Entries by Bernard Innocent

Health Education in Maternal, Infant, and Child in Health Promotion

Health Education in Maternal, Infant, and Child in Health Promotion Mother, Infant, and Child: ‘Goal is to “Improve the health and well-being of women, infants, children, and families” (Healthy People 2020, 2014). African Americans at highest risk for mother and infant mortality and morbidity as well as infertility (Healthy People 2020, 2014). ORDER A PLAGIARISM […]

Multidisciplinary Collaboration In Primary Health Care Of Patients

Multidisciplinary Collaboration In Primary Health Care Of Patients Assignment: Collaboration paper This Assignment is specific to a particular pediatric primary care practice and is mostly based upon student observation and experience. This should be a formal paper and should be 3-5 pages in length (excluding title page and reference page). You must use APA formatting […]

Discussion board about Finance

Discussion board about Finance 1-Mention the types of budgets that you know and give examples of then? 2- What is budgeting? 3- What is directed and indirect cost? 4- Give examples of productive and non-productive hours? 5- What does HMO, PPO, POS means? A) Mention one example of each of then in your city, or […]

quiz 13, nursing leadership and management

quiz 13, nursing leadership and management Question 1 What is: ADC, ALOS, HPPD? Question 2 Mention some examples of direct and indirect cost. Question 3 What is the Income Statement? ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Question 4 Mention three of the strategies for Cost-Conscious Nursing Practice. Question 5 What is Medicaid? Question 6 Mention […]

Quality performance and improvement process Paper

Quality performance and improvement process Paper Read the follow essay then answer the questions. 1. As a BSN prepared nurse, you have been asked to serve as a consultant to suggest a new Quality (Performance) Improvement process for ONE of the areas of deficiency. Write some brief steps (suggestions) for improvement as you contemplate accepting the consulting […]

Personal Philosophy

Personal Philosophy BOX 3-2 GUIDE FOR WRITING A PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF NURSING 1. Introduction a. Who are you? b. Where do you practice nursing? 2. Define nursing. a. What is nursing? b. Why does nursing exist? c. Why do you practice nursing? 3. What are your assumptions or underlying beliefs about: a. Nurses? b. Patients? […]

Healing and Autonomy Case Study Discussion

Healing and Autonomy Case Study Discussion Please respond to the following post add citations and references. PLEASE SEE ATTACHED THE CASE STODY AND COMPLETED QUESTIONS. THANK YOU ——————– Details: In addition to the topic study materials, use the chart you completed and questions you answered in the Topic 3 about “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” […]