Applying Marketing Principles, Theories, and Contemporary Concepts to Health Care

Applying Marketing Principles, Theories, and Contemporary Concepts to Health Care

  • Select a contemporary environmental force/trend, such as politics in health care, new technological advances in health care, the impact of recession/economic issues on utilization of health care, etc.
  • Reflect on your own health care organization (pediatrics). Imagine you have been hired as a marketing consultant to help guide your organization in understanding evolving environmental forces/trends that may impact marketing.


  • Analyze the environmental force/trend you selected. Include how the organization in the article is using the force/trend to better understand itself.
  • With your selected health care organization in mind, conduct a SWOT analysis of the environmental force/trend you selected.

    Analyze how the force/trend might impact the marketing of your organization.
    Recommend strategies to maximize opportunities and overcome threats.