The Bioethics OP-ED Article Assignment Develop an ethical argument and one of the ways that public dialogue can be advanced on these issues is through the newspaper. The public needs cogent, prin

The Bioethics OP-ED Article Assignment Develop an ethical argument and one of the ways that public dialogue can be advanced on these issues is through the newspaper. The public needs cogent, prin

The Bioethics OP-ED Article Assignment     

Develop an ethical argument and one of the ways that public dialogue can be advanced on these issues is through the  newspaper. The public needs cogent, principled arguments to evaluate in place of the heated rhetoric that is often   highlighted by the news media. For this assignment, you will write an OPED article (sometimes called a Commentary) for submission to a local  newspaper. OP-ED is defined as denoting or printed on the page opposite the editorial page in a  newspaper,  devoted to commentary, feature articles, etc. It can be about any of the topics we have covered this semester such as abortion,  assisted reproduction, physician assisted suicide, allocation of resources and  advanced directives.                                                                    The assignment can be NO SHORTER than 650 words and  NO LONGER than 850 words.                                   Your OP‐ED article should include all of the following elements:   An opening paragraph which identifies the issue and “hooks” the reader   A statement of your main thesis or point of view on the topic   Your principled argument with at least 3 of the ethical principles discussed in the course   A principled counter argument in response to an opposing point of view on the topic                           A solid conclusion  Hide