Healthcare Project 1

Healthcare Project 1

You have been presented an outstanding opportunity to serve as a graduate student intern for the chief executive


officer (CEO) of a large HCO. The HCO is an HMO model and originated approximately a century ago as a small rural hospital. Due to the rural setting, the HMO model flourished and, over the years, expanded throughout the region. Today, the HMO has a presence in over eighteen counties and has a number of competing interests from for-profit and not-for-profit HCOs in the region.

The board of directors recently approved the acquisition of two regional hospitals. First, the HCO decided to acquire a small rural critical-care-access hospital in a relatively remote county. The interest in acquiring the hospital is to service the existing population and expand the reach of the HMO. Second, the HCO decided to acquire a private full-service hospital in a moderate-size city (population forty-two thousand). The HCO’s move is strategic in nature, preventing the sale of the hospital to its for-profit competitor, and will gain the region its sole emergency department level 2 (two) trauma center with helicopter transport while giving the HCO the ability to service its growing HMO membership in the area.

Based on the above information:

Evaluate the various HMO models (staff, group, and network) and identify the model that would probably be best suited for the region. Justify your answer.
Research and comment on the importance and applicability of the various levels of emergency department trauma care. Investigate the exemptions afforded to a critical care rural hospital with respect to Medicare reimbursement and accreditation.
The following resources are provided for this assignment:

American Trauma Society, (2017). Trauma center levels explained. Retrieved from:
American College of Surgeons. (2017). Verified trauma centers FAQ’s. Retrieved from:…
To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.


Submission Details:
Your assignment should be addressed in a 2- to 3-page document.
Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Nursing Finance and Leadership

Nursing Finance and Leadership

Task 3: Healthcare Financing


It is essential that nurses understand the issues related to healthcare financing, including
local, state, and national healthcare policies and initiatives that affect healthcare delivery. As
a patient advocate, the professional nurse is in a position to work with patients and families
to access available resources to meet their healthcare needs.


A. Compare the U.S. healthcare system with the healthcare system of Great Britain, Japan, Germany,
or Switzerland, by doing the following:

1. Identify one country from the following list whose healthcare system you will compare to the
U.S. healthcare system: Great Britain, Japan, Germany, or Switzerland.

2. Compare access between the two healthcare systems for children, people who are unemployed,
and people who are retired.

a. Discuss coverage for medications in the two healthcare systems.

b. Determine the requirements to get a referral to see a specialist in the two healthcare

c. Discuss coverage for preexisting conditions in the two healthcare systems.

3. Explain two financial implications for patients with regard to the healthcare delivery
differences between the two countries (i.e.; how are the patients financially impacted).

B. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted,
paraphrased, or summarized.

C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. Must be 3-4 pages.

Tags: healthcare finance nursing

Public Health- Final

Public Health- Final

Name (print): _____________________________ Sign: _____________________________ Public Health Issues Fall 2018 – open


book/note Part I Applications – 220 points All of the information required for this exam has been presented this semester. Refer to course modules to include your class notes, power points, assignments, readings, CDC website. Consider this part to be a study guide for Part II. • • • • Bring to exam as printed responses (preferred) or if printer not available, legible written responses – YOU MUST INCLUDE THE QUESTIONS WITH YOUR RESPONSES. Place responses in the exam envelope with Part II. Do not send these responses by email – they will not be accepted. If not in the envelope, you lose the points. I will not be contacting you if I find that this section is missing. Set A: Required Questions – each of the following questions are required – 175 points in this section Question 1 – Infectious Diseases in the 21th Century (35 points – note breakdown) • • • • What is unique about infectious diseases? (5) Citing at least five examples, describe how far we have come in the U.S. with respect to public health achievements in infectious diseases through the 20th century. (10) A number of challenges remain today with respect to control/prevention/eradication of infectious diseases; eg, emerging infectious diseases, vaccine-preventable diseases, water and foodborne diseases, antibiotic resistance, multistate outbreaks, etc. Describe ONE of these issues in depth using examples. (10) Briefly describe factors that affect whether or not outbreaks spiral out of control. Examples: In 2014, Senegal and Nigeria managed to contain Ebola cases to a few but in West Africa, the outbreak increased exponentially, rapidly becoming pandemic; in 2018, the number of cases of Ebola in DRC increased dramatically in spite of availability of novel vaccine and antiviral treatments (10) Question 2: Outbreaks (60 points – note breakdown) – use bullets/outlines/tables where applicable • • • • • Cite reasons for why investigation of an outbreak important? (5) What are the steps involved in investigating outbreaks? Discuss why each of these steps is important. You may use a table to organize your information. (10) Refer to any one case study from the textbook. Using the steps you outlined above, show how the case was investigated (Note: Be concise – use an outline or table) (20) Give one or two specific examples of how ‘pseudo-epidemics’ can occur. What are the consequences? How can pseudo-epidemics be avoided? (10) What is the role of the local public health department in surveillance, outbreak investigation, and control/prevention of infectious diseases? What is the role of the state department of health? What is the role of CDC? (15) Question 3: Investigating Outbreaks (30 points – note breakdown) • • In reading the personal accounts of outbreak investigations in the textbook, what common elements did you observe? Give specific examples of ways in which investigators had to ‘think outside the box’ (that is, the ‘box’ being the ‘steps involved in outbreak investigation’). (15) What did you learn from the investigators that might help you if you were to find yourself in the position of having to investigate a major outbreak? Provide examples. What kinds of factors might you encounter that would have to be dealt with? (15) Question 4: Disease Transmission (50 points – note breakdown) – use bullets/outlines/tables where applicable • • • • • Describe at least five mechanisms of transmission of infectious diseases. Give at least one example of each (10) Describe factors that lead to increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. Describe at least five different factors and tell why/how they lead to increased susceptibility. (10) What is meant by in incubation period? Using the example of Ebola: what is known about the incubation period, how is the disease transmitted, how would you evaluate whether or not a person should be quarantined and for how long? (10) Why are patients in healthcare facilities (eg, hospitals, assisted living, long-term care, rehabilitation, etc.) at greater risk of acquiring infectious diseases and at increased risk of mortality due to infectious diseases? (10) What is R-naught? Give examples of several infectious diseases to include influenza, Ebola, SARS, measles, mumps, and pertussis and their respective R-naughts. What is herd immunity and what is its significance? How is the percent required to vaccinate relate to R-naught? (10 points) Set B: Question Options – choose ONE option in EACH of the following questions – 45 points in this section Question 5: One Health, Zoonoses, Globalization, Climate Change, and Emerging Infectious Diseases (each is worth 20 points) Option A: • • Illustrate the “ONE HEALTH” concept and describe factors involved. What is the significance of the One Health concept? (10) Describe factors that enhance opportunities for microbes to cross species lines. Include examples. (10) Option B: • What is an emerging infectious disease? Give a specific example of an emerging infectious disease and describe factors that have allowed emergence of the disease. (10 points) • Define zoonotic infections and tell why they are significant. Give an example of a zoonotic infection. (10) Option C: • What are the effects of globalization and climate change on health, with an emphasis on infectious diseases? Cite specific examples (20) Question 6: Social / Cultural / Ethical Issues in Infectious Diseases (each is worth 25 points) Option A: • In the course, we studied how social/cultural factors affect transmission of infectious diseases and that conversely, infectious diseases have social/cultural consequences. Use one or more of the examples used in the course (eg, Black Death-Plague, Tuberculosis, HIV) to illustrate this from historical / contemporary perspective. Option B: • Ethical issues in infectious diseases include quarantine and isolation, clinical trials of vaccines and treatments, etc. Sometimes, effects of unethical trials can have lasting effects on populations targeted in such studies, Use one or more of the examples used in the course (eg, syphilis, HIV/AIDS) to illustrate an ethical issue.
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laws and regulations in health care

laws and regulations in health care

Research the following health care regulations and select one law or regulation to focus on for this assignment:

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010


HIPAA Privacy Rule
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
False Claims Act
Anti-Kickback Statute
Stark Law (Physician Self-Referral Law)
Human Subject Research
Complete the Laws and Regulations in Health Care worksheet to address the following:

Evaluate the impact the law or regulation selected has on the health care industry.
Evaluate what impact the legal and regulatory requirements of the law or regulation you selected has on the health care industry.
Analyze the role accreditation and regulatory agencies play in the law or regulation you selected.
Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

The worksheet to fill in is attached

Health care policy- Research paper.

Health care policy- Research paper.

Running head: HEALTHCARE POLICY RESEARCH OUTLINE 1 The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act


developement and incorporation into the United States healthcare system Healthcare Policy Research- Outline HEALTHCARE POLICY RESEARCH OUTLINE 2 Research Question: How was the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act developed and incorporated into the United States healthcare system? I. Introduction Introduces the research paper and what it is about. A. Introductory brief history 1. Paragraph I: Attention grabbing statistics of before the Acts were created. a) Statistics on the initial costs of healthcare and lack of insurance for Mental health patients and hot it affected them (Rowan, McAlpine, & Blewett, 2013) b) Naming the works that showed how treatment of alcohol and drug dependent patients as an acute illness and how it affected continued prevalence of this condition as a way to push for insured care for these patients (McLellan, Lewis, O’Brien, & Kleber, 2000) 2. Paragraph II: Statistics of after the Acts were created a) The benefits of MHPAEA for Mental health patients in terms of patient care consistencies and increased chances of seeking healthcare after (Rowan, McAlpine, & Blewett, 2013) b) Potential benefits of the act to behavioral health patients in terms of coverage (Beronio, Glied, & Frank, 2014) B. Overview Describes the struggles of Mental Health Patients seeking insurance. 1. Paragraph III: Discussion how lack of insurance affected Americans HEALTHCARE POLICY RESEARCH OUTLINE 3 a) Public Insurance vs Private insurance in terms of costs of mental healthcare and insurance (Rowan, McAlpine, & Blewett, 2013). b) Implications if not having insurance for mental health problems (Rowan, McAlpine, & Blewett, 2013) 2. Paragraph IV: Issues in both types of insurance covers and why insurers were reluctant to cover mental health patients (Heller, 2017). C. Background Information Background information of how the acts were fought for and introduced. 1. Paragraph V: A summary of procedure taken during policy making and legislation and parties involved in the process, the timeline (Frank & Glied, 2008), (Sundararaman, 2009), (National Archives and Records Administration, 2013). 2. Acts description Definition of the acts and what they cover a) Paragraph VI: Mental Health Parity of 1996, History if MHPA and its requirements (National Archives and Records Administration, 2013). b) Paragraph VII:The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) of 2008, definition of it and its additional protections to the Mental Health Parity Act (MHPA) (U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2016). D. Paragraph VIII: Thesis Paragraph States the research question, thesis statement and purpose of research. HEALTHCARE POLICY RESEARCH OUTLINE 4 1. Research Question ● How was the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act developed and incorporated into the United States healthcare system? 2. Thesis Statement ● The struggle and process of the development of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act was worth the results that now affected Americans enjoy. 3. Purpose of Research ● The purpose of this research is to evaluate the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and discuss how the policy was developed and introduced and became part of the United States healthcare. The research will provide information regarding the parties behind the policy implementation and its outcomes and implications to beneficiaries, insurers and the government. II. Research Methodology Paragraph IX: Describes the methods, tools and materials used to conduct the research. A. Approach used ● The case study approach will be used to research on materials relevant to the development and application of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. B. Materials examined HEALTHCARE POLICY RESEARCH OUTLINE 5 ● Formal examination of scholarly articles, healthcare and insurance journal articles, books, news articles and government legislation and policy publications, case studies and all relevant credible materials related with the acts, their outcome and implications on involved and affected parties. III. Findings 1500 Detailed description of the results of the research about the development of MHPAEA A. Section A: History Describes the initial situation before Mental health funding policy and law 1. Paragraph X a) Mental illness and mental health issues in the United States and why it was such an issue for the government to see mental health insurance as an issue than needed legislative intervention (Sundararaman, 2009). b) History of Mental health care in the United States, leaps and studies and legislations that have moved the nation’s legislature towards MHPAEA (Sundararaman, 2009). 2. Paragraph XI a) Compare and contrasting Public insurance and Private insurance of the time before enactment of MHPAEA (Rowan, McAlpine, & Blewett, 2013) b) Treatment of alcohol and drug dependent patients as an acute illness and how it affected continued prevalence of this condition HEALTHCARE POLICY RESEARCH OUTLINE as a way to push for insured care for these patients (McLellan, Lewis, O’Brien, & Kleber, 2000) B. Section B Describes the contribution of state and federal government in mental health law 1. Paragraph XII a) Government agencies and organizations created and their contributions to the development of mental health debate, awareness and a platform for legislation (Frank & Glied, 2008), (Sundararaman, 2009). 2. Paragraph XIII a) States and state laws that assisted in the development of federal mental health policy on mental healthcare and funding (Frank & Glied, 2008). C. Section C Describes the contributions of the Judiciary in the development of mental law 1. Paragraph XIV a) Judicial cases that lead to the development of Mental health law (Frank & Glied, 2008). 2. Paragraph XV a) Court cases on insurance discrimination against mental health patients that also contributed to the development of mental health law (Heller, 2017). D. Section D 6 HEALTHCARE POLICY RESEARCH OUTLINE 7 Describes the politics and timeline leading to the enactment of MHPAEA 1. Paragraph XVI a) Notable political figures that advocated for mental health law and funding regulations from President Kennedy in 1961 to Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici (Mental Health America, 2013), (U.S. Library of Congress, 2008). 2. Paragraph XVII a) Proceedings and timelines of the MHPA and MHPAEA and government departments involved (National Archives and Records Administration, 2013). E. Section E The contributions and provisions of MHPAEA and its relationship with other acts 1. Paragraph XVIII a) Politicians recognized as the sponsors and the details of the act as and its relationship with other Acts (U.S. Library of Congress, 2008), (National Archives and Records Administration, 2013). b) Key changes, specifications of the act and the provisions of its regulations by the MHPAEA (U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2016). 2. Paragraph XIX a) MHPAEA “connection with the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA’s) essential health benefit” and Public Health Service Act, Employee Retirement and Income Security Act and Protecting Affordable HEALTHCARE POLICY RESEARCH OUTLINE 8 Coverage for Employees Act (U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2016). b) Who is covered by the MHPAEA in terms of employment (U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2016). IV. Discussion Discussed the effectiveness of MHPAEA in assisting mental health care patients since A. Paragraph XX – The Benefits of the Act 1. Current Benefits a) The legislation helped in the elimination of Quantitative Time Limits (QTLs) (Thalmayer, Friedman, Azocar, Harwood, & Ettner, 2017). 2. Potential Benefits a) Discuss that as an extension of Affordable Care Act, MHPAEA stands to increase behavioral healthcare by proportions never heard of before (Beronio, Glied, & Frank, 2014). B. Paragraph XXI – The shortcomings of the Act 1. Shortcomings a) Exclusion of small-income employees from the mental health insurance cover (Rowan, McAlpine, & Blewett, 2013). b) Situations that are exempted from the requirements of MHPAEA (U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 2016). C. Paragraph XXII – Implications or issues that have risen after the enactment of MHPAEA HEALTHCARE POLICY RESEARCH OUTLINE 9 1. Current issues needing addressing a) Problems that mental health patients undergo even after MHPAEA that other patients don’t experience during the process of healthcare, such as complication of payment, low payments to providers, limited cover to those likely to suffer from these problem, the low-income earners (Barnett, 2018). 2. Recommendations a) Recommendations that these problems push for as future additions to the MHPAEA (Barnett, 2018). V. Conclusion Paragraph XXIII – Summarizes the whole paper and showcase the completion and effectiveness of the research paper. 1. Paraphrase thesis statement. 2. Summarize main points in findings. 3. Refer to the whole research paper idea for a finishing sentence that ties the whole work together. HEALTHCARE POLICY RESEARCH OUTLINE 10 References Barnett, B. (2018, May 9). Opinion | Insurance Companies Unfairly Discriminate Against Mental Illness. Retrieved from Beronio, K., Glied, S., & Frank, R. (2014). How the Affordable Care Act and Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act Greatly Expand Coverage of Behavioral Health Care. The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 41(4), 410-428. doi:10.1007/s11414-014-9412-0 Frank, R. G., & Glied, S. A. (2008). Better But Not Well: Mental Health Policy in the United States since 1950. Baltimore, MD: JHU Press. Heller, B. D. (2017). Revolutionizing the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008. Seton Hall Law Review, 47(569), 569-602. Retrieved from edir=1&article=1592&context=shlr McLellan, A. T., Lewis, D. C., O’Brien, C. P., & Kleber, H. D. (2000). Drug Dependence, a Chronic Medical Illness. JAMA, 284(13), 1689. doi:10.1001/jama.284.13.1689 Mental Health America. (2013, November 21). Issue Brief: Parity. Retrieved from National Archives and Records Administration. (2013). Federal Register- Rules and Regulations (Vol.78-No.219). Retrieved from Government Publishing Office website: HEALTHCARE POLICY RESEARCH OUTLINE 11 Rowan, K., McAlpine, D. D., & Blewett, L. A. (2013). Access And Cost Barriers To Mental Health Care, By Insurance Status, 1999–2010. Health Affairs, 32(10), 1723-1730. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2013.0133 Sundararaman, R. (2009). U. S. Mental Health Delivery System Infrastructure: A Prime. Collingdale, PA: DIANE Publishing. Thalmayer, A. G., Friedman, S. A., Azocar, F., Harwood, J. M., & Ettner, S. L. (2017). The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) Evaluation Study: Impact on Quantitative Treatment Limits. Psychiatric Services, 68(5), 435-442. doi:10.1176/ U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2016, October 27). The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA). Retrieved from U.S. Library of Congress. (2008, September 23). H.R.6983 – 110th Congress (2007-2008): Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (H.R.6983). Retrieved from
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Public Health Communication Plan

Public Health Communication Plan

Public Health Campaign Communication Plan (3 pages and 6 references) • Describe and explain why Adolescent


Type II Diabetes Mellitus is a critical public health concern. o Justify the reason why Adolescent Type II Diabetes Mellitus deserves a higher spotlight in comparison to some other public health problems. • Target Audience: Parents of at-risk adolescents and General Public o Explain the importance of communicating to the specific target audiences. § Justify why healthcare promotion singled out to selected audience is more effective than targeting other groups. • Explain any barriers that you will have to overcome communicating to target group and solutions to improve communication. • Describe and justify two public health theories in which your will use to support your campaign. o List of behavioral theories to choose from: § Theory of Reasoned Action § Health Belief Model § Theory of Planned Behavior § Trans-theoretical Stages of Change • Explain the initial methods you plan to use to create your public health campaign and explain why you selected those methods. • Briefly describe your goals for implementing a public health campaign (ex. creating social change, changing behavior, increasing awareness).
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Healthcare Policy- Final exam

Healthcare Policy- Final exam

Healthcare Policy Final Exam (Due Date: Friday Dec. 14th before 5:00 p.m. ET) The final exam is cumulative and open


book/notes. You must use in text citations in your answers. You must cite the text book and at least one outside source for each question. There are two questions. You should try to achieve 500 words for each question. That is 1,000 total for the entire exam. The word count includes the citations to references. These are long essays not short answer questions. You can create a chart to illustrate information if you so wish. Answer every question posed within the questions below or you will lose points. Use Times New Roman, 12 point font, SINGLE spaced. Use WORD not PDF. Enjoy. Question One (100 Points) Same sex marriage became legal nationwide in 2015. This issue followed various lower court decisions, state laws, and referendums passed across several states over a period of years. Attempts were made at the state/local level to invalidate these laws, eventually reaching the Supreme Court. a. Review and describe the history of how the law moved through the legislative development phase. (20 points) b. Describe the law itself and its purpose. What part of the US Constitution was cited by the Supreme Court? (20 points) c. Why do you think the law was enacted at the federal level of government as opposed to at the state level (or vice versa)? (20 points) d. Do state laws differ from the federal law for same sex marriage? If so, how? (Pick one state or more to discuss).(20 points) e. Who are the stakeholders and what did they believe? (20 points) Question Two (100 points) Read Appendix 29 in the Longest Text, “A Proposed Rule on Revision of Nutrition Labels.” a. How does this proposed rule demonstrate rule making and operating activities’ cyclical relationship? Be specific. (33 points) b. Explain what details on the “Proposed Label” correspond to the information in the summary and what in the “Current Label” would be changed. (33 points) d. Evaluate the “Current Label” and the “Proposed Label.” What do you think the effect of this modification would be? In other words, will it make it easier for consumers to understand the nutritional value of their food? Why or why not? (34 points)
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How to identify different PPO for hospitals and implementing new technology

How to identify different PPO for hospitals and implementing new technology

Managed care has had a profound impact on the way that health care is delivered and paid for in the United States.


A large portion of Healing Hands Hospital revenue comes from managed care reimbursement making managed care a very important part of the business process. Part of the Task Force’s work will include obtaining feedback from the community and a public relations committee has been formed to help educate the community when decisions are made about changes to Healing Hands Hospital. Mr. Johnson, Healing Hands Chief Financial Officer, has asked you to help provide some training to the members of the public relations committee to help them understand managed care and other possible models for reimbursement including value-based reimbursement and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), so this can be included in their campaign of community education. Your report to Mr. Johnson should include:

Identify two types of managed care plans, such as Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO) and how they impact the way that health care is delivered at Healing Hands Hospital.
Discuss the future of managed care as a viable reimbursement model for Healing Hands Hospital compared to Accountable Care Organization model and valued based reimbursement.
Through legislation such as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and MACRA, there are regulations and requirements set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services that are designed to improve patient quality of care and ensure highest levels of reimbursement. How do these laws impact Healing Hands Hospital and its financial plans?
Mr. Johnson, like all healthcare management professionals, believes that the data and information presented must be backed by good research and the reference sources must be listed appropriately in the written report.
Be sure to include at least three references for the information presented in your report using APA formatting.

Remember to title this section “The Role of Managed Care and Other Models for Reimbursement”. 3 pages


Then add on the new section of material, which should have the Section header of “Innovations in Healthcare Technology” 1-2 pages

Continue to use the scenario to assist you with this assignment. One of the areas of concern to Mr. Magone and the senior leadership of Healing Hands Hospital is the integration and adoption of information technology systems that would be needed if the hospital consolidated with a large health system or added more outpatient services or expanded into telemedicine. As a member of the Task Force support team, you have been asked to research and discuss current and future advances and issues related to information technology in healthcare. This would include integration concerns with the Healing Hands Hospital’s current electronic health record system (EHRs), new models of decision support systems, and telemedicine with wearable tracking and smartphone linked devices.

Discuss the issues in health information technology advances that will impact Healing Hands Hospital in the future with possible consolidation/expansion and the impact on quality of care and reimbursement for provided services. Include the following information in your paper:

Future health care reimbursement trends impacted by information technology such as big data analytics and decision support systems.
Information system technologies and issues with interoperability and scalability.
Innovations in telemedicine and tracking devices.
Tags: healthcare medicine doctor healthcare industry

Healthcare Administration

Healthcare Administration

Instructions: Assignment must be done in APA format. Answer the following question. The word count for this


assignment is minimum 350 words. And at least two references ( with in-text citation) is required. This assignment has to be broken down in to six components: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. Please be sure to follow ALL instructions for this assignment. 1.One of the biggest components of healthcare is Pharmaceuticals and Biologics. They account for much of the treatment. What are the most critical issues in the rapid evolution of the pharmaceutical industry and the need for a better distribution of qualified professionals in healthcare? Cite references. Give a complete rationale for your analysis and conclusions. Cite scholarly resources that led you to your conclusions. Support your position with research that agrees and disagrees with your understanding. How do biologics fit into the pharmaceutical industry. Companion or competitor? Bounce your analysis and ideas off the class in this discussion. Get feedback that can help you address the assignment in the “Complete” section. Are there conflicting conclusions in the research? Present both/all sides of the issues. Offer a better solution and evaluate your idea against best practices. Be certain to include at least two scholarly references to validate and support your positions and conclusions. APA Style
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Case Study

Case Study

“I Can’t Do It All!” Based in Walnut Creek, California, Healthdyne is a health maintenance organization (HMO) that


provides healthcare to the Northern California Bay Area. It serves approximately 1.2 million enrollees composed mainly of upper-class, white-collar professionals. Healthdyne occupies a relatively small corner of the market, but is quickly gaining prominence in the area and has developed a solid financial footing with bright prospects. It is located in a growing community, with a 15 to 20 percent annual growth rate projected for the next five years. For the past 20 years, Healthdyne’s former president, Amanda Huggins, has successfully carried out the organizational mission—to provide more affordable and better quality healthcare for its members by setting the statewide standard for excellence and responsiveness. As one of the key players in the organization since its inception, Ms. Huggins is a recognized expert in the managed care industry. Corporate legend has it that her motto was “It doesn’t happen without my signature!” Upon Ms. Huggins’s retirement, Arnold Brice was recruited to take her place. Organizational Problem When Mr. Brice, who is the former CEO of Atlantic Healthcare, was brought in as president, he inherited an executive staff composed of the vice presidents of the marketing, finance, and professional services departments as well as a medical director, all of whom were capable of fulfilling their managerial responsibilities. However, within a few weeks of joining Healthdyne, Mr. Brice perceived a serious flaw with his staff—none of the vice presidents would make a decision, not even on routine matters such as personnel questions, choice of marketing media, or changing suppliers. The vice presidents frequently presented him with issues in their areas of responsibility and requested that he make the decision. This troubled Mr. Brice. Before long, the situation seriously impeded his efforts to engage in strategic planning for the HMO. At a regular staff meeting, when every member of his staff had an issue that required his attention, Mr. Brice finally blew up. The catalyst to this incident was this question from the Finance vice president: “What font do you want this in?” Waving his arms in exasperation, Mr. Brice shouted, which is very uncharacteristic of him, “I cannot do it all! You are going to have to make these decisions yourselves.” The meeting broke up with the staff looking very puzzled and Mr. Brice realizing that he had to make serious changes. 1. What is organizational culture and why is it important? 2. How would you describe the organizational culture of Healthdyne? Using Exhibit 11.1, identify specific forces and factors that Mr. Brice could manage to change culture. 3. What do you think would change the culture of the organization and make Mr. Brice’s life easier? Give specific examples supported by the lecture. 4. Support your case study by referencing chapter 10 Please create a 5 page minimum research style paper. Make sure you use proper APA formatting and include at least 4 references. This case study is due by Saturday December 15th.
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