what, information should be communicated to the patient to be considered adequate?
Describe three ways in which legal and ethical concerns can be minimized through collaboration with caregivers in situations where clients have minimal or absent ability to communicate.
Summarize the responsibilities and expectations of the nurse for collaborating with clinical team members, when ethical issues emerge.
Consider possible underlying assumptions or biases that could influence your perspective.
Consider areas of uncertainty, knowledge gaps, and additional information that would be needed in order to gain a more complete understanding of the responsibilities.
Describe interrelationships among the legal, ethical, and professional responsibilities of the care coordinator.
Consider possible assumptions underlying your analysis.
Consider areas of uncertainty, knowledge gaps, and additional information that would be needed in order to gain a more complete understanding of the responsibilities.
Explain how diversity is supported through state and federal statutes.
What legislation can you cite that addresses diversity issues in health care?
Articulate the importance of adhering to applicable laws on the local, state, and federal level that govern the practice of care coordination and nursing care management.
Present main points, arguments, and conclusions to a clinical team clearly and accurately.
Address the anticipated needs and concerns of your audience.
What questions or alternative points of view might you expect? How will you respond?
Express your main points, arguments, and conclusions coherently.
Proofread your slides to minimize errors that could distract the audience and make it more difficult to focus on the substance of your presentation.
Support main points, arguments, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using APA style.
Is your supporting evidence clear and explicit?
How or why does particular evidence support a claim?
Will your audience see the connection?
Additional Requirements
Be sure that:

Your slide deck consists of approximately 15–18 slides, not including the title, purpose, and references slide.
You have cited 5–7 sources of relevant and credible scholarly or professional evidence to support your presentation.
You have listed your sources on the references slide at the end of your presentation.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save your presentation to your ePortfolio.