Healthcare Administration

Healthcare Administration

Instructions: This assignment must be done in APA format. A minimum word count of 1600 or more words for the


overall assignment (without references included) is required. A minimum of four (4) scholarly references along with in-text citations is also required for this assignment. However, each question ask for different things so please pay attention. Also, although this assignment is in APA format; please keep the question and answer line up (see example below) For Example: Question: XYZ Answer: XYZ Reference: XYZ Note: Please FOLLOW instructions and keep the above format. Each question is separate. DO NOT COMBINE. 1. Knowledge: What do you think is the most important thing to know about prevention? Important because _______________ 2. Comprehension: What is your understanding of the role of prevention vs. treatment and what are the key issues? 3. Application: Give an example of the contrast between prevention and treatment. Research the internet / library for a classic “case study”. 4. Analysis: What are a few of the root causes of the trend toward prevention? What are the key root causes of the challenges for preventative healthcare? How do prevention and treatment models compare as to outcome? 5. Synthesis: Offer a new idea / solution or your own or one you discovered through your research to address a particular problem or issue with either public health or ambulatory care. Pick one. 6. Evaluation: How is your idea, or the idea of others that you found, better / same / worse than what is being done now? Why is it better? What improved outcomes would you expect from your idea? Has anyone tried the new idea before? If no, why? If yes, how did it work out? Instructors Note: Each of these needn’t be long or expansive. Brevity is the soul of wit (Shakespeare). Practice efficiency and directness in your answers. Get to the point quickly. Avoid unnecessary “backfill”. Every word needs to make a contribution to the end points that you intend to make. Instructions: This assignment must be done in APA format. A minimum word count of 1600 or more words for the overall assignment (without references included) is required. A minimum of four (4) scholarly references along with in-text citations is also required for this assignment. However, each question ask for different things so please pay attention. Also, although this assignment is in APA format; please keep the question and answer line up (see example below) For Example: Question: XYZ Answer: XYZ Reference: XYZ Note: Please FOLLOW instructions and keep the above format. Each question is separate. DO NOT COMBINE. 1. Knowledge: What do you think is the most important thing to know about prevention? Important because _______________ 2. Comprehension: What is your understanding of the role of prevention vs. treatment and what are the key issues? 3. Application: Give an example of the contrast between prevention and treatment. Research the internet / library for a classic “case study”. 4. Analysis: What are a few of the root causes of the trend toward prevention? What are the key root causes of the challenges for preventative healthcare? How do prevention and treatment models compare as to outcome? 5. Synthesis: Offer a new idea / solution or your own or one you discovered through your research to address a particular problem or issue with either public health or ambulatory care. Pick one. 6. Evaluation: How is your idea, or the idea of others that you found, better / same / worse than what is being done now? Why is it better? What improved outcomes would you expect from your idea? Has anyone tried the new idea before? If no, why? If yes, how did it work out? Instructors Note: Each of these needn’t be long or expansive. Brevity is the soul of wit (Shakespeare). Practice efficiency and directness in your answers. Get to the point quickly. Avoid unnecessary “backfill”. Every word needs to make a contribution to the end points that you intend to make.
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