NRS433V Using Findings of Quantitative Studies Essay

NRS433V Using Findings of Quantitative Studies Essay

Literature Evaluation Table Student Name: Summary of Clinical Issue (200-250 words): The nursing practice problem that has become pronounced and can no longer be ignored is handling diabetes patients. The number of patients that are experiencing diabetes each and every day is growing by a factor of times five annually and the figure is not properly contained, (Meyer, 2017). Diabetes has been analyzed and found to be a lifestyle disease and is also hereditary. The lifestyle part is more concentrated on since it has also been found that in a family


of five siblings, probably one would contact diabetes and on further research, it is found that their lifestyle is a bit careless as compared to the other siblings. If it was only the hereditary factor that determined the occurrence then we would not have a reason to focus on the lifestyle part. The challenges that nurse faces when handling these patients are varied for each patient is unique in their own way. The patients with advanced diabetic condition are required to administer insulin jabs occasionally, (Ghaderian, Hayati, Shayanpour, & Mousavi, 2015). Since most of these patients experience a careless lifestyle pattern, some of them forget to take their medicine or don’t care so much about their condition. At the end of the day, the condition worsens. Also these patients are required to give themselves these jabs when they are not close to a person who can assist them. The nurses have faced a lot of challenges in teaching them on ways to administer the jab effectively with cases where the syringe needle has stuck on somebodies tissues to cases where they miss the vein totally and the process is not conducted as it should be. The patients need to administer insulin occasionally to facilitate breaking down of sugars to give them energy. Actually diabetes is occasioned by the incapability of the body to breakdown sugars effectively as it is supposed to. The challenge that the clinicians and nurses at large faces is ensuring that the patients are disciplined in the administering the insulin. © 2019. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. Several researches have been conducted to enable patient get insulin intake without necessarily putting it on schedule as they are not supposed to miss their dose. An evidence based practice has been proposed to enrich this research as different patients have unique expectations and therefore need different approach to ensure that this research process is successful. For instance, patients below the age of thirty are exposed to lots of gatherings and partying and are vulnerable as far as taking of alcohol is concerned. They are most likely to miss their dose and therefore should be encouraged to eat diets that supplement their insulin and also given stronger medication that they would require to take less number of times as compared with patients who are fifty years and above, (Ghaderian, Hayati, Shayanpour, & Mousavi, 2015). Also patients between forty and fifty years are mostly married or in some sort of relationship and would be advised to attend education sessions with their spouse so that their spouse can be better equipped as far as taking of them is concerned. PICOT Question: “In patients between the ages of thirty and above with advanced diabetic condition why are clinicians reluctant in using evidence based practice in encouraging taking of insulin jabs and therefore curbing the diabetic related cases that are currently pronounced?” 2 Research Critique Guidelines – Part II Use this document to organize your essay. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the studies in your responses. Quantitative Studies Background 1. Summary of studies. Include problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research question. How do these two articles support the nurse practice issue you chose? 1. Discuss how these two articles will be used to answer your PICOT question. 2. Describe how the interventions and comparison groups in the articles compare to those identified in your PICOT question. Method of Study: 1. State the methods of the two articles you are comparing and describe how they are different. 2. Consider the methods you identified in your chosen articles and state one benefit and one limitation of each method. Results of Study 1. Summarize the key findings of each study in one or two comprehensive paragraphs. 2. What are the implications of the two studies you chose in nursing practice? Outcomes Comparison 1. What are the anticipated outcomes for your PICOT question? 2. How do the outcomes of your chosen articles compare to your anticipated outcomes? Criteria Article1 Article2 Article3 APA (Haque, 2017). Ritrieved (Benroubi, 2018). (Benroubi, 2017). formatte from Retrieved from Retrieved from d article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go http:/www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go https://online citation v/pmc/articles/PMC424090 v/pmc/articles/PMC59648 with 6/. 85 full/10.1111/ijcp.1269 permali 1. nk How This article under the name This article Is closely This article is related does the barriers of initiating insulin related to the picot to the picot question article in type 2 diabetes is closely question in that it in that it discusses relate to related to the picot question emphasizes on the some of the the picot whereby it argues why importance on insulin challenges that question clinicians are reluctant to administration to patients clinicians face in their ? administer insulin to suffering from type 2 efforts to advice patients with diabetes which diabetes. It states that patients with type 2 is a phenomenon known as while insulin has shown to diabetes to start psychological insulin be very effective glucose insulin. This is despite resistance. It argues that lowering therapy, it has clear evidence that clinician may delay been shown that many good glycaemic administering of insulin people with insulin treated control despite until it’s absolutely T2DM have poor glycemic maximal oral glucose necessary only after control. control. alternative therapies have been performed and have failed to maintain glycemic control. Quantita Quantitative research- this is The article is a quantitative Quantitative research, tive, because going by the research which is evident this is evident in that Qualitati definition, it is the because going by the going by the ve, (How systematic, empirical definition, it is a definition which states do you investigation of observable systematic, empirical that it is an empirical know?) phenomena via statistical, investigation of observable investigation of mathematical or phenomena via statistical, observable computational techniques. mathematical phenomena via This research article Is made computational technique. statistical up of all these Well this particular article mathematical characteristics which makes comprises of all the computational it quantitative characteristics explained. technique. The whole research is based on those characteristics. Researc Insulin serves a good h purpose to patients suffering influenced by their statemen from diabetes type 2. t. In most cases, patients are families to use insulin. Identifying the barriers and facilitators to start patients with type 2 diabetes. Researc Barriers to initiating insulin Perception of insulin use Barriers and h in patients with type 2 in type 2 diabetes in facilitators to starting primary care insulin in patients Question diabetes. with type 2 diabetes Outcom Thematic saturation relevant The search strategy A total of 21 articles e to the objectives this paper identified 147 papers for were included in this occurred by the tenth focus screening, 70 of which review. group and never emerged were fully appraised for again. eligibility. Setting, The study took place in the The study took place in the The study took place ( where USA where the first group U.S.A did the was held in los Angeles, America, Malysia and study Chicago and New York Singapore take consequtively. consequtively. in United states of place?) Sample Eighty seven people The quantitative studies Seven studies were participated in 13 focus were surveys based mainly conducted in the groups conducted in five with cross sectional united kingdom, (17- countries. Groups were first designs which included 19), two studies in held in USA, los 1,476 patients.with T2DM malaysia(,20,21) Angeles(n=10), receiving insulin.The Singapore (22,23) Chicago(n=8) and New majority of the surveys York (n=10). One group were web based with some was held in the u’s , two being undertaken as face groups were held in London to face queationaires or by and Munich and three tele[phone. groups were held each in Stockholm and Roterdam Method Data collection and analysis Thematic synthesis is a Comprehensive for this study were informed process whereby new research was carried by the health belief model. insights are identified out using PUB MED HBM is therefore based on through integrating data ,Embase, CINAHL the premise that health from original studies and and web of behaviors are derived from is one of a range of science.(search dates an individual’s perception methods available for upto 5 June 2014.) for of a disease and his or her synthesizing diverse forms all tudies on barriers capacity to avoid it. of evidence. Thematic and facilitators to synthesis generally refers initiating insulin in to the integration of patients with type 2 findings from quantitative diabetes. studies. Key On the basis of the findings, The survey reported a Barriers and findings the questions and responses number of factors that facilitators can be of the in the tool are important to might mediate insulin use. divided into 3 study patients and clinicians Glayemic control(66), categories, patient discussing the initiation of injecting in public related, healthcare, insulin treatment and are (59)problem with professional and presented in lay persons injections (61, 69) insulin system factors. terminologies. intesnsification (53) injection related problems (55). Recomm It is important to understand It is evident that there are It is therefore crucial endation the patients beliefs about indeed multiple barriers to that clinicians are s of the barriers to insulin initiation insulin uptake and aware that barriers to research as early as possible in the utilization in patients. insulin still exist er disease process hence by These barriers are common despite the understanding these factors and multileveled. introduction of newer early and using Therefore, if these barriers and safer insulin. scientifically targeted are to be overcome, a Thus clinicians must correct information to multimodal approach address patients fear counter negative providing targeted support of needles and pain. impressions. to patients and enhancing the primary care are required. ++
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