Response to Caroline Rivera DQ1

Response to Caroline Rivera DQ1

Adolescent pregnancy can be a very challenging obstacle for patients and health care providers. Teen pregnancies


are generally viewed as stressful, it is difficult to become an adult on demand and this can be taxing for the mother, father, and baby as well as the support system surrounding them. Although teen pregnancy can happen to anyone there are several risk factors associated with a higher risk; socioeconomic status, education, home environment, being a child of teen parents, prevalence of substance abuse within the household, and low self-esteem ( Because teen pregnancy has detrimental affects on the individual, the individual’s support system/family, and the community, it is important to be knowledgeable about available resources through the community and state. According to, as of 2013 there were 10,160 pregnancies among teens age 15 to 19 in New Jersey or 36 teen pregnancies to every 1000 teen girls; this is a 23% drop since 2011 and a 68% drop since 1988. Changes in statisitcs can be attributed to an increase in available resources as well as access to smart phones and the internet. Resources are available for teen parents in the community as well as state-wide. On the State of New Jersey website, NJParent Link provides teen parents with access to resources; a list of available resources specific to this population is available and provides information such as, adolescent and young adult support services and New Jersey’s Paternity Opportunity Program (POP) which facilitates paternity establishment for babies born to unmarried parents. Through NJParent Link there is information available for specific counties in New Jersey, one in particular is the availability of Family Success Centers throughout the state; these centers are considered a “one-stop” shop and they provide resources and supports for families before they find themselves in crisis. Family Success Centers bring together community residents, leaders, and community agencies to address the problems that threaten the safety and stability of families and the community (Department of Children and Families, 2019).
