Developmental Teaching Plan Assignment

Developmental Teaching Plan Assignment

Develop a teaching plan based on an assigned scenario or case. Determine what elements you would include in your assessment of the learner. Identify anticipated or expected learner needs. Select and prioritize evidence-based teaching strategies that would best meet the needs of the learner. Describe the resources you would provide to enhance learning. Explain methods that would be used to evaluate learning outcomes. Provide rationales for elements of your teaching plan supported by references from the required course reading assignments. Use the teaching plan format assigned. The competencies contained in the Teaching Plan Rubric will be assessed through this assignment.


Teaching plan paper format Total 4-6 pages 1-Title Page (APA format) 2-SBAR report on the patient(Brief and concise) 3- Begin the actual paper to include all parts on the rubric, including a conclusion. (APA format) 4- Reference page (APA format) Minimal 2-3 references including a professional organization for the illness/condition.

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    NURS 110 Teaching Plan Scenario EXAMPLE (Enter title here)


    Ms. Patricia Patterson an 89 year old client was recently diagnosed with Pneumonia and will require a Home Health nurse to provide daily IV antibiotics via her CVAD. She has a PICC in her right upper arm. She will require extensive teaching. Developmental Teaching Plan Assignment


    She is 5 4 and weighs 92lbs. She has been a Smoker and has a 30 pack ear histor , and currently smokes 15 cigarettes per day. She has been diagnosed with COPD, Atrial fibrillation, CHF, HTN, and Osteoporosis, CAD and had a Myocardial infarction 5 years ago and had a cardiac stent placed in the RCA. Her Ejection Fraction (EF) is 30%. She has fallen twice in the last 2 years, but has not broken anything. She lives at home in a two bedroom apartment on second floor with her daughter who is in her 50 s and her granddaughter who is in her 30 s. Developmental Teaching Plan Assignment

    Needs Assessment

    She will need a significant amount of teaching regarding her pneumonia, SOB, Medications, Breathing treatments via Hand held nebulizer, Postural drainage and breathing exercises, CVAD/PICC line care, Safety in her environment, fall risks, and diet. She is very nervous about her diagnosis and wants to know why this happened and how she can prevent it. She is willing to learn as much as she can and her daughter and granddaughter are also willing to learn and help. She states he has learned best in the past by watching videos, discussions and doing hands on things. She has poor eyesight and wears reading glasses and a hearing aid. She is worried about the tubes sticking out of her arm. She really wants to get better and resume her normal lifestyle as quickly as possible. She enjoys Bingo and walks her dog in the morning and evening short distances. She has noticed in the preceding weeks she is SOB after about 20 feet of walking and can barely make it up her 8 stairs. She uses a single cane to help her balance. Ms. Patterson is a widow and completed 9th grade and has a 5th grade reading level. Developmental Teaching Plan Assignment

    Learning Style

    Ms. Patricia Patterson stated she prefers to utilize paper format materials to learn and educate herself. She said she usually reads newspapers and pamphlets and enjoys looking at picture demonstrations. She is not technologically savvy, therefore does not own a computer or tablet device. Etc

    Readiness of the Learner


    Goal Development





    Learning Outcomes


    Teaching Content


    Instructional Methods


    Time and Resources








    Total 4-6 pages (including title and reference page)

    This document is simply a vague example of your assignment. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Developmental Teaching Plan Assignment

    Learners are required to use APA 6th edition style for writing assignments.

  • N110Week6N110TeachingPlanScenario3.doc

    NURS 110 Teaching Plan Scenario

    Situation: Ms. Patricia Patterson an 89 year old client was recently diagnosed with Pneumonia and will require a Home Health nurse to provide daily IV antibiotics via her CVAD. She has a PICC in her right upper arm. She will require extensive teaching.

    Background: She is 5”4 and weighs 92lbs. She has been a Smoker and has a 30 pack year history, and currently smokes 15 cigarettes per day. She has been diagnosed with COPD, Atrial fibrillation, CHF, HTN, and Osteoporosis, CAD and had a Myocardial infarction 5 years ago and had a cardiac stent placed in the RCA. Her Ejection Fraction (EF) is 30%. She has fallen twice in the last 2 years, but has not broken anything. She lives at home in a two bedroom apartment on second floor with her daughter who is in her 50’s and her granddaughter who is in her 30’s.

    Needs Assessment: She will need a significant amount of teaching regarding her pneumonia, SOB, Medications, Breathing treatments via Hand held nebulizer, Postural drainage and breathing exercises, CVAD/PICC line care, Safety in her environment, fall risks, and diet. She is very nervous about her diagnosis and wants to know why this happened and how she can prevent it. She is willing to learn as much as she can and her daughter and granddaughter are also willing to learn and help. She states he has learned best in the past by watching videos, discussions and doing hands on things. She has poor eyesight and wears reading glasses and a hearing aid. She is worried about the “tubes” sticking out of her arm. She really wants to get better and resume her normal lifestyle as quickly as possible. She enjoys Bingo and walks her dog in the morning and evening short distances. She has noticed in the preceding weeks she is SOB after about 20 feet of walking and can barely make it up her 8 stairs. She uses a single cane to help her balance. Ms. Patterson is a widow and completed 9th grade and has a 5th grade reading level. Developmental Teaching Plan Assignment

    Orders & Medications:

    Cardiac Diet

    Levaquin 500mg QD IV

    Lasix 30mg BID & Potassium Chloride 10 MEQ PO

    Metoprolol 20 mg QD PO hold is HR <60

    ASA 81mg QD PO

    Albuterol 1 packet Q6h via hand held nebulizer (HHN)

    Oxygen Therapy 2 Lpm via Nasal Cannula (NC) maintain oxygen sat >90%

    Evista 60mg QD PO

    “Teaching Plan” Review the Teaching plan rubric in syllabus. Pg. 18-20.

    1. In essay/paragraph (APA) format: Your Client education textbook should be a primary reference. (Example paper provided in doc sharing.)

    a. Introduction/intent of paper

    b. Define, discuss, explain: Learner Needs Assessment, Learning style, Readiness of the learner, and Goal development.

    c. Conclusion

    d. Reference page (APA Format)

    2. Using the template format provided by instructor, identify 3 learning objectives for this client and the domain (Cognitive, psychomotor, or affective). Give an outline of the content as well as actual teaching materials you will use. You   may imbed pictures, handouts, link videos etc. Provide 2 ways in which you will evaluate client’s learning. Developmental Teaching Plan Assignment

    Updated Spring II 2017

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    John Doe

    West Coast University N110

    May 15, 2020




    Ms. Maria Ramirez is a 59-year-old female that was admitted to the hospital after found

    home unresponsive and unarousable. She was diagnosed with DKA, patient was not aware she

    was diabetic and will need extensive education before discharge and follow up with home health

    because of a non healing wound to her left foot.



    The patient is 5”2” and weights 163 pounds, she lives home with her only son age 36

    who works all day and comes home late. She lives in an apartment building in the 3rd floor and

    often takes the stairs because the elevators don’t work. She admits that she has not visited a PCP

    in the last couple of years due to her economic circumstances. She has a history of HTN and

    hyperlipidemia and currently is not compliant with medications. Maria has been unemployed due

    to her inability to perform activities for a long period of time. She mentioned she becomes SOB

    when performing minimal activity like walking or standing too long. Lives a sedentary lifestyle

    and poor nutrition over the last years.

    Needs Assessment

    Maria is very anxious regarding her current diagnosis and is afraid that if she continues

    with her lifestyle, she will develop certain complications. Upon admission to the hospital a

    consult with a diabetic specialist, endocrinologist (Levine,2015) and physicians were arranged.

    The patient would have to be evaluated with PT in order to better understand the endurance with

    physical activity. Social worker has been consulted to assist patient with medical coverage

    through a charity program because patient stated monetary problems increased her anxiety.

    Patient will also be sent home with home health that would provide wound care to the non-




    healing wound due to her diabetes. Maria will ne educated while in the hospital on the severity of

    her diagnosis and the importance to learn how to self-administer and measure insulin. Ms.

    Ramirez will be educated to check blood glucose levels before each meal (<120) and keep a log

    for her provider. Visual demonstrations will be provided for better understanding along with

    written instructions that are easy to comprehend. Maria only attended 7th grade and reads at a 3rd

    grade level. Maria will also be prompted to include exercise and promote a good diet in order to

    modify weight and decrease cholesterol levels<200. Maria has communicated with the nursing

    staff that she tends to concentrate better after breakfast. Therefor teaching should be conducted

    after morning meal. Patient and son are eager to learn how to cope better with the new diagnosis

    and make positive lifestyle changes that can benefit over all condition.

    Learning styles

    Ms. Ramirez enjoys visual learning as she enjoys doing arts and crafts to ease boredom,

    she enjoys reading comic books which tends to read on free times. Maria enjoys hands on

    activities such and baking and pottery. The appropriate leaning style would be visual along with

    written instructions that are easy to understand.

    Goal development

    Provide patient with diabetes education on how to measure blood glucose levels (<120)

    before meals (Levine,2015). Demonstrate how to self-administer insulin before being discharge

    from hospital. Teach patient on proper nutrition to normalize blood sugar levels. Diminish the

    intake of carbs to <40% and intake more protein base foods along with vegetables. Provide an

    exercise routine to patient and encourage exercise for at least 30 min daily (ODC,2010).

    Encourage family to integrate in the care of the patient to allow better compliance.




    Learning outcomes

    By following a strict regimen and compliance patient would be able to control blood

    sugar levels and normalize readings. Promotion of exercise will help with obesity, HTN, and

    high cholesterol levels that were present. Encouraging Maria to promote exercise will benefit

    diabetes and insulin resistance. Lower blood glucose levels will help with the non-healing

    wound. Evidence based research showed that increased blood glucose levels tend to make

    leukocytes rigid and stiff, making these useless to fight any infection (Levine,2015). As well as

    tissue perfusion decreases when there is an uncontrolled blood glucose reading.

    Teaching content



    Instructional methods

    1. Check blood sugars daily before eating meals

    2. Blood sugar levels targeted are <120

    3. If necessary, administer insulin follow regimen table provided. Developmental Teaching Plan Assignment

    4. To administer insulin carefully measure insulin units and administer in fatty areas

    like abdomen, back of the arm and always rotate sites.

    5. Always eat a balanced meal

    6. Exercise at least 30 min daily

    7. Take medications prescribed

    8. Increase activity levels.

    9. Follow with PCP in 3 months to re check A1C levels. Target is to be at least 7%.

    Time and resources

    Maria Ramirez would undergo a strict insulin regimen along with increased activity after

    wound heals in order to stabilize glucose levels. Within 3 months Maria A1C levels would be

    reevaluated, the social worker would be working with Maria to find places that she can attend as

    an outpatient physical therapy center. All this will be under charity and Maria will be encouraged

    to find a health insurance that fits her needs and accommodates to her low income. Ms. Ramirez

    would have services from a wound care nurse to take care of the wound in her foot to accelerate

    proper healing. Resources are available upon request if patient needs further assistance to obtain






    Patient was reevaluated after 3 months; wound has healed properly with no deterioration

    of mobility to that extremity. Blood glucose levels have continued to drop and Maria’s A1C is at

    8.4% which is not ideal but is great improvement compared to previous readings of 10.4%.

    Patient is currently taking medications as ordered, family has become vital part of the

    achievements since they encourage patient to eat healthy and take measures on disease process

    seriously. Marias weight decreased and is now 148lbs and no longer complains of SOB. Patient

    currently taking Lipitor, Novolog, Lantus, Metoprolol (ODC,2010). Developmental Teaching Plan Assignment




    “Diabetes: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Prevention, and More.” Accessed March 19, 2020.

    Levine, Michelle. Diabetes. Mankato, MN: Amicus High Interest, 2015.

    “Organization of Diabetes Care: Diabetes Specialist Nursing, Diabetes Education and General Practice.” Handbook of Diabetes, 2010, 224–28. Developmental Teaching Plan Assignment

NURS 6052 Essentials of EBP Assignment

NURS 6052 Essentials of EBP Assignment


  1. When trying to determine what type of research study is described in an article, which two sections of the article will give you the best information to make that determination? A. Abstract and conclusion B. Methods and limitations C. Methods and results D. Introduction and results E. Abstract and discussion F. Literature review and data analysis


5 points  


  1. Order the following types of research evidence reviews in order of rigor from most rigorous to least rigorous: – 1. 2. 3. 4. Systematic review with meta-analysis
    – 1. 2. 3. 4. Integrative review
    – 1. 2. 3. 4. Systematic review without meta-analysis
    – 1. 2. 3. 4. Narrative review

5 points  


  1. What types of information would help you identify a research study as quantitative? (Select all that apply.) A. Data is collected using such approaches as interviews, focus groups, and open-ended questions on surveys. B. Data is collected using Likert scales on surveys. C. Results are reported using numbers and statistics. D. Results are reported using themes and words.

5 points  


  1. What kind of study is described in the following excerpt?
    Researchers are interested in studying the impact of living in a family where a child has been diagnosed with cancer. They collaborate with the oncology department at a large children’s hospital to identify and receive consent from families that have a child with a cancer diagnosis. Participants are consented and data is collected and triangulated using one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and surveys. Data is analyzed for thematic analysis. A. Quantitative research B. Qualitative research C. Mixed-methods research D. Systematic reviews E. Literature reviews F. Cohort studies. NURS 6052 Essentials of EBP Assignment

5 points  


  1. Both literature reviews and systematic reviews are types of research evidence reviews. True

5 points  


  1. Which of the following is a type of quantitative research study? A. Phenomenology B. Case study C. Randomized controlled trial D. Ethnography E. Participative action research F. Ground theory

5 points  


  1. What type of information would help you identify a research study as qualitative? (Select all that apply.)A. Data is collected using such approaches as interviews, focus groups, and open-ended questions on surveys. B. Data is collected using Likert scales on surveys. C. Results are reported using numbers and statistics. D. Results are reported using themes and words. E. Data is collected using surveys with fill-in-the-blank questions. F. Results are reported using a mixture of numbers and themes.

5 points  


  1. What type of literature may a systematic review include to be considered Level 1 evidence on the Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt levels of evidence hierarchy? A. Phenomenology studies B. Grounded theory studies C. Descriptive studies D. Cohort studies E. Controlled trials without randomization F. Randomized controlled trials

5 points  


  1. Mixed-methods studies are a combination of which two methodologies? A. Quantitative research methodologies and literature reviews B. Quantitative and qualitative research methodologies C. Qualitative research methodologies and systematic reviews D. Literature reviews and qualitative research methodologies E. Quasi-experimental and program evaluation

5 points  


  1. The methods used in conducting a systematic review are specific and rigorous.  True

5 points  


  1. Which of the following types of research can be categorized as primary research? Select all that apply. A. Cohort study B. Literature review C. Grounded theory study D. Randomized controlled trial E. Systematic review F. Controlled trial without randomization. NURS 6052 Essentials of EBP Assignment

5 points  


  1. What type of study is described in the following excerpt?
    Surveys to evaluate nurse satisfaction, medical errors, depression and anxiety, and demographics were given to 5,432 nurses from hospitals of various sizes and geographic locations; some had nurses working 8-hour shifts and 12-hour shifts. Nurses were asked to complete the survey. Upon completion of the survey, nurses were invited to participate in video conference focus groups and one-on-one interviews with a research assistant by video conferencing. Survey results were reported using descriptive statistics, and themes were identified and reported from the data collected in the focus groups and one-on-one interviews. A. Quantitative research B. Qualitative research C. Quasi-experimental research D. Mixed-methods research E. Systematic reviews


5 points  


  1. Which of the following statements is true of narrative reviews? (Select all that apply.) A. Narrative reviews engage a highly structured and rigorous approach to reviewing research evidence. B. Narrative reviews provide a general background discussion of a particular issue. C. Narrative reviews require a rigorous, systematic approach to searching the databases for evidence. D. Narrative reviews generally review literature that support the author’s point of view on an issue or topic. E. Narrative reviews are a type of primary research.

5 points  


  1. You are forming a team to do a systematic review of the literature about interventions to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Which of the following would be your first step? A. Critically appraise the literature identified. B. Conduct an exhaustive search of multiple databases to identify the literature. C. Identify an explicit, reproducible methodology. D. Create a clearly stated set of objectives with predefined eligibility criteria for study inclusion. E. Create a dissemination plan for your systematic review.

5 points  


  1. Randomized controlled trials are which type of research? A. Quantitative research B. Qualitative research C. Mixed-methods research D. Systematic review E. Literature review F. Cohort study

5 points  


  1. What type of study is described in the following excerpt?
    An interprofessional team wants to test a new intervention to see whether it will improve central-line associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) rates. Subjects were randomized into either the intervention or the control group by pulling a slip of paper with either a one or a two written on it from a manila envelope (those pulling ones were randomized to the intervention group; those pulling twos were randomized to the control group). When the study began, the intervention group received the intervention and the control group received equal attention. Data was collected and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistics were used to report the data.
    What type of research article is this? A. Quantitative research B. Qualitative research C. Systematic reviews D. Literature reviews E. Mixed methods F. Program evaluation

5 points  


  1. A key characteristic of a systematic review is that it contains a meta-analysis. True

5 points  


  1. In quantitative studies, results are reported using words or themes. True

5 points  


  1. In qualitative studies, results are reported using words or themes. True

5 points  


  1. In a systematic review with a meta-analysis, researchers combine the results of each of the individual studies to create a larger sample size (and therefore greater power), then re-run the statistics to capture the true magnitude of the effect. The single-effect measure calculated and reported when the results from all the studies are combined is called what? A. Summary statistic B. Power analysis C. Confidence Interval
    D. Chi square E. Pearson’s co-efficient. NURS 6052 Essentials of EBP

5 points  

Assignment: Ethical Concerns

Assignment: Ethical Concerns

As an advanced practice nurse, you will run into situations where a patient’s wishes about his or her health conflict with evidence, your own experience, or a family’s wishes. This may create an ethical dilemma. What do you do when these situations occur?


In this Assignment, you will explore evidence-based practice guidelines and ethical considerations for specific scenarios.

Scenario 1:

The parents of a 5-year-old boy have accompanied their son for his required physical examination before starting kindergarten. His parents are opposed to him receiving any vaccines.

Scenario 2:

A 49-year-old woman with advanced stage cancer has been admitted to the emergency room with cardiac arrest. Her husband and one of her children accompanied the ambulance.

Scenario 3:

A 27-year-old man with Crohn’s disease has been admitted to the emergency room with an extreme flare-up of his condition. He explains that he has not been able to afford his medications for the last few months and is concerned about the costs he may incur for treatment. Assignment: Ethical Concerns

Scenario 4:

A single mother has accompanied her two daughters, aged 15 and 13, to a women’s health clinic and has requested that the girls receive a pelvic examination and be put on birth control. The girls have consented to the exam but seem unsettled.

Scenario 5:

A 17-year-old boy has come in for a check-up after a head injury during a football game. He has indicated that he would like to be able to play in the next game, which is in 3 days.

Scenario 6:

A 12-year-old girl has come in for a routine check-up and has not yet received the HPV vaccine. Her family is very religious and believes that the vaccine would encourage premarital sexual activity.

Scenario 7:

A 57-year-old man who was diagnosed with motor neuron disease 2 years ago is experiencing a rapid decline in his condition. He prefers to be admitted to the in-patient unit at a hospice to receive end-of-life care, but his wife wants him to remain at home.

To prepare:

· Select one scenarios, and reflect on the material presented throughout this course.

· What necessary information would need to be obtained about the patient through health assessments and diagnostic tests?

· Consider how you would respond as an advanced practice nurse. Review evidence-based practice guidelines and ethical considerations applicable to the scenarios you selected.

To complete:

Write a detailed one-page narrative (not a formal paper) explaining the health assessment information required for a diagnosis of your selected patient (include the scenario number). Explain how you would respond to the scenario as an advanced practice nurse using evidence-based practice guidelines and applying ethical considerations. Justify your response using at least 3 different references from current evidence based literature. Assignment: Ethical Concerns

SOAP NOTE # 1: Pneumonia Of Left Lung

SOAP NOTE # 1: Pneumonia Of Left Lung

SOAP NOTE # 1: Pneumonia of Left Lung

Must use the sample template for your soap note,

Use APA format and must include minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations.

Turn it in Score must be less than 15% or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. SOAP NOTE # 1: Pneumonia Of Left Lung


The use of templates is ok with regards of Turn it in, but the Patient History, CC, HPI, The Assessment and Plan should be of your own work and individualized to your made up patient.

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    Grading Rubric



    This sheet is to help you understand what we are looking for, and what our margin remarks might be about on your write ups of patients. Since at all of the white-ups that you hand in are uniform, this represents what MUST be included in every write-up.


    1) Identifying Data (___5pts): The opening list of the note. It contains age, sex, race, marital status, etc. The patient complaint should be given in quotes. If the patient has more than one complaint, each complaint should be listed separately (1, 2, etc.) and each addressed in the subjective and under the appropriate number.


    2) Subjective Data (___30pts.): This is the historical part of the note. It contains the following:


    a) Symptom analysis/HPI(Location, quality , quantity or severity, timing, setting, factors that make it better or worse, and associate manifestations.(10pts).

    b) Review of systems of associated systems, reporting all pertinent positives and negatives (10pts).

    c) Any PMH, family hx, social hx, allergies, medications related to the complaint/problem (10pts). If more than one chief complaint, each should be written u in this manner.


    3) Objective Data(__25pt.): Vital signs need to be present. Height and Weight should be included where appropriate. SOAP NOTE # 1: Pneumonia Of Left Lung


    a) Appropriate systems are examined, listed in the note and consistent with those identified in 2b.(10pts).

    b) Pertinent positives and negatives must be documented for each relevant system.

    c) Any abnormalities must be fully described. Measure and record sizes of things (likes moles, scars). Avoid using “ok”, “clear”, “within normal limits”, positive/ negative, and normal/abnormal to describe things. (5pts).


    4) Assessment (___10pts.): Diagnoses should be clearly listed and worded appropriately.


    5) Plan (___15pts.): Be sure to include any teaching, health maintenance and counseling along with the pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures. If you have more than one diagnosis, it is helpful to have this section divided into separate numbered sections.


    6) Subjective/ Objective, Assessment and Management and Consistent (___10pts.): Does the note support the appropriate differential diagnosis process? Is there evidence that you know what systems and what symptoms go with which complaints? The assessment/diagnoses should be consistent with the subjective section and then the assessment and plan. The management should be consistent with the assessment/ diagnoses identified.


    7) Clarity of the Write-up(___5pts.): Is it literate, organized and complete?




    Total Score: ____________ Instructor: __________________________________


    Guidelines for Focused SOAP Notes

    · Label each section of the SOAP note (each body part and system).

    · Do not use unnecessary words or complete sentences.

    · Use Standard Abbreviations

    S: SUBJECTIVE DATA (information the patient/caregiver tells you).

    Chief Complaint (CC): a statement describing the patient’s symptoms, problems, condition, diagnosis, physician-recommended return(s) for this patient visit. The patient’s own words should be in quotes.

    History of present illness (HPI): a chronological description of the development of the patient’s chief complaint from the first symptom or from the previous encounter to the present. Include the eight variables (Onset, Location, Duration, Characteristics, Aggravating Factors, Relieving Factors, Treatment, Severity-OLDCARTS), or an update on health status since the last patient encounter.

    Past Medical History (PMH): Update current medications, allergies, prior illnesses and injuries, operations and hospitalizations allergies, age-appropriate immunization status.

    Family History (FH): Update significant medical information about the patient’s family (parents, siblings, and children). Include specific diseases related to problems identified in CC, HPI or ROS.

    Social History(SH): An age-appropriate review of significant activities that may include information such as marital status, living arrangements, occupation, history of use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco, extent of education and sexual history.

    Review of Systems (ROS). There are 14 systems for review. List positive findings and pertinent negatives in systems directly related to the systems identified in the CC and symptoms which have occurred since last visit; (1) constitutional symptoms (e.g., fever, weight loss), (2) eyes, (3) ears, nose, mouth and throat, (4) cardiovascular, (5) respiratory, (6) gastrointestinal, (7) genitourinary, (8) musculoskeletal, (9-}.integument (skin and/or breast), (10) neurological, (11) psychiatric, (12) endocrine, (13) hematological/lymphatic, {14) allergic/immunologic. The ROS should mirror the PE findings section. SOAP NOTE # 1: Pneumonia of Left Lung

    0: OBJECTIVE DATA (information you observe, assessment findings, lab results).

    Sufficient physical exam should be performed to evaluate areas suggested by the history and patient’s progress since last visit. Document specific abnormal and relevant negative findings. Abnormal or unexpected findings should be describedYou should include only the information which was provided in the case study, do not include additional data.

    Record observations for the following systems if applicable to this patient encounter (there are 12 possible systems for examination): Constitutional (e.g. vita! signs, general appearance), Eyes, ENT/mouth, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, GI, GU, Musculoskeletal, Skin, Neurological, Psychiatric, Hematological/lymphatic/immunologic/lab testing. The focused PE should only include systems for which you have been given data. SOAP NOTE # 1: Pneumonia Of Left Lung

    NOTE: Cardiovascular and Respiratory systems should be assessed on every patient regardless of the chief complaint.

    Testing Results: Results of any diagnostic or lab testing ordered during that patient visit.

    A: ASSESSMENT: (this is your diagnosis (es) with the appropriate ICD 10 code)

    List and number the possible diagnoses (problems) you have identified. These diagnoses are the conclusions you have drawn from the subjective and objective data.

    Remember: Your subjective and objective data should support your diagnoses and your therapeutic plan.

    Do not write that a diagnosis is to be “ruled out” rather state the working definitions of each differential or primary diagnosis (es).

    For each diagnoses provide a cited rationale for choosing this diagnosis. This rationale includes a one sentence cited definition of the diagnosis (es) the pathophysiology, the common signs and symptoms, the patients presenting signs and symptoms and the focused PE findings and tests results that support the dx. Include the interpretation of all lab data given in the case study and explain how those results support your chosen diagnosis.

    P: PLAN (this is your treatment plan specific to this patient). Each step of your plan must include an EBP citation.

    1. Medications write out the prescription including dispensing information and provide EBP to support ordering each medication. Be sure to include both prescription and OTC medications.

    2. Additional diagnostic tests include EBP citations to support ordering additional tests

    3. Education this is part of the chart and should be brief, this is not a patient education sheet and needs to have a reference.

    4. Referrals include citations to support a referral

    5. Follow up. Patient follow-up should be specified with time or circumstances of return. You must provide a reference for your decision on when to follow up.

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    (Student Name)

    Miami Regional University

    Date of Encounter:

    Preceptor/Clinical Site:

    Clinical Instructor: Dr. David Trabanco DNP, APRN, AGNP-C, FNP-C


    Soap Note # Main Diagnosis ( Exp: Soap Note #3 DX: Hypertension)



    Name: Mr. DT

    Age: 68-year-old

    Gender at Birth: Male

    Gender Identity: Male

    Source: Patient

    Allergies: PCN, Iodine

    Current Medications:

    · Atorvastatin tab 20 mg, 1-tab PO at bedtime

    · ASA 81mg po daily

    · Multi-Vitamin Centrum Silver

    PMH: Hypercholesterolemia

    Immunizations: Influenza last 2018-year, tetanus, and hepatitis A and B 4 years ago.

    Preventive Care: Coloscopy 5 years ago (Negative)

    Surgical History: Appendectomy 47 years ago.

    Family History: Father- died 81 does not report information

    Mother-alive, 88 years old, Diabetes Mellitus, HTN

    Daughter-alive, 34 years old, healthy

    Social History: No smoking history or illicit drug use, occasional alcoholic beverage consumption on social celebrations. Retired, widow, he lives alone.

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Nutrition History: Diets off and on, Does not each seafood

    Subjective Data:

    Chief Complaint: “headaches” that started two weeks ago

    Symptom analysis/HPI:

    The patient is 65 years old male who complaining of episodes of headaches and on 3 different occasions blood pressure was measured, which was high (159/100, 158/98 and 160/100 respectively). Patient noticed the problem started two weeks ago and sometimes it is accompanied by dizziness. He states that he has been under stress in his workplace for the last month. Patient denies chest pain, palpitation, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting.


    Review of Systems (ROS)

    CONSTITUTIONAL: Denies fever or chills. Denies weakness or weight loss. NEUROLOGIC: Headache and dizziness as describe above. Denies changes in LOC. Denies history of tremors or seizures.

    HEENT: HEAD: Denies any head injury, or change in LOC. Eyes: Denies any changes in vision, diplopia or blurred vision. Ear: Denies pain in the ears. Denies loss of hearing or drainage. Nose: Denies nasal drainage, congestion. THROAT: Denies throat or neck pain, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing. SOAP NOTE # 1: Pneumonia Of Left Lung

    RESPIRATORY: Patient denies shortness of breath, cough or hemoptysis.

    CARDIOVASCULAR: No chest pain, tachycardia. No orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal


    GASTROINTESTINAL: Denies abdominal pain or discomfort. Denies flatulence, nausea, vomiting or


    GENITOURINARY: Denies hematuria, dysuria or change in urinary frequency. Denies difficulty starting/stopping stream of urine or incontinence.

    MUSCULOSKELETAL: Denies falls or pain. Denies hearing a clicking or snapping sound.

    SKIN: No change of coloration such as cyanosis or jaundice, no rashes or pruritus.


    Objective Data:

    VITAL SIGNS: Temperature: 98.5 °F, Pulse: 87, BP: 159/92 mmhg, RR 20, PO2-98% on room air, Ht- 6’4”, Wt 200 lb, BMI 25. Report pain 2/10.


    GENERAL APPREARANCE: The patient is alert and oriented x 3. No acute distress noted. NEUROLOGIC: Alert, CNII-XII grossly intact, oriented to person, place, and timeSensation intact to bilateral upper and lower extremities. Bilateral UE/LE strength 5/5.

    HEENT: Head: Normocephalic, atraumatic, symmetric, non-tender. Maxillary sinuses no tenderness. Eyes: No conjunctival injection, no icterus, visual acuity and extraocular eye movements intact. No nystagmus noted. Ears: Bilateral canals patent without erythema, edema, or exudate. Bilateral tympanic membranes intact, pearly gray with sharp cone of light. Maxillary sinuses no tenderness. Nasal mucosa moist without bleeding. Oral mucosa moist without lesions,. Lids non-remarkable and appropriate for race.


    Neck: supple without cervical lymphadenopathy, no jugular vein distention, no thyroid swelling or masses.

    CARDIOVASCULAR: S1S2, regular rate and rhythm, no murmur or gallop noted. Capillary refill < 2 sec.

    RESPIRATORY: No dyspnea or use of accessory muscles observed. No egophony, whispered pectoriloquy or tactile fremitus on palpation. Breath sounds presents and clear bilaterally on auscultation.

    GASTROINTESTINAL: No mass or hernia observed. Upon auscultation, bowel sounds present in all four quadrants, no bruits over renal and aorta arteries. Abdomen soft non-tender, no guarding, no rebound no distention or organomegaly noted on palpation

    MUSKULOSKELETAL: No pain to palpation. Active and passive ROM within normal limits, no stiffness.

    INTEGUMENTARY: intact, no lesions or rashes, no cyanosis or jaundice.



    Main Diagnosis

    Essential (Primary) Hypertension (ICD10 I10): Given the symptoms and high blood pressure (156/92 mmhg), classified as stage 2. Once the organic cause of hypertension has been ruled out, such as renal, adrenal or thyroid, this diagnosis is confirmed (Codina Leik, 2015). Diagnosis is based on the clinical evaluation through history, physical examination, and routine laboratory tests to assess risk factors, reveal identifiable causes and detect target-organ damage, including evidence of cardiovascular disease (Domino et al,. 2017).


    Differential diagnosis:

    · Renal artery stenosis (ICD10 I70.1)

    · Chronic kidney disease (ICD10 I12.9)

    · Hyperthyroidism (ICD10 E05.90)



    Labs and Diagnostic Test to be ordered:

    · CMP

    · Complete blood count (CBC)

    · Lipid profile

    · Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

    · Urinalysis with Micro

    · Electrocardiogram (EKG 12 lead)


    Pharmacological treatment:

    · Hydrochlorothiazide tab 25 mg, Initial dose: 25 mg orally once daily.

    · Lisinopril 10mg PO Daily


    Non-Pharmacologic treatment:

    · Weight loss

    · Healthy diet (DASH dietary pattern): Diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products with reduced content of saturated and trans l fat

    · Reduced intake of dietary sodium: <1,500 mg/d is optimal goal but at least 1,000 mg/d reduction in most adults

    · Enhanced intake of dietary potassium

    · Regular physical activity (Aerobic): 90–150 min/wk

    · Tobacco cessation

    · Measures to release stress and effective coping mechanisms.


    · Provide with nutrition/dietary information.

    · Daily blood pressure monitoring log at home twice a day for 7 days, keep a record, bring the record on the next visit with her PCP

    · Instruction about medication intake compliance. SOAP NOTE # 1: Pneumonia Of Left Lung

    · Education of possible complications such as stroke, heart attack, and other problems.

    · Patient was educated on course of hypertension, as well as warning signs and symptoms, which could indicate the need to attend the E.R/U.C. Answered all pt. questions/concerns. Pt verbalizes understanding to all


    · Follow up appointment 1 weeks for managing blood pressure and to evaluate current hypotensive therapy.

    · No referrals needed at this time. SOAP NOTE # 1: Pneumonia of Left Lung




    Codina Leik, M. T. (2014). Family Nurse Practitioner Certification Intensive Review (2nd ed.).

    ISBN 978-0-8261-3424-0

    Domino, F., Baldor, R., Golding, J., Stephens, M. (2017). The 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2017

    (25th ed.). Print (The 5-Minute Consult Series). SOAP NOTE # 1: Pneumonia Of Left Lung

Nursing Theory Wk6 Assignment

Nursing Theory Wk6 Assignment

We are still exploring section III which involves Conceptual Models/Grand Theories in the Integrative-Interactive Paradigm

Our text readings will include concepts from:

Chapter 12: Helen Erickson, Evelyn Tomlin, and Mary Ann Swain’s Theory or Modeling and Role Modeling

Chapter 13: Barbara Dossey’s Theory of Integral Nursing


As healthcare professionals, we need to be aware of nursing theory, as you heard it many times that it applies to our practice as nurses. When you think about it, how many practicing nurses are aware of the nursing theories and how they use in their careers. If you have a chance this week, go and ask a colleague about what they know regarding nursing theorist and who may be their favorite theorist in the profession.

You will see an overlap in the three nursing theorist listed below (Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain).

As your read and explore the following website resources, think about how their works contribute to our current practices today in nursing.

We will investigate Modeling and Role Modeling in nursing; these concepts will build upon the four metaparadigms of nursing: Person, Environment, Health, and Nursing.

When using the modeling and role-modeling theory, the nurse attempts to understand the “client’s personal model of his or her world and to appreciate its value an significance for the client from the client’s perspective.” (Masters, 2015). Nursing Theory Wk6 Assignment


Masters, K. (2015). Nursing Theories: A Framework for Professional Practice. (2nd ed.). Burlington, Massachusetts. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Who is Helen Erickson?

Who is Evelyn Tomlin?

Who is Mary Ann Swain?

Video: Modeling and Role Modeling

Article: Modeling and Role Modeling

Who is Barbara Dossey? What is her Theory of Integral Nursing?

An integral process is defined as a comprehensive way to organize multiple phenomenon of human experience and reality from four perspectives:

(1) the individual interior (personal/intentional);

(2) individual exterior (physiology/behavioral);

(3) collective interior (shared/cultural); and

(4) collective exterior (systems/structures) (Dossey, n.d.).

Consciousness & Holistic nursing – Barbara Dossey part 1 out of 2

Part One

Part Two

Website: Dossey Theory of Integral Nursing

PowerPoint: Barbara Dossey. Nursing Theory Wk6 Assignment

  • attachment 


NURS 6540 Final Exam (Latest): Walden University

NURS 6540 Final Exam (Latest): Walden University

NURS 6540 Final Exam (Latest): Walden University

Question 1

How does women’s anatomy make them more susceptible to UTIs?

Question 2

The primary endocrine disorders affecting women are diabetes mellitus and:


Question 3

A common prenatal care model in which women have their first visit with one provider and then subsequent visits in a group setting is called:

Question 4

When is round ligament pain most likely to occur in pregnant women?

Question 5

0 out of 2 points

Optimal weight gain during pregnancy is based on the woman’s prepregnant BMI and:

Selected Answer:

c. Nutritional assessment

Question 6

In the formula to estimate gestational age, woman are considered pregnant from: ___________________________

Selected Answer:

a. The first day of the last menstrual period

Question 7

Gender differences in heart disease can be found in:

Selected Answer:

d. All of the above

Question 8

What distinguishes pyelonephritis from cystitis? NURS 6540 Final Exam (Latest): Walden University

Selected Answer:

b. The infection has ascended to the kidneys.

Question 9

0 out of 2 points

What has changed in terms of recommended antibiotic treatment for uncomplicated lower UTIs?

Selected Answer:

b. Three times a day of oral antibiotics are now recommended.

Question 10

Carbohydrate intolerance and increased insulin resistance first recognized in pregnancy is known as:

Selected Answer:

b. Gestational diabetes

Question 11

All except which of the following are important historical questions for a 29-year-old woman in clinic for right-sided weakness?

Selected Answer:

d. History of pelvic inflammatory disease

Question 12

When can relief from pregnancy induces nausea and vomiting be expected?

Selected Answer:


12–14 weeks’ gestation

Question 13

What is a common cause of leg cramps during pregnancy?

Selected Answer:

a. An imbalance of calcium and magnesium

Question 14

What is the leading cause of first-trimester maternal death?

Selected Answer:

a. Ectopic pregnancy

Question 15

What do current theories suggest as to how cranberry products can reduce UTIs?

Selected Answer:

b. The fructose keeps E. coli bacteria from adhering to bladder cell walls.

Question 16

Screening for hyperlipidemia is recommended to begin at what age for women with no risk factors?

Selected Answer:

c. 45

Question 17

Without treatment shortly after birth, as many as 90 percent of infants born to hepatitis B–infected mothers will:

Selected Answer:

d. Become infected

Question 18

After how many weeks’ gestation is a pregnancy loss considered a fetal death or stillbirth?

Selected Answer:

c. 20 weeks

Question 19

What is the general goal of surgical treatment for stress UI?

Selected Answer:

d. To support and stabilize the urethra

Question 20

What is more likely to occur in women with female genital cutting?

Selected Answer:

b. Birth-related complications

Question 21

What is an indication of the second stage of labor?

Selected Answer:

a. Complete dilation of the cervix

Question 22

0 out of 2 points

How are pregnancy-related DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) needs best met?

Selected Answer:

b. By taking a prenatal vitamin supplement

Question 23

0 out of 2 points

Qualitative urine testing for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) can be done reliably ________ days after implantation of the blastocyst (fertilized egg). NURS 6540 Final Exam (Latest): Walden University

Selected Answer:

c. 9–14 days

Question 24

What is the most common cause of death in women in the United States?

Selected Answer:

b. Cardiovascular disease

Question 25

What is the most common cause of medical complications in pregnancy?

Selected Answer:



Question 26

What is the term for a postpartum disorder in which bacteria ascend from the lower genital tract and infect the uterus?

Selected Answer:

b. Postpartum endometritis

Question 27

At what time during pregnancy does nausea typically occur?

Selected Answer:

b. At 6–8 weeks’ gestation

Question 28

What is considered to be a common trigger of psoriasis?

Selected Answer:

a. Stress

Question 29

Any woman with a complicated cystitis or symptoms of upper tract disease needs a urine culture and:

Selected Answer:

a. Sensitivity test

Question 30

0 out of 2 points

What is a potential benefit of circumcision?

Selected Answer:


Decreased incidence of urinary tract infections

Question 31

How does the third stage of labor end?

Selected Answer:

b. With the delivery of the placenta

Question 32

What is the most common disorder leading to hyperthyroidism?

Selected Answer:

b. Graves’ disease

Question 33

0 out of 2 points

Which of the following is a predictor of impending preterm birth?

Selected Answer:

b. Cervical length less than 15 mm

Question 34

What is important to consider when vaginal bleeding occurs during the first trimester?

Selected Answer:

b. Ectopic pregnancy

Question 35

What is significant about cytomegalovirus (CMV)?

Selected Answer:

b. It can remain dormant within the body for life.

Question 36

What step can a clinician take to learn more about any chemicals used in a woman’s workplace?


Selected Answer:

c. Ask the woman to obtain her workplace MSDs (material safety data sheets).

Question 37

What is the most typical schedule of prenatal care in the first 28 weeks of pregnancy?

Selected Answer:

d. Visits scheduled every 4 weeks

Question 38

What significantly increases the risk of hypertension in women?

Selected Answer:

a. The onset of menopause

Question 39

What is the potential danger of a fetus born through meconium-stained amniotic fluid?

Selected Answer:

b. The infant can breathe meconium into the lungs.

Question 40

0 out of 2 points

What was the reason that prenatal care began in the early 1900s?

Selected Answer:

b. To predict preterm births

Question 41

What is the most common type of UTI that affects women?

Selected Answer:

a. Acute bacterial cystitis

Question 42

0 out of 2 points

Fever associated with pyelonephritis will usually resolve within how many hours of treatment with antibiotics?

Selected Answer:


24 hours

Question 43

How can hormonal influences during pregnancy cause backache? NURS 6540 Final Exam (Latest): Walden University

Selected Answer:

a. They loosen ligaments and joints.

Question 44

What tends to cause acne in adolescence?

Selected Answer:

d. An increase in testosterone

Question 45

0 out of 2 points

The majority of early pregnancy losses are due to:

Selected Answer:


Chromosomal abnormalities

Question 46

What can be used as a space-filling device, replacing normal pressure on the vaginal walls when levator ani support is unreliable? NURS 6540 Final Exam (Latest): Walden University

Selected Answer:

b. Tampons

Question 47

0 out of 2 points

What is the term for stimulation of the uterus by an external agent to enhance uterine contractions after labor has started?

Selected Answer:

b. Induction

Question 48

What should be addressed during late postpartum maternal evaluation (weeks 2–6)?

Selected Answer:

b. The need for birth control information or supplies

Question 49

In order to maintain continence bladder pressure must be

Selected Answer:

b. equal to the pressure of the urethral sphincter.

Question 50

What is a contributor to the increased incidence of heartburn during pregnancy?

Question 51

When completing this quiz, did you comply with Walden University’s Code of Conduct including the expectations for academic integrity? NURS 6540 Final Exam (Latest): Walden University

Wk8: Marginalized Women And Childbearing Families

Wk8: Marginalized Women And Childbearing Families

In this course project assignment, you are presented with clinical notes for two different patients. These progress notes have been recorded as SOAP notes. A SOAP note is a common method of documenting a patient’s visit with a healthcare provider. These notes are saved in a patient’s medical record and will be used for treatment, billing, and other activities to monitor the patient’s health over time.


SOAP is an acronym that stands for Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan. Each of these components is used to record a vital part of the patient’s visit.

  • Subjective: Includes the patient’s complaints and states the patient’s symptoms in his or her own words
  • Objective: Includes information that the provider can measure, such as vital signs, weight, or findings from a physical exam
  • Assessment: Includes a differential diagnosis or summary of signs and symptoms
  • Plan: Includes treatments performed, follow-up appointment information, referrals, or other orders

You will be exploring the medical terminology used in these SOAP notes and will be asked to interpret the meanings of various words and abbreviations. Wk8: Marginalized Women And Childbearing Families

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Download the clinical notes for the two patients:Kay Salisbury Clinical Notes  (I have attached it below)
    Virginia Thompson Clinical Notes (I have attached it below)
  2. Download, complete, and submit the document below. This document contains questions you will answer regarding the clinical notes for each patient.Module 02 Course Project Assignment Template (I have attached it below)


  • attachment 


    Chief complaint

    Low back pain

    PATIENT Kay Salisbury DOB 03/30/1983 AGE 34 yrs SEX Female PRN DP278077

    FACILITY Northstar Physicians Center T (999) 999-9999 1234 Sunshine Way 100 Minneapolis, MN 99999


    NOTE TYPE SOAP Note SEEN BY Nazir Ashaad DATE 04/05/2017 AGE AT DOS

    34 yrs

    Not signed

    Patient identifying details and demographics


    SEX Female DATE OF BIRTH 03/30/1983 DATE OF DEATH – PRN DP278077


    RACE White STATUS Active patient


    ADDRESS LINE 1 4994 Shady Range

    ADDRESS LINE 2 – CITY Ossawinamakee

    Beach STATE MS ZIP CODE 39469






    Prefers that major diagnoses be discussed with her cardiologist Dr. Seifert



    The patient is a 34-year-old woman who presents with complaints of back pain. She describes the pain as a “dull ache in my lower back and into my right hip.” She is unable to identify any reason for the onset of pain. The pain does not radiate down legs. The patient states that the pain has been present for 2 weeks and is progressively getting worse. No urinary or fecal incontinence. Patient has not had any imaging studies.

    She states that sometimes the pain is worst in the morning and other times it bothers her more during the day. OTC anti-inflammatory medication and ice have provided temporary relief. Medical Terminology Module 2 Course Project. Wk8: Marginalized Women And Childbearing Families


    Encounter – Office Visit Date of service: 04/05/17 Patient: Kay S……

    1 of 2 4/5/17, 4:31 PM



    Patient’s blood pressure is 116/78. Patient’s HR is 80 bpm and regular. Pain is rated 5/10 while resting and 7/10 while standing and walking. Lumbar spine ROM is limited to 50 degrees of flexion. All other lumbar ROM tests are WNL. Physical exam indicates bilateral lumbar muscle spasm and hypertrophy.


    DDX: Lumbar strain with radiculopathy into the right hip and posterior thigh. Possible unilateral vertebral disk herniation or DJD of lumbar spine.

    Lumbar strain [847.2]. Lumbar pain [724.2].


    Patient is encouraged to continue OTC anti-inflammatory medication b.i.d. Patient will be referred for lumbar and sacroiliac radiography. Radiographic findings will determine the need for follow-up MRI or physical therapy referral. The patient was given a handout on gentle low back stretches and was encouraged to try several gentle yoga positions at home.The patient should return to the clinic in one week.

    Free cloud based EHR

    Encounter – Office Visit Date of service: 04/05/17 Patient: Kay S……

    2 of 2 4/5/17, 4:31 PM

  • attachment 


    Chief complaint

    Skin lesion

    PATIENT Virginia T Thompson DOB 02/05/1957 AGE 60 yrs SEX Female PRN MO686770

    FACILITY Northstar Physicians Center T (999) 999-9999 1234 Sunshine Way 100 Minneapolis, MN 99999


    NOTE TYPE SOAP Note SEEN BY Nazir Ashaad DATE 04/05/2017 AGE AT DOS

    60 yrs

    Not signed

    Patient identifying details and demographics


    SEX Female DATE OF BIRTH 02/05/1957 DATE OF DEATH – PRN MO686770

    ETHNICITY Not Hispanic or Latino



    RACE Patient declined to specify

    STATUS Active patient


    ADDRESS LINE 1 5432 Rebrow St ADDRESS LINE 2 – CITY Lakeside STATE NY ZIP CODE 27511

    CONTACT BY Home Phone EMAIL virginiat@testpati HOME PHONE (555) 555-5555 MOBILE PHONE (555) 555-5555 OFFICE PHONE – OFFICE EXTENSION


    NEXT OF KIN George Thompson RELATION TO PATIENT Spouse PHONE 5555555555 ADDRESS –




    Sixty-year-old female patient presents with a lesion that doesn’t heal on her left shoulder. She describes the lesion as a mole that became itchy and has been getting a darker pigment over time. She states that she first thought it was a “bug bite” that she had been scratching, but the lesion has been present for 4 weeks without healing. No rashes or other skin complaints.


    Patient’s blood pressure is 128/76. Patient’s HR is 78 bpm and regular. Full skin examination reveals several erythematous macules scattered evenly on face and shoulders. Three black, symmetric, well-demarcated papules are present on the upper back measuring 6mm-1cm.

    Encounter – Office Visit Date of service: 04/05/17 Patient: Virgi……

    1 of 2 4/5/17, 4:58 PM



    Lesion of concern to the patient is located on the left anterolateral shoulder, 2 cm inferior to the acromioclavicular joint. It measures 7 mm in diameter and has an asymmetrical, black/brown/red appearance.


    Multiple benign nevi found the face, trunk, and upper extremities. Multiple benign papules present across upper back. Left shoulder lesion shows indications of melanoma. Wk8: Marginalized Women And Childbearing Families

    DDX: D03.60 Melanoma in situ of unspecified upper limb, including shoulder. C43.60 Malignant melanoma of unspecified upper limb, including shoulder. D03.62 Melanoma in situ of left upper limb, including shoulder.


    Patient will be referred to dermatologist for biopsy of left shoulder lesion. Patient is advised to continue use of sunscreen when outdoors. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor benign nevi and papules for any suspicious changes. Medical Terminology Module 2 Course Project

    Free cloud based EHR

    Encounter – Office Visit Date of service: 04/05/17 Patient: Virgi……

    2 of 2 4/5/17, 4:58 PM

  • attachment 


    Module 02 Course Project: Clinical Notes

    Each question is associated with the clinical notes provided. Refer to these when answering each question. Please type your answer in the “Click here to enter text” space.

    Patient A – Kay June Salisbury

    Kay is complaining of lower back pain. What is the medical term used to describe the lower back?

    Click here to enter text.

    In the subjective and plan sections of this SOAP note, the abbreviation OTC is used. What does this mean?

    Click here to enter text.

    In the objective section of this SOAP note, the doctor noted that the patient has limited flexion in the lumbar spine. Describe what means to “flex” the spine.

    Click here to enter text.

    If Kay had also mentioned during this visit that she has been experiencing neck pain, which medical term could be used to describe this complaint? (Use the appropriate suffix for pain)

    Click here to enter text.

    The abbreviation ROM is used twice in this SOAP note. What does ROM mean in this context?

    Click here to enter text.

    Kay’s physical exam revealed hypertrophy of her muscles. Describe what this means. What is the abnormality present?

    Click here to enter text.

    In the assessment section of this document, the abbreviation DDX is used. This is a very commonly used abbreviation. What does DDX stand for?

    Click here to enter text.

    The doctor has determined that Kay may have radiculopathy. Describe what this word means in a way that an average patient could understand.


    The word “unilateral” is used to describe the possible disk herniation. What does unilateral mean?

    Click here to enter text.

    Find an image of a “vertebral disk herniation.” Describe (in your own words) what is happening to the anatomical structures of the spine.

    Click here to enter text.

    In the plan section of this SOAP note, the patient is being referred for lumbar and sacroiliac radiography. What does this mean? Define each word: lumbar, sacroiliac, and radiography.

    Click here to enter text.

    This patient may need a follow-up MRI. What does this abbreviation stand for?

    Click here to enter text.

    Patient B – Virginia Thompson

    If Virginia’s physician had noted any dry or scaly skin during this visit, which medical term might he have used to describe it? (Hint: Think about the word roots you studied this week.)

    Click here to enter text.

    In the objective section of this SOAP note, the macules are described as “erythematous.” What color is this word referring to?

    Click here to enter text.

    The lesion of concern is located in the anterolateral shoulder. How would you describe the location of this lesion in your own words?

    Click here to enter text.

    In which section of this SOAP note (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) do you find a term that means “pertaining to the acromion and clavicle”?

    Click here to enter text.

    What is the definition of a “macule”?

    Click here to enter text.

    In this SOAP note, the terms “benign” and “malignant” are used to describe both the skin lesions. Define these terms.

    Click here to enter text.

    In the plan section of this SOAP note, the doctor plans to perform a biopsy. Briefly describe this procedure.

    Click here to enter text.

    Which word found in this SOAP note means “black tumor”?

    Click here to enter text.

    Which word found in this SOAP notes refers to a solid, elevated lesion? Wk8: Marginalized Women And Childbearing Families

    Click here to enter text.



    You will primarily use your textbook as a reference this week. Provide a citation for your textbook (in APA format) here:

    Click here to enter text.


    *If you are unfamiliar with APA citation, please see the Rasmussen College APA Guide: Select “References” on the left-hand panel and choose “Books” to learn how to properly cite your textbook for this course. Wk8: Marginalized Women And Childbearing Families


Culturally Competent Nursing Assignment

Culturally Competent Nursing Assignment

For this assignment, you will interview a person from a cultural background that is different from your own. Using the twelve domains of culture from the Purnell Model, discuss the health practices of that culture and compose a scholarly paper in a Microsoft Word document of 5–6 pages formatted in APA style.


In your paper, you should include the following:

Select a person from a cultural group different from your own. You may choose a patient, friend, or work colleague. For the sake of confidentiality, do not reveal the name of the person you interview; use only initials.

For the person you select, complete the cultural assessment using questions 1 through 12 from the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence in your textbook, Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach. Culturally Competent Nursing Assignment

On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format.

Submission Details:

  • Name the document SU_NSG4074_W2_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Submit it to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
  • attachment 


    The Twelve Domains of Culture

    These are the 12 domains that are essential for assessing the ethnocultural attributes of an individual, family, or group:

    · 1. Overview, inhabited localities, and topography

    · 2. Communication

    · 3. Family roles and organization

    · 4. Workforce issues

    · 5. Biocultural ecology

    · 6. High-risk behaviors

    · 7. Nutrition

    · 8. Pregnancy and childbearing practices

    · 9. Death rituals

    · 10. Spirituality

    · 11. Health-care practices

    · 12. Health-care providers. Culturally Competent Nursing Assignment

Essay: Neurological Cognitive Or Perceptual

Essay: Neurological Cognitive Or Perceptual

Mr. M., a 70-year-old male, has been living at the assisted living facility where you work. He has no know allergies. He is a nonsmoker and does not use alcohol. Limited physical activity related to difficulty ambulating and unsteady gait. Medical history includes hypertension controlled with ACE inhibitors, hypercholesterolemia, status post appendectomy, and tibial fracture status postsurgical repair with no obvious signs of complications. Current medications include Lisinopril 20mg daily, Lipitor 40mg daily, Ambien 10mg PRN, Xanax 0.5 mg PRN, and ibuprofen 400mg PRN. Essay: Neurological Cognitive Or Perceptual


Case Scenario

Over the past 2 months, Mr. M. seems to be deteriorating quickly. He is having trouble recalling the names of his family members, remembering his room number, and even repeating what he has just read. He is becoming agitated and aggressive quickly. He appears to be afraid and fearful when he gets aggressive. He has been found wandering at night and will frequently become lost, needing help to get back to his room. Mr. M has become dependent with many ADLs, whereas a few months ago he was fully able to dress, bathe, and feed himself. The assisted living facility is concerned with his rapid decline and has decided to order testing.

Objective Data

1. Temperature: 37.1 degrees C

2. BP 123/78 HR 93 RR 22 Pox 99%

3. Denies pain

4. Height: 69.5 inches; Weight 87 kg

Laboratory Results

1. WBC: 19.2 (1,000/uL)

2. Lymphocytes 6700 (cells/uL)

3. CT Head shows no changes since previous scan

4. Urinalysis positive for moderate amount of leukocytes and cloudy

5. Protein: 7.1 g/dL; AST: 32 U/L; ALT 29 U/L

Critical Thinking Essay

In 900-words, critically evaluate Mr. M.’s situation. Include the following:

1. Describe the clinical manifestations present in Mr. M.

1. Based on the information presented in the case scenario, discuss what primary and secondary medical diagnoses should be considered for Mr. M. Explain why these should be considered and what data is provided for support.

2. When performing your nursing assessment, discuss what abnormalities would you expect to find and why.

3. Describe the physical, psychological, and emotional effects Mr. M.’s current health status may have on him. Discuss the impact it can have on his family.

4. Discuss what interventions can be put into place to support Mr. M. and his family.

5. Given Mr. M.’s current condition, discuss at least four actual or potential problems he faces. Provide rationale for each.

You are required to cite 2 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and relevant to nursing practice. Also, you must have a conclusion with a minimum of 5 sentences to wrap up the case study. Essay: Neurological Cognitive Or Perceptual

Case Treatment Strategy Paper

Case Treatment Strategy Paper

Jeff and Sandy Williams present themselves in your counseling agency. Sandy Williams has called for an appointment and cited family issues along with couple conflict between her and her husband. The office receptionist makes an appointment for the entire family of four.


Jeff and Sandy have been married 21 years. Jeff owns his own used car business, but the downturn in the economy has created financial difficulty for him and Sandy. Sandy has been employed as a teacher’s aide at a local elementary school for 10 years. Their oldest son, Jacob (18) was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome several years ago. The youngest son, Leo (15) is having trouble at school.

You have seen the family for two sessions; thus far, the issues presented are that Jeff has a drinking problem. He drinks each day when he arrives home from work and continues until he goes to bed. The next day he remembers little of his late night behaviors or conversations. This has created conflict between him and Sandy.

Due to slow business at the car lot, financial pressure has added to family anxieties. You sense that spending behaviors and lack of financial management are areas that may need some skill building.

Over the last 4–5 years, Jacob’s awkwardness has alienated him socially. Jacob suffers from depression and overall sadness. He feels alone, misunderstood, and struggles with any kind of social engagement. Although Jacob is present during the family counseling sessions, he is both disengaging and silent. He sits, looking at the floor and rocking back and forth. A couple of times when you attempted to draw him into the conversation, he became agitated and began screaming. Case Treatment Strategy Paper

Both Sandy and Jeff are perplexed about Jacobs’s behavior, lack of social skills, and lack of empathy; however, Jeff reacts with anger toward Jacob more so than Sandy. This results in Sandy being angry with Jeff for his reaction toward Jacob. The couple also suffers from loneliness and believes that this may be connected to Jacob’s disorder. They both voice that they feel that no one really understands Jacob or what they go through as a family. Due to Jacob’s disorder, the family seldom visits with friends or extended family. Many times when they have attempted to do things socially, Jacob either acts out or wants to return home early. This, again, angers Jeff and saddens Sandy.

Sandy and Jeff are also extremely frustrated with various individuals connected with the school system. They indicated that the school is not doing enough to help either of their two sons.

Leo has not contributed much to the conversation while in counseling and seems distant and disengaged from his family. When you have made attempts to draw Leo into the conversation, he has responded with comments like, “I guess so,” or “whatever.” Leo’s grades have been slipping from a B average to a D average over the last couple of years. Leo has few close friends, stays home if he can when the family goes on an outing. He seldom goes out with the family anymore. He reported being increasingly frustrated over the last few years. Case Treatment Strategy Paper



    EDCO 705


    Case Treatment Strategy Paper Rubric

    Criteria Advanced 138-150 (A- to A)

    Satisfies criteria w/ excellence

    Proficient 126-137 (B- to B+) : 

    Satisfies Criteria

    Developing 114-125 (C- to C+): 

    Satisfies most criteria

    Below Expectations (F – D+): 

    Does not satisfy criteria

    Not Present Points 


    Content: 70% = 105 pts
    Abstract 4-5 pts. 

    · An APA abstract is present with excellent content and formatting.

    3-3.5 pts. 

    · An APA abstract is present but has either mild content and/or formatting issues.

    2-2.5 pts. 

    · An APA abstract is present with significant content/ formatting issues.

    1-1.5 pts. 

    · An APA abstract is present but is confused with the introduction in content/format.

    0 points
    Content 78–85 pts. 

    · Assertions are relevant and properly supported by extensive evidence.

    · All of the key content areas are addressed and properly cited.

    · Utilizes best practices in traumatology with the population of interest.

    · Thoroughly covers cultural considerations relevant to the population of interest.


    71–77 pts. 

    · Assertions are relevant and mostly supported by evidence.

    · All of the key content areas are addressed and properly cited.

    · Utilizes best practices in traumatology with the population of interest.

    · Includes most relevant cultural considerations to the population of interest.

    65–70 pts. 

    · Some assertions are relevant and supported by evidence.

    · Most key content areas are addressed and properly cited.

    · Utilizes some best practices in traumatology with the population of interest.

    · Includes some cultural considerations relevant to the population of interest.

    1–64 pts. 

    · Assertions are not relevant nor supported by evidence.

    · Some key areas are not addressed in full or omitted altogether.

    · Does not utilize best practices in traumatology with the population of interest.

    · Does not consider cultural factors relevant to the population of interest.

    0 points
    Biblical Integration 9-10 pts 

    · Biblical application (verses / passages) is integrated into text with relevance clarified.

    7-8 pts 

    · Biblical application (verses/passages) is integrated into text.

    5-6 pts 

    · Biblical application (verses/passages) is present but not properly integrated.

    1-4 pts 

    · Biblical terms/ verses/passages are not present and/or referenced.

    Conclusion 4-5 pts. 

    · A detailed Conclusion section, with the APA heading of Conclusion, is presented at the end of the body of the report.

    · A separate section for ideas for future research is included as the final paragraph.

    3-3.5 pts. 

    · A detailed Conclusion section, with the APA heading of Conclusion, is presented at the end of the body of the report.

    · A separate section for ideas for future research is included as the final paragraph.

    2-2.5 pts. 

    · A Conclusion summary and ideas for future research are present but not detailed and/or supported by research.

    1-1.5 pts. 

    · The Conclusion is vague and does not contain a wrap up and/or the required ideas for future research section.

    0 points
    Structure: 30% = 45 pts
    Organization 14–15 pts. 

    · All required elements are included and presented with strong headings and organizational clarity.

    · There are clear transitions between paragraphs and sections.

    · The treatment of the topic is logically oriented.

    · The paper meets the page length requirement, not counting title page, abstract, or reference pages.

    12–13 pts. 

    · All required elements are included and organized.

    · There are transitions between paragraphs and sections.

    · The treatment of the topic is logically oriented. Case Treatment Strategy Paper

    · The paper meets the page length requirement, not counting title page, abstract, or reference pages.

    10–11 pts. 

    · Most required elements are included and are mostly organized.

    · The logical treatment of the topic needs improvement.

    · The paper meets the page length requirement, not counting title page, abstract, or reference pages.


    1–9 pts. 

    · Few or no required elements are included.

    · There may not be a logical treatment of the topic.

    · The paper does not meet the page length requirement, not counting title page, abstract, or reference pages.

    0 points
    Style 14–15 pts. 

    · The paper properly uses current APA style.

    · Proper headings, in-text citations, and references are formatted correctly.

    · The paper reflects a graduate level voice and vocabulary.

    · There are very few spelling and grammar errors.

    12–13 pts. 

    · The paper consistently uses current APA style.

    · Proper headings, in-text citations, and references are formatted with few or no errors.

    · The paper reflects a graduate level voice and vocabulary.

    · There are few spelling and grammar errors.

    10–11 pts. 

    · The paper inconsistently uses APA style.

    · Headings, in-text citations, and references are inconsistently formatted.

    · The paper does not consistently reflect a graduate level voice and vocabulary.

    · There are spelling and grammar errors.

    1–9 pts. 

    · The paper erroneously uses or does not use APA style.

    · Headings, in-text citations, and references are erroneously formatted or not present.

    · The paper does not reflect a graduate level voice and vocabulary.

    · There are spelling and grammar errors.

    0 points
    Sources 14–15 pts. 

    · The Reference page meets or exceeds the required number of sources.

    · All sources are referenced throughout the paper.

    · All references meet current APA standards.

    12–13 pts. 

    · The Reference page meets the required number of sources.

    · Most sources are referenced throughout the paper.

    · References meet current APA standards, with only minor deviations.

    10–11 pts. 

    · The Reference page does not meet the required number of sources.

    · Not all sources are referenced throughout the paper.

    · References meet current APA standards, but with major issues.

    1–9 pts. 

    · The Reference page contains few sources.

    · Not enough sources are referenced throughout the paper, or none are referenced.

    · References do not meet current APA standards.

    0 points
    Total / 150
    Instructor’s comments:
  • attachment 


    EDCO 705

    Case Treatment Strategy Paper Instructions

    Your assignment is to develop a treatment strategy for the Williams family bases on the case study provided. This paper should not be a treatment plan with DSM diagnoses. Neither should it be a verbatim report of a counseling session. Rather, this paper must articulate a plan of intervention for the family that uses a community counseling approach. Imagine that you are the community counselor, that you have conducted two counseling sessions, and now you want to develop a cohesive treatment strategy for the entire family (Jeff, Sandy, Jacob and Leo). Your job is to provide a plan of action that will assist them in moving toward healing and recovery. The community counseling model will serve you well and enable you to assist the family with the multiple issues that you will see in the case. You need to hypothesize and critically assess what is going on within the family. Consider the following questions when planning your paper:


    · Based upon what you are able to deduct from the case study and assessment of issues that may have gone unsaid, where would you–as the community mental health counselor–begin?

    · What are the various, obvious, or hidden issues that you believe this family experience?

    · What are the best practices for addressing their needs and issues?

    · What services might you be able to provide?

    · What additional services would you need to find for the family? Case Treatment Strategy Paper


    Your paper must be 10-12 pages (not including title page, abstract, or reference page; however, these are required as well). You must use current APA style (write in third person) and integrate references to at least 10 recent scholarly sources. Ideally, include both June & Black and Scott & Wolfe in a meaningful way. You must also use scholarly journal articles to support your assessment and various treatment recommendations. Include the following content, using appropriate headings:


    1. Introduce the Williams family and provide a brief case conceptualization.

    2. Describe the services that you/your community counseling agency will provide.

    3. Identify services that you feel could be better provided by other agencies or organizations. These need to be actual services that are offered in your community. You need to disclose the organization, its location, the cost involved, the criteria needed for referral/approval, and contact information. If some of the needed services are not available in your local community, you have to find the closest ones that the family may, realistically, use.


    The Case Treatment Strategy Paper is due 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 5. Case Treatment Strategy Paper