Healthcare Policy- Final exam

Healthcare Policy- Final exam

Healthcare Policy Final Exam (Due Date: Friday Dec. 14th before 5:00 p.m. ET) The final exam is cumulative and open


book/notes. You must use in text citations in your answers. You must cite the text book and at least one outside source for each question. There are two questions. You should try to achieve 500 words for each question. That is 1,000 total for the entire exam. The word count includes the citations to references. These are long essays not short answer questions. You can create a chart to illustrate information if you so wish. Answer every question posed within the questions below or you will lose points. Use Times New Roman, 12 point font, SINGLE spaced. Use WORD not PDF. Enjoy. Question One (100 Points) Same sex marriage became legal nationwide in 2015. This issue followed various lower court decisions, state laws, and referendums passed across several states over a period of years. Attempts were made at the state/local level to invalidate these laws, eventually reaching the Supreme Court. a. Review and describe the history of how the law moved through the legislative development phase. (20 points) b. Describe the law itself and its purpose. What part of the US Constitution was cited by the Supreme Court? (20 points) c. Why do you think the law was enacted at the federal level of government as opposed to at the state level (or vice versa)? (20 points) d. Do state laws differ from the federal law for same sex marriage? If so, how? (Pick one state or more to discuss).(20 points) e. Who are the stakeholders and what did they believe? (20 points) Question Two (100 points) Read Appendix 29 in the Longest Text, “A Proposed Rule on Revision of Nutrition Labels.” a. How does this proposed rule demonstrate rule making and operating activities’ cyclical relationship? Be specific. (33 points) b. Explain what details on the “Proposed Label” correspond to the information in the summary and what in the “Current Label” would be changed. (33 points) d. Evaluate the “Current Label” and the “Proposed Label.” What do you think the effect of this modification would be? In other words, will it make it easier for consumers to understand the nutritional value of their food? Why or why not? (34 points)
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