Entries by Bernard Innocent

Nursing Practice and School Health Privacy

Nursing Practice and School Health Privacy You are the parent of two teenagers and an active PTA member at their school. The principal approached you about ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW an upcoming professional gathering for middle- and high-school nurses in your district. She asked you to make a short presentation on school health […]

End-of-Life Decisions

End-of-Life Decisions Assessment Instructions Your manager asked you to prepare an article for a community newsletter for a local retirement village. The editor ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW wants you to talk about the laws, policies, and choices surrounding end-of-life health care decisions PREPARATION Search the Capella library and the Internet for scholarly and […]

Nursing and Workplace Violence

Nursing and Workplace Violence Your workplace has experienced some serious problems with workplace violence that occurred between patients and ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW caregivers. A new initiative has been introduced to educate nurses, health care workers, and social services workers on how to prevent workplace violence. You have been asked to write an […]

Moral Dilemmas and Ethical Decisions

Moral Dilemmas and Ethical Decisions Assessment Instructions ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Your supervisor has asked you to do a 15-minute oral presentation at a staff meeting about a recent issue that occurred at another hospital in town. Following an industrial accident, two patients arrived at the emergency room of that hospital at the […]

Reflective Paper 2-3 pages

Reflective Paper 2-3 pages Patient Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace Reflective Paper ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/healthcarefacilities/safetyculture.html Click for more options Review the website and read about Culture of Safety. Also click on the suggested websites listed when you scroll down to the bottom of the page to research the topic further. […]

Refer to the ANA Recognized Terminologies and Data

Refer to the ANA Recognized Terminologies and Data Assignment 3 Mapping Care Using Standardized Terminology ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Please use the grading rubric to create an outline of your assignment. Each section of the rubric should be a section of your final paper and could become the headings. Your assignment will be […]

community health 200-300 words.

community health 200-300 words. For this discussion you will review the learning theories discussed; Humanistic Theories, Cognitive Theory, Social ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Learning Theory. Choose 1 theory that you believe would best fit the target population who are experiencing or at risk for a health problem you identified in module one. Health […]

community health Template homework

community health Template homework NRSE 4540 TEMPLATE: M3 A6 WA: COMMUNITY BASED EDUCATIONAL PLAN Use the following form to complete ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW your teaching plan. The fields will expand as you type. Provide reference list on a separate page after the teaching plan template and below the Literacy Considerations. Type in […]