HCS457 imperative living community
HCS457 imperative living community
Complete DQ below NO Plagiarism (add cite and references)
Read Ch. 1 of Public Health 101: Healthy People-Healthy Populations (2nd ed.).
1. Write your thoughts on the chapter between 90-100 words
Read Ch. 12 of Public Health 101: Healthy People-Healthy Populations (2nd ed.).
2.Write your thoughts on the chapter between 90-100 words
Read Ch. 9 of Public Health 101: Healthy People-Healthy Populations (2nd ed.)
3.Write your thoughts on the chapter between 90-100 words
Complete question between 90-100 words
4.Open your web browser and search for the “What Is Public Health?” video by the Wessex Training Group.
Watch the video and discuss your thoughts with the class.
Complete question between 90-100 words
5. Describe three components of public and community health that differ from individual health.
Complete question between 90-100 words
6. How do various levels of government work with communities?