Entries by Bernard Innocent

case study 1 week 3

case study 1 week 3 Case Study 1 Case Study 1 Ms. A. is an apparently healthy 26-year-old white woman. Since the beginning of the current golf season, Ms. A has noted increased shortness of breath and low levels of energy and enthusiasm. These symptoms seem worse during her menses. Today, while playing in a […]

case study 2 week 3

case study 2 week 3 Case Study 2 Case Study 2 Mr. P is a 76-year-old male with cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure who has ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW been hospitalized frequently to treat CHF symptoms. He has difficulty maintaining diet restrictions and managing his polypharmacy. He has 4+ pitting edema, moist crackles […]

discussion comm

discussion comm Chapter 23 Rural and Migrant Health Copyright © 2015, 2011, 2007, 2001, 1997, 1993 by Saunders, an imprint of ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Elsevier Inc. Rural Populations    The largest rural population in history of United States is now. 75% of counties are classified as rural; they contain only […]

week 8 Eddie

week 8 Eddie Population affected by disabilities. Rural and migrant health. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Read chapter 21 and 23 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Once done, answer the following questions. 1. Define and discuss in your own words the definitions and models for disability. 2. Discuss the […]

Respond with a paragraph , citations and references .

Respond with a paragraph , citations and references . The practice of health care providers at all levels brings you into contact with people from a variety of faiths. This ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW calls for knowledge and understanding of a diversity of faith expressions; for the purpose of this course, the focus […]

Respond with a paragraph , citations and references

Respond with a paragraph , citations and references his assignment will incorporate a common practical tool in helping clinicians begin to ethically analyze a case. ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Organizing the data in this way will help you apply the four principles of principlism. Based on the “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” and […]

Health Care Professional Communication and Patient Education Discussion

Health Care Professional Communication and Patient Education Discussion Discussion 1. Discuss a patient of another culture. How can the health care professional communicate in presenting patient education? Consider language, family, cultural differences, and method of communication.   Discussion 2. Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.   **EACH QUESTION RESPONSE NEEDS TO BE A PARAGRAPH […]

Types of Illiteracy Multicultural Communication and Its Origins Questions

Types of Illiteracy Multicultural Communication and Its Origins Questions Write a 650-1300 word response to the following questions: ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Explain multicultural communication and its origins. Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation. Explain how cultural and religious differences affect the health care professional and the issues that can arise in […]

discussion board

discussion board Chapter 10 Quality and Safety Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company History and Overview • Historical trends and ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW issues • Political influences • The Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Committee on the Quality of Health Care in America Copyright © 2015. F.A. Davis Company Trends and […]

Capella University Evolution of the Hospital Industry Analysis Presentation

Capella University Evolution of the Hospital Industry Analysis Presentation Instructions For this assessment, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation in which you trace the evolution of the U.S. hospital ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW industry by comparing and contrasting hospital care in the 1800s, the 1960s, and today. Imagine you are a patient with […]