Entries by Bernard Innocent

Complete Discussion Question

Complete Discussion Question Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions: What impact has past ethical issues had on today’s health care research? Provide an example. What have we learned from this? ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW

Communicable Disease

Communicable Disease For the next newsletter, you have been asked to write about the effect of a specific communicable disease on your community. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Identify a communicable disease to research. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that summarizes your research. Your paper should: Describe the disease and discuss efforts to […]

HCS465 Ethical Issues in Research Process

HCS465 Ethical Issues in Research Process Using the University Library, locate one peer-reviewed research study with possible ethical concerns. You may use a research study you identified in the Week 2 Annotated Bibliography assignment if appropriate but not the same article used in the Week 3 Learning Team assignment. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW […]

Patient Center End of Life Care Discussion Question

Patient Center End of Life Care Discussion Question For this unit use your Ethics in Health Administration text to read the following: Chapter 12, “Patient Issues and Ethics,” pages 261–286. And Use your Ethics and Professionalism for Healthcare Managers text to read the following: Chapter 7, “Ethical Decision Making Process,” pages 111–113. Internet Resources ORDER […]

Sources and Influences on Probabilities Discussion

Sources and Influences on Probabilities Discussion Consider when you are listening to a new patient who says they have had a fever for 3 days. You would use your ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW knowledge and experience with probability to come to a diagnosis. What changes those probabilities? Is it age, is it other […]

Physicians Practice Management Discussion – Wk 9

Physicians Practice Management Discussion – Wk 9 “Designing and Implementing an Effective Compliance Plan” ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has established a set of guidelines (e.g., auditing, monitoring, internal controls, sampling, due diligence, and standards of organizational and employee behavior, etc. Page 508 of the textbook) that physician […]


discussion “State Children’s Health Insurance Program” Please respond to the following: ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW From the first e-Activity, specify whether your state follows the private insurance model or the Medicaid model for its CHIP. Analyze the impact that the choice of model has on the fiscal health of your state. Provide two […]

Healthcare Quality And Liability and Quality Discussion

Healthcare Quality And Liability and Quality Discussion PART A “Healthcare Quality” Please respond to the following: ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Examine two (2) well-known healthcare quality organizations that have taken two to three (2-3) measures to improve quality within the organizations themselves. Suggest one (1) additional measure that each organization could take to […]