Behavioral Theory and Planning Model Logic Model Learning Activity

Behavioral Theory and Planning Model Logic Model Learning Activity

LEARNING ACTIVITY 7 INSTRUCTIONS Topic: Logic Model In this learning activity, you will create a basic logic model


of your evaluation. At the Community Tool Box website, you will enter the section dealing with Developing a Logic Model or Theory of Change. Follow the guidelines for developing a fictitious health promotion program intervention to help you address the learner objective you wrote and others that could be written like it, and fill in the “Logic Model Template.” LOGIC MODEL TEMPLATE FILL IN YOUR HYPOTHETICAL PROGRAM INFORMATION IN THIS CHART. Continue on next page if needed. PURPOSE or MISSION: INPUTS or RESOURCES: ACTIVITIES: OUTPUTS: CONSTRAINTS or BARRIERS: CONTEXT or CONDITIONS: EFFECTS: Learning Activity #8- Topic: Behavioral Theory and Planning Model In this learning activity, you will choose a behavioral theory and planning model for use with your health promotion program. From all you have learned in this course, you should now feel comfortable in identifying a behavioral theory to guide your hypothetical program intervention. Choose one that is appropriate to your priority population and program purposes and explain why you selected it. In addition, choose an intervention planning model around which to frame your program. You do not have to plug in your program components to the framework but you must explain why you chose that model instead of others. Provide responses to this activity in a 250–350-word paper. LEARNING ACTIVITY 7 STANDARDIZED GRADING RUBRIC Criteria Content Use of provided template 3 points Levels of Achievement Advanced 3 points Template is fully used as it is intended to develop logic model. Question 6 to 8 points prompts: Correct and comprehensive Completeness responses for all sections of 8 points the logic model. Question prompts: Critical Thinking 5 points Logic Model Cohesion 3 points Structure Proficient Developing 2 points 1 point Template is somewhat used Template is used but there are Prov as intended to develop logic multiple areas where the tool is model. not used as is intended. 4 to 5 points Correct responses for almost all sections of the logic model. 1 to 3 points Some areas of the logic model are either not answered correctly OR are not answer at all. 4 to 5 points Expands responses into substantive, thoughtful, and/or critical responses, fully addressing all questions or prompts. 2 to 3 points 1 point There is evidence of critical There is some evidence of assessment of the content critical assessment but needs in on most areas of the improvement in major areas. assignment. 3 points All of the different elements for each section of the logic model fit well with the other sections of the model. All elements flow well into the next section to create an, overall, cohesive model. 2 points The content of each section makes sense on its own but there could be better cohesion throughout the model. Advanced Proficient 1 point Content in individual sections do not fit well together OR there are major issues with cohesiveness of the model. Developing Som are n AND mod The thou resp cont The cohe each with Student 5 to 6 points Expectations Communication follows and Mechanics Student Expectations, 6 points including AMA formatting. Proper spelling AND grammar are used. 3 to 4 points Communication follows all student expectations, including AMA formatting. Minor spelling OR grammar errors present. 1 to 2 point Communication follows some student expectations, including AMA formatting. Multiple spelling OR grammar errors are present. Com follo the incl The AND thro LEARNING ACTIVITY 8 STANDARDIZED GRADING RUBRIC Criteria Levels of Achievement Content Advanced Proficient Question prompts: Completeness 8 points 6 to 8 points Correct responses to all questions and prompts according to directions and examples provided. 4 to 5 points Student answers most question prompts correctly. Question prompts: Critical Thinking 6 points 5 to 6 points 3 to 4 points Expands responses into There is evidence of critical substantive, thoughtful, and/or assessment of the content on critical responses, fully most areas of the assignment. addressing all questions or prompts. Developing 1 to 3 points Some questions are answered S incorrectly or some elements inc are missing. prom 1 to 2 points There is some evidence of critical assessment but needs in improvement in major areas. The t r Support of major points 4 points 4 points 2 to 3 points 1 point Major points are supported Support is missing from one Support is missing from 2 by all of the following: of the following: of the following: • Current week’s • Current week’s • Current week’s reading/textbook reading/textbook reading/textbook • Pertinent, conceptual or • Pertinent, conceptual or • Pertinent, conceptual or personal examples personal examples personal examples • Thoughtful analysis • Thoughtful analysis • Thoughtful analysis Structure Advanced Proficient Thread: Student Expectations and Word Count 4 points 4 points Communication follows Student Expectations, including AMA formatting, and word count is between 250to 350 words. 2 to 3 points Communication follows all student expectations, including AMA formatting, but word count is less than 250 words. Mechanics 3 points 3 points Proper spelling AND grammar are used. 2 points Minor spelling OR grammar errors are present. S mor • • • Developing 1 point Communication follows some C student expectations, foll including AMA formatting, t but not all and the word count in is less than 250 words. an 1 point Multiple spelling OR grammar errors are present. Th
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