Capella University Nutrition Discussion Questions

Capella University Nutrition Discussion Questions


Discussion #1: Do you agree that the moral worth of an action depends on the intention behind it? That is, is an act good only if it is done out of a good will? Do the consequences/results not matter at all? Explain your answer.

2. Do you agree with Immanuel Kant that we deserve no moral credit for an act if we are doing it for some benefit to ourselves? Why or why not? (200-300 words) Capella University Nutrition Discussion Questions


Discussion #2: What, exactly, is the Libet experiment? Does the Libet experiment support the belief that we lack free will? Why or why not? (400-500 words) Link to the video (

Discussion #3: identify a topic related to one or more patient safety risks (such as falls, medication errors, health care-associated infections, or handoff communications) within a health care setting of your choice.

* What is the setting of your assignment?

Briefly discuss the rationale for your choice.

* What are the topic and relevant patient safety risks that you plan to examine for your Unit 3 assignment?

Explain why this topic interests you.

What factors may have led to the safety risks relevant to your topic?


                                    nutrition interview                             

You will survey 1 person and write a 2 page report based on the findings.    Select someone to interview. The subject must not be related to you and must not live in the same household. Use either interview or questionnaire format to gather answers to the assignment questions

Start your report with a paragraph about your subject.  PLEASE NOTE:  THIS ASSIGNMENT IS TO BE A 2 PAGE REPORT IN ESSAY FORMAT.  Please go not just answer the questions but take the information provided and write a report on your subject.  Please see sample provided.

Discuss the demographic information of your chosen subject. Demographics include age, height, weight, culture and any other variables that you would like to add. Do not provide names or identify the subjects.

Please do not settle for yes or no answers because I will not settle for yes and no answers  – Ask the interviewee to explain their answer. Capella University Nutrition Discussion Questions

  1. Does the subject eat fortified foods? Does he/she know what a fortified food is? Can he/she give any examples of fortified foods? If they do not know what a fortified food is –explain it to them and then ask them again if they eat any fortified foods.


  1. Can the subject list foods that contain high amounts of or are good sources of each of the following: Vitamin C, A, D, E, K, Thiamin, Riboflavin and B12?


  1. Does the subject take a vitamin supplement? Why or why not? If he/she takes supplements, how much does he/she spend a month on vitamins?


  1. What resources does the subject use to get most of their nutrition information? Ie TV, Magazines – which ones, news- what programs


  1. How many times a week does the subject eat Fruits and Vegetables? How many servings per day? Do you think they are eating enough based on the Daily Food Guide explained in Chapters 1 and 2


  1. Does the subject know what a serving is? Have him/her show 3 ounces is approximately the size of your palm.



  1. How does he/she cook vegetables?


  1. What is the best method of cooking vegetables? Why



  1. What concerns does the subject have about diet or health, if any?

If the subject were to learn more about nutrition, what specifically would he/she like to learn about or what would be helpful to him/her in the present situation?

Assignment is to be in APA format  Use your text for references and quote page numbers.  Assignment is due at 11:59 PM ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE POSTED WITHIN THE SYLLABUS. Capella University Nutrition Discussion Questions