NURS4200 Nurse Leadership and Management Work Life Balance Presentation

NURS4200 Nurse Leadership and Management Work Life Balance Presentation

NURS 4200 Concepts of Nurse as Leader/Manager Leadership Presentation As nurses we frequently come across areas we feel could be improved upon or have ideas that we believe would better the profession in some way. For this assignment you will create a Power Point Presentation outlining what your ideas or suggestions are, how they will improve an aspect of nursing and procedure for implementing them. Nursing, as with the medical field as a


whole, is forever changing and evolving with technological advances and developments. Since nurses are on the front lines dealing with patients, doctors and procedures on a daily basis, they are dynamically positioned to make effective and educated suggestions. Developing your comfort level in doing so can increase your confidence and leadership ability in making these suggestions on the job. You each will select a topic and a specific problem within that topic to focus on. (Example: General topic “Incivility in the workplace” specific problem “impact of workplace incivility on newly graduated RNs”. Focus should be narrow in order limit length of paper and amount of literature review. This document should not be more than 3-4 pages long. This is not a difficult assignment however it takes some time to research the material. There are many valuable online resources you can use as well as numerous resources within the University library. Presentation Content: 1. Description of the problem and leadership issue as it relates to nursing and/or health care. • • • Clearly define the problem. Is there evidence of this problem in our local area? Problems can be any areas that need changing or improvement. Remember topics must be approved no later than due date announced by course coordinator. Submit topics by email to by 11/5/18. 2. Literature review • • • • • Provide evidence supporting: Why is this a problem for nursing? What are the effects of this problem on nursing, patients or health care in general? What has been done about the problem in the past? Was it effective in addressing the problem? 3. Leadership roles • • Identify and explore/discuss leadership and management functions to the topic. What is the role of leadership in addressing and resolving the issue? 4. Group Change Process • Identify and explore/discuss group process functions (as it relates to change) to the topic. What can realistically/practically be done to address the issue? • • How do you propose to implement the change? Identify and explore/discuss the change process (as it relates to change) to the topic. 5. Scholarly Writing and Presentation • • • • • • Presentation is well written, grammar, spelling, punctuation are correct. Predominant use of primary sources and recent (5 years) journals. Conforms to APA standards for headings, citations and reference page. Presentation should be no less than 10 minutes and no longer than 15 minutes (ideally 1012 minutes). Content should be organized according to the flow of the topic, and without grammatical or spelling errors. Presentation should be well-balanced with text and graphics. Be sure to practice your presentation prior to the due date. General Topic ideas: Not an exhaustive list but just some suggestions • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Incivility in nursing Improving communication Transformational leadership Creating a culture of nursing excellence Team nursing Changing roles Implementing Evidence Based Practice Delays and waiting in healthcare Nurse lead research Assertiveness Error reporting Recruitment/retention Innovation in healthcare Care coordination/case management Employee satisfaction/engagement Work-life balance NURS 4200 Concepts of Nurse as Leader/Manager Leadership Presentation Scholarly Rubric The grade you receive will account for 20% of your final grade of the course. The following criteria will be used to grade your 10-15 minute powerpoint presentation. Keep in mind that the score requirement described under each point on the scale defines the minimum performance that must be demonstrated to achieve that score. Lesser points will be awarded if the elements of each criterion are not met or only partially met. Criteria 15 13 All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner. While all components of the are addressed well, one component needed a more thorough discussion 25 22 All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner. While all components of the are addressed well, one component needed a more thorough discussion Criteria 20 18 1. Identify and explore/discuss leadership and management functions to the topic. 2. What is the role of leadership in addressing and resolving the issue? All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner. While all components of the are addressed well, one component needed a more thorough discussion 12 10 7 Problem Identification 1. Description of the problem and leadership issue as it relates to nursing and/or health care. Clearly define the problem. Is there evidence of this problem in our local area? Problems can be any areas that need changing or improvement. Criteria While all components are addressed adequately, 2 components require a more thorough discussion. 20 Although all Did not address one or components are present, more components or the content is superficial was off topic. or not well developed 17 12 Literature review 1. Provide evidence supporting: Why is this a problem for nursing? What are the effects of this problem on nursing, patients or health care in general? What has been done about the problem in the past? Was it effective in addressing the problem? While all components are addressed adequately, 2 components require a more thorough discussion. 16 Although all Did not address one or components are present, more components or the content is superficial was off topic. or not well developed 14 10 Leadership roles While all components are addressed adequately, 2 components require a more thorough discussion. Although all Did not address one or components are present, more components or the content is superficial was off topic. or not well developed Criteria 20 18 1. Identify and explore/discuss group process functions (as it relates to change) to the topic. What can realistically/practically be done to address the issue? 2. How do you propose to implement the change? 3. Identify and explore/discuss the change process (as it relates to change) to the topic. All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner. While all components of the are addressed well, one component needed a more thorough discussion Criteria 20 18 16 14 10 Group Change Process While all components are addressed adequately, 2 components require a more thorough discussion. 16 Although all Did not address one or components are present, more components or the content is superficial was off topic. or not well developed 14 10 Scholarly Writing and Presentation 1. Presentation is well written, grammar, spelling, punctuation are correct. 2. Predominant use of primary sources and recent (5 years) journals. 3. Conforms to APA standards for headings, citations and reference page. 4. Presentation should be no less than 10 minutes and no longer than 15 minutes (ideally 10-12 minutes). 5. Content should be organized according to the flow of the topic, and without grammatical or spelling errors. 6. Presentation should be well-balanced with text and graphics. Be sure to practice your presentation prior to the due date. The presentation is exemplary and meets all 6 components of the criterion. While the presentation is well done and addressed all 6 components of the criterion, one component had limitations. While the presentation is good and addressed all 6 criterion components of the criterion, two components had limitations. Although the presentation is acceptable and addressed all 6 components, three of the components had limitations. The presentation did not contain one or more of the required components.
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