Technology Interview

Technology Interview

Option #1: Personal Interview – Hospital Employee Identify a person who works in any department of a hospital of


any size—it could also be someone from this class who works in a hospital, so review the introductions from the beginning of class as a starting point. Develop five to six interview questions focused on the challenges that they face with the use of technology in their department, how they get work done, what has improved, and what needs improving, for example. For instance, in an interview with a nurse you might ask how he or she annotates on a patient’s chart and communicates with other nurses or other departments in the hospital; in an interview with an administrator you may ask how he or she measures performance of the department and what information is maintained within the department versus shared. Prepare a summary of your discussion highlighting how this person uses technology today, what works well or not, and what the interviewee would like to see regarding technology for the future of their role/job function. Then create a recommendation for the implementation of a new technology that would resolve one of the issues identified by the interviewee. The recommendation should assess the setup and costs that would be required for the new system. Your paper should meet the following requirements: • Three pages in length, not including the title page. • Include the list of your questions asked during the interview. • Summarize your findings: What did you learn from the discussion? Were you surprised by the information? • Include your recommendation for the implementation of a new technology that would resolve one the issues discussed during the interview. • Format your paper according to APA Option #2: Personal Interview – General Practitioner Employee Identify a person who works in a general practitioner’s office, surgery center, or urgent care. Develop five to six interview questions focused on the challenges that they face with developing strategies for their systems: What is working well? What is not working well? How do they see their products developing over the next two years? Prepare a summary of your discussion highlighting how this person makes product decisions based upon customer feedback or the voice of the customer today. Identify what kinds of applications or functions customers are asking for now and predicted in the future. Then create a recommendation for the implementation of a new technology that would resolve one of the issues identified by the interviewee. The recommendation should assess the setup and costs that would be required for the new system. Your paper should meet the following requirements: • Three pages in length, not including the title page. • Include the list of your questions asked during the interview. • Summarize your findings: What did you learn from the discussion? Were you surprised by the information? • Include your recommendation for the implementation of a new technology that would resolve one the issues discussed during the interview. • Format your paper according to APA.
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