Knowledge Management in Accountable Care Organizations

Knowledge Management in Accountable Care Organizations

Good Evening below i have the description of what needs to be done for the paper and below i have the pdf file of what needs to be read. If you have any questions please contact me.

Knowledge Management in Accountable Care Organizations

Read the case study on in Unit 12 Brown, Patrick, and Pasupathy (2013) readings. Write a 3-6 page essay in APA 6th edition including at least 2 references creating a strategy to leverage the knowledge base of the practice against the value of knowledge within the developing ACOs. Consider the following guidelines and questions for this paper:

  • What change will be made on who accesses knowledge generated by the practice and how would it be used?
  • Address each of the five quality domains specified by the ACO mandate, and justify their inclusion or exclusion. What are the implications of each on the structure of the clinical process and on the information system that supports the process?
  • What are new properties of the decision support system must be included within the proposed strategy? How might tacit knowledge within the practice be leveraged by primary care physicians, other specialists, and patients?
  • What form of organizational structure would be formed with the ACO? What are the implications of collaborating with more than one ACO? Should the psychiatric group serve as the focal organization for developing an ACO?
  • What value is brought to the ACOs, and how would it be assessed? How would the practice be paid for its value-added services?
  • Comment on the environment of the practice and its readiness for strategic change. Who might you want to add to the team that is exploring an ACO strategy?
  • In the face of strong evidence, why do you think that managed behavioral health has been slow to develop and has developed as a niche industry by carving out behavioral health and managing it separately? What are the reasons for this and what alternative strategies might be considered?

This activity addresses the following learning objectives:


  • Apply strategic planning and management concepts and principles to health information and quality management activities;
  • Apply the principles of ethical decision-making for health information managers and quality managers;
  • Assess the quality of healthcare outcomes and services utilizing quality management tools and survey assessments;

Use technology and information resources to research issues in health information systems.

Write clearly and concisely about health information systems using proper writing mechanics.