Health Care Reform and Health Insurance Exchange Discussion

Health Care Reform and Health Insurance Exchange Discussion

Go to Aetna’s Website and watch the video titled “Health Care Reform: What is a health insurance exchange?”,


located at

PART A “Health Reform” Please respond to the following:

Examine two (2) efforts at health reform in the United States that occurred during the 1900s. Determine the major political and social factors that influenced the outcomes for each. Support your rationale with specific examples of such influence.
From the e-Activity, compare and contrast at least two (2) pros and cons of developing a state health insurance exchange. Speculate on which exchange you believe would be most beneficial for the majority of the insured in your state. Provide support for your rationale.

PLEASE RESPOND TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT & A DETAILED WHY: In the 1900s insurance would not cover companies because they knew that only the people who needed the services due to them being sick would be the only reason, they would get it. If the workers were not sick, then they wouldn’t think twice about it. Back in that time a lot of people didn’t get health insurance they weren’t really educated about the benefits and people just felt as if they didn’t need it unless they were physically sick

In 1929 there was a group of Teachers from Dallas that contracted with a Hospital by the name of Baylor University to get more inpatient care per year and they would make regular payments for the services that they would get. Once the other hospitals heard about this, they also had prepaid services available and this helped to form the services during the Depression years. Once these teachers made that move it opened the gate for so much more. This plan offered convenience and it was a tax exempt which was another reason was it was offered.

The health insurance exchange is also known as health insurance marketplace.

The Pros I believe would be having free preventive care. Amazing idea it gives everyone the benefit of having the basic services done for free with no questions asked. Another Pro would be no ETF like other places would. Avoiding penalties as much as possible is the best way to go.
Cons for the health insurance would be a tax penalty for not having insurance for the prior year. It is supposed to be mandatory. Another con would be that you are only able to see a circle of providers due to the networks getting smaller and smaller and the premiums are rising higher and higher. How is that possible?
Part B – “The Affordable Care Act” Please respond to the following:

Analyze at least two (2) new provisions to the Affordable Care Act. Interpret the implications of these new provisions for access to care for families. Provide specific examples of such implications to support your rationale.
Appraise the inherent impact of at least (2) Affordable Care Act quality initiatives on quality of care for both the consumer and the healthcare provider. Support your response with specific examples of the effects on both aforementioned groups.

PLEASE RESPOND TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT & A DETAILED WHY: One of the implications of the Affordable Care Act for Mental Healthcare. The most common disorders in mental health are; depression, anxiety and cognitive impairment. With depression alone 6.5 million people are diagnosed with depression. The healthcare workers are in need to help out the mental ill patients in America. “The Affordable Care Act not a panacea, provides an opportunity to bolster a broken mental health system that disproportionately ignores the needs of older adults.” (Vail, 2019) Another thing is Affordable Care Act, with have a range of implications that will affect different groups. The Affordable Care Act “calls for a payer increase for physicians who work in rural areas. These areas where it typically been hard to attract doctors.” (Healthcare Pathway, 2019) The major provisions in the ACA is a new setting of quality Affordable Care Act reporting standards for all the medical facilities. They would have to provide a yearly report on their patient’s outcome. These reports are technically voluntary, but if the facilities refuse to send the reports their Medicare/Medicaid will be reimbursed. This will be great for the patients, because their medical providers can compare records to help other patients. It will have a higher quality care and have positive feedback from patien