Case Study

Case Study

Case Study #5


Janice Taylor, a 30-year-old attorney is in her second trimester of pregnancy with her first child. Her pregnancy had been progressing normally, but recently she has noticed that she tires very easily and is short of breath, even the slightest exertion. She also has experienced periods of light-headedness, though not to the point of fainting. Other changes she has noticed are cramping in her legs, a desire to crunch on ice, and her tongue is sore. She doubts that all of these symptoms are related to one another, but she is concerned, and she makes an appointment to see her health care provider.

Upon examining Janice, the health care provider finds that she has tachycardia, pale gums and nail beds, and her tongue is swollen. Given her history and the findings on her physical exam, the health care provider suspects that Janice is anemic and orders a sample of her blood for examination. The complete blood count results are below.

Blood Sample Results

Red Blood Cell Count 3.5 million/mm3

Hemoglobin (Hb) 7 g/dl

Hematocrit (Hct) 30%

Serum Iron low

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) low

Mean Corpuscular Hb Concentration (MCHC) low

Total Iron Binding Capacity in the Blood (TIBC) high

A diagnosis of anemia due to iron deficiency is made and oral iron supplements are prescribed. Janice’s symptoms are eliminated within a couple of weeks and the remainder of her pregnancy progresses without difficulty.


1. Describe the structure of a molecule of hemoglobin

and explain the role played by iron in the transport of


2. How is iron stored and transported in the body?

3. What is Iron Deficiency Anemia (ida) and how

frequently does it occur?

4. What are the most common causes of iron deficiency

anemia (ida)?

5. Why are women more prone to ida than men?

6. What are the red blood cell indices, and what tests are

diagnostic for ida? How is ida treated and prevented?

Read a qualitative nursing study.

Read a qualitative nursing study.

Read a qualitative nursing study. If a different investigator had gone into the field to study the same problem, how likley is it that the conclusions would have been the same? How transferable are the research’s findings?


Test Data comparison

Test Data comparison

While statistical terms are being used, there is no need to use applied statistics for you are looking at larger concepts to address this assignment.


Compare and contrast the ( see attached) from two instructors teaching the same course who created their own evaluation tools. The course is in a prelicensure, associate degree nursing program, and based on a lesson on diabetes. There are 10 students in each class. Determine if reliability and validity between the two datasets exists. Be sure to defend your stance using the appropriate multiple disciplinary databases (e.g., education, nursing, or psychology databases). At the graduate level, you should be able to determine the amount of content needed to fully defend your stance.

Your writing Assignment should:

Be 3 pages, Single Spacing
follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.), be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;, display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and use APA 6th Edition format as outlined in the APA Progression Ladder.

Family Health Assessment Paper

Family Health Assessment Paper

Questions 1. Values, Health Perception i. What are your values and health perceptions? ii. How does your values


affect your family life? iii. What is your take on health and divinity? 2. Nutrition i. What do you understand with nutrition? ii. What foods do you find danger when taking? iii. What is your taste on the junk foods? 3. Sleep/Rest i. How long do you sleep or rest per day? ii. Do the resting or sleeping affect your daily life negatively? iii. How would you rate the influence of the sleep in the management of your health? 4. Elimination i. How do you feel when engaging in a traumatic event? ii. Do you have any problem when travelling? iii. Dou accommodate others who wish to travel? 5. Activity/Exercise i. What is the significance of exercise in your daily life? ii. Which activity engages both of the family members? iii. What is value does the exercises add in the management of the family? 6. Cognitive i. Do you have any cognitive disorder? ii. How do you assist people with cognitive issues? iii. Do you have a history of cognitive problems? 7. Sensory-Perception i. How do you perceive each other’s sensory? ii. Do you have any sensory problem? iii. How can sensory influence your decision? 8. Self-Perception i. How do you perceive yourself in public? ii. Do your health condition hinder you from meeting some of your objectives? iii. What do you do to improve your self-perception? 9. Role Relationship i. What are the roles of a man in the family ii. What are the roles of a woman in the family? iii. How do you assist each other in accomplishing their duties? 10. Sexuality i. What is sexuality? ii. What is the importance of sex in a family life? iii. Under what circumstances should one avoid sex? 11. Coping i. How do you cope with the health concerns? ii. How do you cope with the family issues iii. What are the factors that you consider in coping with Christianity, culture and health concerns
Purchase answer to see full attachment

sentinel city windshield survey

sentinel city windshield survey

Basic Windshield Survey – Urban


You will enter Sentinel City® via the link below to begin your virtual experience taking a tour of Sentinel City® by bus. Since this is your first tour, please select the slowest speed and stay on the bus for the entire tour at least once before getting off to explore.

As you take the tour, write down your observations, specifically those that align with the demographics and/or subsystems listed below:

Describe the characteristics of the people you see in Sentinel City®.
What are the race/ethnicity distribution, age ranges, and gender mix?
Are there signs of poverty or wealth? What are they?
Who do you see on the streets?
Parent with child, teens, couples, disabled persons?
Are there homeless persons, beggars, etc.?
Is there anyone in the city you would not expect to see?
Are there dogs on or off the leash? Are there other animals?
Are there churches and what are their denominations?
Compile your observations addressing each item listed in the first column of the rubric. You are encouraged to add other relevant characteristics you observe that may not be listed in the first column.

Select a target population of interest and discuss relevant demographic data and health status indicators for this population group. Identify major health concerns for this target population. Include discussion of major health concerns in relation to a global health issue.

Examples of work to show mastery:

2-4 page paper – APA format

Powerpoint presentation on cultural competency in nursing

Powerpoint presentation on cultural competency in nursing

For this assignment, you will select a topic of your choosing related to cultural competency in nursing. You will create and submit a PowerPoint presentation on the topic, with a minimum of six (6) slides and no more than ten (10).

Tags: powerpoint healthcare nursing


Paragraph 1

Paragraph 1

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.


Although many people are considered both ‘at risk’ and ‘vulnerable,’ there is a difference between the two. ‘At risk’ describes the level that someone could be exposed to an illness. A risk for sickness can be contributed to factors that include age, race, gender, and also how common specific diseases are within the community. In comparison, being vulnerable is the state at which people are unable to ‘anticipate, cope with, resist and recover’ from an impact (WHO, 2018). For example, there are many factors to consider why there are fewer influenza vaccinations received by Hispanics and African Americans than other groups; however, this places their community ‘at risk’ of contracting the virus (Rangel, Shoenbach, Weigle, Hogan, Strauss, & Bangdiwala, 2005).

When discussing vulnerable groups, children, the elderly, the poor, and minority groups are typically included. There are many reasons these people are susceptible: the poor population may be homeless, and among other causes, lack the finances to obtain health insurance; children are without the knowledge and voice; women may prefer and be unable to find female physicians; and minorities experience racism in healthcare as well as poverty because of inadequate education and economic opportunities (WHO, 2018).

These groups experience challenges in advocating for themselves due to the lack of either wisdom or fiscal resources; which are necessary to fight such vulnerabilities. Discrimination is the main ethical issue at hand. Although, some of the other fundamental concerns when advocating for these groups would include obtaining adequate access to health care and insurance coverage, in addition to helping them improve their literacy rates and financial positions for longevity.

As of 2016, the population of the U.S. was estimated at 326 million; of the reported, 12% live in poverty, 51% are female, 23% are children, and 41% are minorities (U.S. Census Bureau, n.d.). Proving that it is everyone’s responsibility to help make a difference in promoting wellness efforts in our communities.


Rangel, M. C., Shoenbach, V. J., Weigle, K. A., Hogan, V. K., Strauss, R. P., & Bangdiwala, S. I. (2005). Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Influenza Vaccination Among Elderly Adults. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 20(5), 426–431.

Paragraph 2

Paragraph 2

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.


“A vulnerable population is a group or groups that are more likely to develop health-related problems, have more difficulty accessing health care to address those health problems, and are more likely to experience a poor outcome or shorter life span because of those health conditions” (Maurer & Smith, 2012, p. 528). People at risk for poor health are not necessarily classified as vulnerable: vulnerable groups must have aggravating factors that place them at greater risk for undergoing poor health status than the rest of at-risk populations.

According to Healthy People 2020 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [USDHHS], 2010), groups particularly vulnerable to health risks include the poor, the homeless, the disabled, the severely mentally ill, the very young, and the very old.”

Examples of vulnerable populations in the United States include homeless people, and particularly homeless veterans and youths; and irregular migrants.

These people can often not advocate for themselves because of the precarity of the situation they live in. For instance, homeless people often lack both access to the knowledge and resources needed to defend their rights. Irregular migrants are arguably in an even more precarious situation since their lack of papers and fear of getting caught by authorities forces them to silence. It is thus very important to advocate on their behalf, making sure they have access to basic healthcare services and creating programs specifically targeting at their needs and characteristics. Community nurses are in a position to know the problems associated with specific service programs. They can advocate by becoming involved as members of special interest groups, testifying before governmental agencies, advocating changes from within their current employing agencies, and providing information to other community groups and organizations.

For instance, among the 1.6 million homeless people, at least 10% are veterans. They have particularly high rates of mental illness (45%) and substance abuse (70%), and many confront both issues, so it is particularly important to target those specific needs.

Some ethical issues that may arise is the need for cultural sensitivity and attention paid to different backgrounds and languages. This is especially true for migrants, many of whom have difficulty reading or speaking English. Thus quality care needs to include interpreter services and to be particularly sensitive to differences in cultural values and health care practices.

References :

Maurer, F. A., & Smith, C. M. (2012). Community/publi c health nursing practice: Health for families and populations (5th ed.). St. Louis,

MO: Saunders Elsevier. ISBN-13: 9781455707621

Paragraph 4

Paragraph 4

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.


To adequately meet the needs of patients with diverse backgrounds, nurses much use methods that are culturally competent. In 1991, Madeleine Leininger published the The Transcultural Nursing Theory, establishing approaches such as cultural preservation, cultural accommodation, cultural repatterning, and cultural brokering (Andrews & Boyle, 2008, p. 62).

Cultural preservation entails a situation where the nurse supports the use of scientifically sound cultural practices of care by their patients (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p. 78). An example would include agreeing to the use of acupuncture by a Chinese patient as an adjunct to pain management using conventional medicines such as opioid analgesics (Huber, 2009).
Cultural accommodation entails a situation where the nurse supports the use of cultural practices that have been shown as not harmful (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p. 78). For example, placing a table knife under the bed of a laboring woman to symbolically cut the pain (Smith, 2013). For African Americans in the Delta, alcohol or Vaseline rubs to the chest are utilized for comfort measures (Gunn & Davis, 2011). Within cultural accommodation, these acts would be supported if not contraindicated in the patient’s care.
Cultural repatterning entails a nurse working in collaboration with a patient towards helping them change cultural practices that are considered harmful (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p. 78).
In case, when a pregnant Muslim patient intends to fast during the month of Ramadan, but is unaware of the negative impact that it would have upon her and her pregnancy (Wintz & Cooper, 2009, p. 28).

Cultural brokering utilizes negotiating between the patient’s culture and biomedical healthcare to ensure that the care is used together as culturally competent (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2014, p. 79).
Community health nurses need to utilize various cultural competence strategies in ensuring that they effectively deliver health care services that are able to meet the individual needs of their patients. Such strategies help community nursing in improving the health outcomes and quality of care provided by the nurse (Betancourt,, 2016). Theses methods also help in the elimination of racial and ethnic health disparities and boundaries that may hinder effective delivery of care. Consequently, the nurse is able to develop and cultivate patient trust, understanding and respect that help significantly in ensuring the realization of the best health outcomes. In achieving the above, community nurses can use a number of approaches such as cultural preservation, cultural accommodation, cultural repatterning, and cultural brokering. Possible barriers in the utilization of the above strategies would be attributed to conflicts arising from different cultures, languages, and beliefs. For example, in the instance of persuading a patient to stop taking a herb that has been used for many years by their native community would be seen as insensitive and rude by the patient.

Andrews, M. M., & Boyle, J. S. (2008). Transcultural concepts in nursing care (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Health.

Topic 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2

Topic 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2

Here you will find two questions. DQ1 and DQ 2.


– I would need at least ONE TO TWO reference per each question,

– and from 150-200 words each question.

no double space is needed, no APA format either.


Mrs. Jones, a widow, is no longer able to live independently and is requiring more and more help with her self-care. Her daughter, Susie, who is married with three school-aged children, agrees to let her mother move in with her. Susie is concerned with balancing the demands of her career and the needs of her family, especially now that her elderly and chronically ill mother will need assistance. She is also unsure about how she feels with the reversal of roles, having to now be the primary caregiver of her mother. How can the nurse, caring for this family, assist with the changes they are about to undergo? How can both the family structural theory and the family developmental theory be applied to this scenario? How can health education enhance health promotion for this family?



What characteristics would lead a provider to suspect domestic violence, child abuse, or elder abuse is taking place within a family? Discuss your facility’s procedure for reporting these types of abuse.




1. CDC Grand Rounds: A Public Health Approach to Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence

Read “CDC Grand Rounds: A Public Health Approach to Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence,” by Spivak, Jenkins, VanAudenhove, Lee, Kelly, and Iskander (2014), located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.

2. Create Your First Presentation

View the “Create Your First Presentation” PowerPoint tutorial, located on the Microsoft website. Explore the sections in Lessons 1, 2, and 3.

3. The Health-Systems Response to Violence Against Women

Read “The Health-Systems Response to Violence Against Women,” by Garcia-Moreno, Hegarty, d’Oliveira, Koziol-McLain, Columbini, and Feder, from The Lancet(2015).

1. Barriers to Effective Screening for Domestic Violence by Registered Nurses in the Emergency Department

Read “Barriers to Effective Screening for Domestic Violence by Registered Nurses in the Emergency Department,” by Ellis, from Critical Care Nursing Quarterly (1999).

2. Breaking the Links in Intergenerational Violence: An Emotional Regulation Perspective

Read “Breaking the Links in Intergenerational Violence: An Emotional Regulation Perspective,” by Siegel, from Family Process (2013).

3. Children and Domestic Violence: Emotional Competencies in Embodies and Relational Contexts

Read “Children and Domestic Violence: Emotional Competencies in Embodies and Relational Contexts,” by Callaghan, Fellin, Alexander, Mavrou, and Papathanasiou, from Psychology of Violence (2017).

4. Domestic Violence

Read “Domestic Violence,” by Deave and McGraw, from Primary Health Care (2003).

5. Domestic Violence: The Challenge for Nursing

Read “Domestic Violence: The Challenge for Nursing,” by Draucker, from Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (2002).

6. It Takes a Village: Improving Health Care in the 21st Century

Read “It Takes a Village: Improving Health Care in the 21st Century,” by Simpson, from Nursing Administration Quarterly (2003).

7. Violence Against Women

Read “Violence Against Women,” located on the American College of Nurse-Midwives website (2013).