Creating a theory in nursing

Creating a theory in nursing

Theory–Practice Gap Assignment NSG/416 r2 University of Phoenix Material Theory–Practice Gap The book


discusses the theory-practice gap in detail in many chapters. As you’ve read throughout the course, there is ongoing discussion about the connection between theory and practice and the application in day-to-day nursing activities. This assignment is designed to illustrate that although there may be a gap, other factors play an important role in decision making and each aspect of theory, research, and practice experience are integral to well-rounded patient care. Return to the classroom to review Figure 1.4 from Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories, and Practice. Think of a scenario in which theory, research, and practice interact to create a good patient outcomes. Create a visual representation of your theory-practice relationship or gap using the diagram below by replacing the text in each box below to illustrate your scenario. Note: Use names, citiations, or brief explanations only. The narrative summary should include desciptions and more detailed discussion about each concept in the scenario. Theory Research Science Nursing Practice Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1 Theory–Practice Gap Assignment NSG/416 r2 Here, write a 525- to 700-word narrative explanation of your visual representation in APA format. Your explanation should: • • • • Describe the chosen theory, research, and practice guideline or standard Explain the relationship between the three and discuss the role each aspect plays in quality patient care in the scenario Explain any gaps (a lack of research, no practice standard, or no useable theory) Determine the best course of action for making decisions in the absence of one aspect Cite your research and practice guidelines in-text and in the references section of this document. Copyright © 2018 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 2 Theory–Practice Gap Assignment NSG/416 r2 References Copyrig