Module 05 Case Scenario – How to Complete a Medical Chart

Module 05 Case Scenario – How to Complete a Medical Chart

Medical Chart Name Date Nick Morris Age 17 Gender _______________ Chief complaint Patient is carried into the ER by


several friends. They say he passed out during a party and they don’t know what’s wrong with him. They are not sure how long he has been unconscious. They were asked if he had been drinking, and they say that he has been drinking all night. One friend says he seemed confused at one point. Medical history Replace this with your text. Habits (tobacco, alcohol) Replace this with your text. Family history Replace this with your text. Surgical history Replace this with your text. M Medications Replace this with your text. Allergies Replace this with your text. Physical Exam Replace this with your text. Discussion Questions 1. How does a medical chart help diagnosis and treatment? 2. How might incomplete information on a medical chart cause a misdiagnosis of the problem or condition or delay treatment that could be life-saving? In Nick’s case, his friends could provide information on what he had been doing prior to his visit to the Emergency Room. What if Nick’s friends could not provide complete information? How would this affect his care?
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