The Politics of Health and Health Care

The Politics of Health and Health Care

The health care reform political battle has been going on since the 1940s. This assignment is designed to help you understand the history of reform and analyze the ongoing political debate.

***I need 3 powerpoint slides with speaker notes on this designated topic***

1986President Ronald Reagan signs COBRA, a requirement that employers let former workers stay on the company health plan for 18 months after leaving a job, with workers bearing the cost.

***This must include the following***

Analyze the politics of health and health care:

  • Explain the political climate surrounding the legislation in each major political reform era.
  • Compare and contrast the current political climate to that of the past.
  • Identify any recurring trends.
  • Explain your opinion about what makes health and health care so politically charged and polarizing.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years in an APA-formatted reference page.