writing assignment, transformational leadership theory

writing assignment, transformational leadership theory

Running Head: LEADERSHIP THEORY Leadership Theory name college 2 Abstract Throughout the journey of this


leadership course I have become drawn to the concept of transformational leadership. Transformational leadership is a model that provides an approach to foster organization and personal change (Ross, Fitzpatrick, Click, Krouse & Clavelle, 2014). Great transformational leaders can transform the culture of an organization, make change happen quickly, help an organization reboot itself (Longenecker, 2014) and inspire people to excel and perform at the highest level they are able. I have formulated my ideas regarding leadership theory into five simple components, the leadership ABCs. (A) Adopt a Shared Vision Determine the mission of the organization and get others excited about that mission. Create focus and a clear sense of purpose for the team, regardless of their level in the company (Longenecker, 2014). Great leaders will use this mission and sense of purpose as a driving influence on all future decisions and activities (Longenecker, 2014). Imagine possibilities and achievements and inspire others to do the same. (B) Be a Role Model Clarify your personal values and model the way by setting examples and align your actions with the shared values of the team (Ross et al., 2014). Be an authentic leader, in order to inspire others to do great things you must first do great things yourself. Be a lifelong learner, constantly develop yourself and improve your leadership skills in order to meet the changing demands of the workplace (Longenecker, 2014). It’s important to be worthy of trust and transparent, as the best leaders are trustworthy in demonstrating principled leadership in everything that they do (Longenecker, 2014). 3 LEADERSHIP THEORY (C) Challenge the Status Quo Challenging existing processes is necessary in transformational leadership. Search for opportunities by seeking new ways grow, change and improve. Learn from your mistakes. Take calculated risks and generate small wins, experimentation leads to innovation (Ross et al., 2014). (D) Develop Others The best leaders provide ongoing, balanced and timely feedback to the people that report to them (Longenecker, 2014). Share power and responsibility in order to strengthen members of the team. Enabling others to act and promoting cooperative goals fosters team collaboration. Empowerment is an important component of transformational leadership (Finkelman, 2012). (E) Encourage Excellence Great leaders are quick to offer praise, reward strong performance and celebrate success (Longenecker, 2014). Show appreciation for the efforts of others and recognize individual achievements. Celebrate victories and successes in order to foster a spirit of community. Conclusion The mark of great leader is the ability to develop followers to their full potential. In order to be a successful leader we must be not only the type of leader that people want to follow, but also the type of leader that inspires people to be the best that they can be. 4 5 LEADERSHIP THEORY References Finkelman, A. (2012). Leadership and management for nurses: Core competencies for quality care (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson. Longenecker, C. (2014). The best practices of great leaders. Industrial Management, 2025. Ross, E., Fitzpatrick, J., Click, E., Krouse, H., & Clavelle, J. (2014). Transformational Leadership Practices of Nurse Leaders in Professional Nursing Associations. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 44(4), 201-206.
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