Respond to Power Point with a Comment

Respond to Power Point with a Comment

Presented by Idongesit Akazue Grand Canyon University NRS-434VN July 9, 2018 Overview of Presentation


➢Background of Movie and character. ➢Functional Assessment ➢Analysis of health Assessment ➢Nursing Diagnosis ➢Cancer Resources Background of Movie and Character ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢ Kate Fitzgerald diagnosed with Acute Myeloid leukemia ➢ ➢ ➢ Anna Fitzgerald (Kate’s sister genetic donor match) ➢ ➢ Dysfunctional family 15 years old female 90lbs Penicillin allergy Renal Failure-undergoing dialysis On chemotherapy 11 years old Conceived thru in vitro Made unorthodox decisions Functional Assessments ➢ Health Perception/Health Management ▪ Kate is well aware of her disease and outcome ▪ Follows treatment plan and medication regimen ▪ She knows her family has insurance and she is covered ➢ Nutrition/Metabolic ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Organic and steamed food prepared by mother Nausea and vomiting Loss of appetite Weight loss ➢ Pattern of Elimination ▪ ▪ Hemodialysis fluid removal Diarrhea Assessments Continued ➢ Pattern of Activity/Exercise ▪ ▪ ▪ Kate has decreased physical activity She is often weak and tired Loves spending time at the beach ➢ Conceptual/Perceptual Pattern ▪ ▪ ▪ Pain from medical procedures Helpless Depressed ➢ Pattern of Sleep and Rest ▪ ▪ ▪ Sleep pattern is irregular Wakes up at night frequently Encouraged to sleep at night Assessments Continued ➢ Pattern of Self Perception and Self Concept • • • • • Kate accepts her disease Understands her body Wants to make her own choices She feels like a burden to the family Ok with dying ➢ Role/Relationship Patterns ▪ ▪ ▪ She is a daughter Sister to Anna Dating Taylor ➢ Sexuality/Reproductive Patterns ▪ ▪ ▪ A girlfriend to Taylor Experiences sex for the first time Falls in love Assessments Continued ➢ Pattern of Coping and Stress Tolerance ▪ Supported by family-mom shaves her own hair ▪ ▪ keeps a scrapbook Encouraged by boyfriend Taylor ➢ Pattern of Values and Beliefs ▪ The family love, support and encouragement one another ▪ ▪ No religious preference in this movie Life is not taken for granted Analysis of Health Assessment ➢ Normal assessment findings ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Appropriate skin color Increased activity Pain free No bruising Within normal limits CBC ➢ Abnormal or risk-based findings ▪ ▪ ▪ Anemia Bleeding Infection Additional Observations ➢ Cultural ▪ ▪ ▪ Middle class American family Great family bond Family willing to sacrifice everything to save Kate ➢ Geographical ▪ Family lives in California ➢ Religious ▪ No religious preference ➢ Ethnic ▪ Caucasian, non Hispanic white ➢ Spiritual • Believes she will see her family again in heaven Nursing Considerations ➢ Nursing Diagnosis ▪ ▪ Activity intolerance r/t generalized weakness ▪ Risk for infection r/t inadequate secondary defense(immunosuppression) ➢ Interventions ▪ ▪ Encourage patients to keep a dairy detailing daily routines and energy level ▪ Place patient in a private room with limited visitors Acute pain r/t physical agents e.g. enlarged organs/lymph nodes, bone marrow filled with leukemic cells Administer pain medications as needed. Monitor vital signs and watch for non verbal cues such as restlessness and muscle tensions Conclusion ➢ Family dealing with sensitive health issues ➢ Overcoming family struggles ➢ Moral and ethical decisions ➢ Coping with dying and death Resources ➢ Leukemia & Lymphoma Society ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Research on finding cures Advocacy Provide information Support ➢ Childhood Leukemia Foundation ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Patient education Advocacy Programs Build self-esteem ➢ Cancer Care ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Counseling Support Groups Education Financial Assistance References Gordon, M. Nursing Diagnosis: Process and application, Third Edition. St. Louis: Mosby, 1994. Leukemia. (2018). Retrieved from CancerCare: CMN4100. (2010). A Film Analysis… My Sister’s Keeper. Retrieved from / Gradishar, D., Muzio, L., Filipski, A., & Klopp, A. (n.d). Leukemia and Lymphoma Making Smiles Happen Everday. (n.d.). Retrieved from Childhood Leukemia Foundation: Childhood AML Treatment. (n.d.). Retrieved from National Cancer Institue: Matt Vera, R. (2014, Feburary 27). 5 Leukemia Nursing Care Plans. Retrieved from NursesLabs: Images of My Sister’s Keeper. Retrieved from
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