Healthcare policy and politics

Healthcare policy and politics

Health Policy and Politics


Nurses may have innovative suggestions for changing a particular health care practice, but if the suggestions are not enacted through policy, they help no one and simply remain good ideas. Fortunately, nurses today frequently are involved in the policy development process due to their increasingly recognized expertise in all aspects of health and health care. These policies may be at the organizational, local, state, national or global levels. The ability of nurses to help establish effective policy allows them to have a broader influence than through practice alone.

This week, you will explore the policy-making process and how issues reach the public agenda. You will also analyze how policies influence health care delivery and population health. In addition, you will consider ethical and value-based frameworks that guide policy development and practice.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

  • Analyze the influence of a health care policy on health care delivery and apply Kingdon’s Model to health policy development
  • Evaluate key characteristics of an effective women’s preventive health care program

Photo Credit: Anuska Sampedro/Moment/Getty Images