Entries by Bernard Innocent

Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations Research Critique Guidelines To write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of the research study ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW conducted, address each component below for qualitative study in the Topic 2 assignment and the quantitative study in the Topic 3 assignment. Successful completion of this […]

Need a 11 slide powerpoint presentation on Myocardial Infractions

Need a 11 slide powerpoint presentation on Myocardial Infractions GRADE: Pathophysiology Presentation Fall 2018 Directions: The following assignment is worth 5%. Below you ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW will find areas of discussion to be included in power point presentation: Pathophysiology of the disease, diagnostic tests, pharmacological interventions, development of priority diagnosis, specific considerations […]

Respond with a paragraph and citations and references .

Respond with a paragraph and citations and references . Describe how the nursing profession is viewed by the general public. Discuss factors that influence the public’s perception of nursing? Describe ways to educate the general public on the professional nurse’s role and scope of nursing within a changing health care system. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE […]

group discussion 350-450 words

group discussion 350-450 words Prompt 1 (250-300words) ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW What resources do you use to determine safety and effectiveness of complementary and alternative medicine? Prompt 2 (350-450 words) Discuss some of the psychophysiological aspects of stress. Which evidence-based stress management interventions do you apply to clinical practice? How effective are they?

People of Egyptian Heritage and People of Filipino Heritage

People of Egyptian Heritage and People of Filipino Heritage an essay discussing the health beliefs of both heritages and if there is any similarity in both culture beliefs. Also, discuss how their beliefs influence the delivery of evidence-based healthcare focusing on the nursing care. The assignment must have a minimum of 700 words, 3 evidence-based […]

HIV and confidentiality

HIV and confidentiality Why is there special importance given to HIV and confidentiality? Please explain. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Can a minor receive HIV treatment without the authorization of a parent or guardian? Explain your answer either way. Develop a paragraph of at least 10 to 15 complete sentences. APA references no more […]

Discussion post 1 and 2

Discussion post 1 and 2 First Part ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Please read the following introduction and complete the following steps for your initial discussion post: This discussion question focuses on the four nursing paradigms, which are comprised of person, health, environment, and nursing. Each metaparadigm plays a key role in the nursing […]

Diabetes and Drug Treatments

Diabetes and Drug Treatments Assignment: ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Diabetes and Drug Treatments Diabetes is an endocrine system disorder that affects millions of children and adults (ADA, 2011). If left untreated, diabetic patients are at risk for several alterations including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, neuropathy, and blindness. There are various methods for […]

Picot clinical inquiry

Picot clinical inquiry PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS, VERY SPECIFIC. THIS IS A PAPER ON A PICOT QUESTION. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW My PICOT question is: SKIN-SKIN CONTACT AFTER BIRTH TO PROMOTE NEWBORNS’ VITAL STABILIZATION ******** in discussion post I presented it as a question: Can skin to skin contact with mom and baby after […]