Entries by Bernard Innocent

Patient with Hypertension PICOT Questions

Patient with Hypertension PICOT Questions Application Practice Write a PICOTS Question after each scenario ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW What is a PICOT Question? The PICOT question format is a consistent “formula” for developing answerable, researchable questions. When you write a good one, it makes the rest of the process of finding and evaluating […]

Freedom of Information Act and Ethical Breeches Discussion

Freedom of Information Act and Ethical Breeches Discussion After reading pages 1-10 of The $3- Million Research Breakdown, please respond to the following: Briefly explain the “Freedom of Information Act” as it relates to research in health care. Identify at least 3 ethical breeches that occurred on the part of the researcher (a) Dr. Pavuluri, […]

NSG482 University of Phoenix Child Abuse and Neglect Cases Paper

NSG482 University of Phoenix Child Abuse and Neglect Cases Paper You have been tasked with orienting new registered nurses in the emergency department in your hospital about how ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW to manage child abuse and neglect cases. The orientation should cover child abuse and neglect definitions, prevention, detection, intervention and treatment, […]

HCAP Scores/Quality Improvement Project

HCAP Scores/Quality Improvement Project HCAP Scores/ Quality Improvement Project instructions: ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW HCAP Scores- Describe why the HCAP Scores are vital for organizations in today’s economy. What change you would like to institute in your facility and how would you plan the change? Describe the current situation in your facility and […]

Quantitative Research Worksheet

Quantitative Research Worksheet Quantitative Research Worksheet – TEMPLATE Based on readings from the semester, answer the following questions. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Please note this worksheet assignment will be a helpful reference. You may answer (at minimum but appropriately) in brief statements or include additional notes you may find helpful. PLEASE use this […]

Literature Review

Literature Review Empirical research is the foundation of scholarly research and scholarly writing. An empirical article is defined as one ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW that reports actual results of a research study. An empirical article includes a description of the study, an introduction, a research question, an explanation of the study’s methodology, a […]

Summary and reflection of an article

Summary and reflection of an article PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is to explore a critical concept in nursing. The student will be able to demonstrate ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW application of information literacy and ability to utilize resources (library, writing center, SmartThinking, located within the Tutor Source tab under Course Home, […]

Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College ?Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Paper

Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College ?Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Paper Ethical dilemmas occur when there are conflicting moral claims. The “rightness” or “wrongness” of decisions ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW regarding ethical issues is often not clear. Consider a situation where you encountered an ethical dilemma. Describe factors that contributed to your uncertainty about […]