Developing a strategic plan

Developing a strategic plan

Developing a Strategic Plan

Review the Hillsboro County Home Health Agency, Inc. (HCHHA) case study in this week’s Learning Resources. (FILE ATTACHED)

Project should show effective application of triangulation of content and resources in your conclusion and recommendations.

The Assignment

HCHHA’s board of directors and executive leadership team have asked for your assistance with addressing some of the major issues that have adversely impacted the organization’s financial and operational performances. They have requested that you advise them on the following:

  • Strategies to help the organization address the absence of a Medicare-certified hospice, which has inconvenienced patients and their family members and has led to negative publicity for the organization
  • Strategies that might improve HCHHA’s overall financial performance
  • Strategies that might improve HCHHA’s operational performance
  • Strategies that might assist HCHHA with effectively addressing the various external factors that may potentially threaten its market share

Strategic plan, must include the following components: (OUTLINE IS ATTACHED)

  • Mission statement (provided in the case study)
  • Vision statement
  • Core values
  • SWOT analysis
  • Grand strategies or long-term strategic priorities
  • Operational and tactical plan
  • Key performance and evaluation indicators
  • Change management plan, including the following:
    • The size of the change and its impact on the community and the organization
    • The organization’s readiness for change
    • Change management strategy
    • Team structure and responsibilities
    • Sponsor roles and responsibilities
    • Planning and implementation
    • Communications plan
    • Change management resistance plan
    • Training plan
    • Incentives and celebration of successes
    • Timeline/schedule of activities
    • Budget for change management


A narrative plan should be written as if it were to be presented to the board of directors. The plan should also include the following pages that will not count toward the 20-page limit:

  • One-page Executive Summary
  • Tables, graphs, and/or charts

The plan should include at least 15 current (no older than 4 years) quality resources, with 10 of those resources being from peer-reviewed sources.

In addition to the paper, you must produce a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the key elements of the paper. The presentation should NOT be more than 15 slides, excluding the cover slide and the appendices. Be sure to include 100- to 150-word speaker notes to explain the content on each slide.