How to identify different PPO for hospitals and implementing new technology

How to identify different PPO for hospitals and implementing new technology

Managed care has had a profound impact on the way that health care is delivered and paid for in the United States.


A large portion of Healing Hands Hospital revenue comes from managed care reimbursement making managed care a very important part of the business process. Part of the Task Force’s work will include obtaining feedback from the community and a public relations committee has been formed to help educate the community when decisions are made about changes to Healing Hands Hospital. Mr. Johnson, Healing Hands Chief Financial Officer, has asked you to help provide some training to the members of the public relations committee to help them understand managed care and other possible models for reimbursement including value-based reimbursement and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), so this can be included in their campaign of community education. Your report to Mr. Johnson should include:

Identify two types of managed care plans, such as Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) and how they impact the way that health care is delivered at Healing Hands Hospital.
Discuss the future of managed care as a viable reimbursement model for Healing Hands Hospital compared to Accountable Care Organization model and valued based reimbursement.
Through legislation such as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and MACRA, there are regulations and requirements set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that are designed to improve patient quality of care and ensure highest levels of reimbursement. How do these laws impact Healing Hands Hospital and its financial plans?
Mr. Johnson, like all healthcare management professionals, believes that the data and information presented must be backed by good research and the reference sources must be listed appropriately in the written report.
Be sure to include at least three references for the information presented in your report using APA formatting.

Remember to title this section “The Role of Managed Care and Other Models for Reimbursement”. 3 pages


Then add on the new section of material, which should have the Section header of “Innovations in Healthcare Technology” 1-2 pages

Continue to use the scenario to assist you with this assignment. One of the areas of concern to Mr. Magone and the senior leadership of Healing Hands Hospital is the integration and adoption of information technology systems that would be needed if the hospital consolidated with a large health system or added more outpatient services or expanded into telemedicine. As a member of the Task Force support team, you have been asked to research and discuss current and future advances and issues related to information technology in healthcare. This would include integration concerns with the Healing Hands Hospital’s current electronic health record system (EHRs), new models of decision support systems, and telemedicine with wearable tracking and smartphone linked devices.

Discuss the issues in health information technology advances that will impact Healing Hands Hospital in the future with possible consolidation/expansion and the impact on quality of care and reimbursement for provided services. Include the following information in your paper:

Future health care reimbursement trends impacted by information technology such as big data analytics and decision support systems.
Information system technologies and issues with interoperability and scalability.
Innovations in telemedicine and tracking devices.
Tags: healthcare medicine doctor healthcare industry