Create an Infographic

Create an Infographic

TASK – you have to make an infographic from Canva, please follow the tutorials, if not familiar. Review the following


article from this week’s required reading: Chazal, Casale, & Martin. (2016). Preparing for a value-based health care system. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 68(15), 1698-1700. Then create an infographic of the author’s key points using Canva that assesses the value and challenges of changing the payer model to an evidence-based approach and defends the rationale and benefits for sharing information across systems. Your infographic should meet the following requirements: Portray key points visually—show, do not tell. For tips on how to create an effective infographic, review the following resources: • 12 Infographic Tips That You Wish You Knew Years Ago • Creating Infographics: 10 Tips and Tricks for Infographic Designers • Canva is a free tool that can be used to create infographics. For tutorials on how to use this tool, review the following videos: • Beginner’s Challenge • Less is More • Essential Canva Tools. Support your infographic with citations from the article, course text, and a minimum of two additional sources. Include a reference section at the bottom of the infographic that includes APA references for all cited sources. Format your citations and references according to APA. • Download your completed infographic from Canva as a PDF Article to read for task
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