Topic 2 DQ 2

Topic 2 DQ 2

Please respond with a paragraph to the following post, add citations and references.


Although grounded theory and phenomenology are different they both have common approaches to qualitative research when used by nurses. They are common because both methods look at real life situations. Phenomenologist collect data from induvial and describe their experiences. The grounded theorists use many sources to compare and analysis data. Neither grounded or phenomenologist will suit all studies. Both seek to explore real life situations, require extensive interaction between the researcher and the individual or groups. They collect data and analyze what they get from individuals and groups, they don’t take their findings based on preconceived ideas. Its difficulty to distinguish between the two because they have so much in common, however they are different and it’s important to know the difference. Phenomenology, emerged from philosophy and it aims to describe and explore experiences. This can only be done by collecting induvial data from personal experiences. Grounded theory developed in sociology and is described as qualitative methodological approach. It aims to describe and explain the phenomenon under study. Grounded collect all data sources that might aid with a theory development. Interviews are done but they also use images, observations, diaries, past literature and research. Both seek to understand people’s lives; one approach is neither right or wrong.

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