Entries by Bernard Innocent

Health and medical

Health and medical Question: Reflecting on this course, consider and answer the following questions: How do you envision using the AACN essentials and information learned in this course to identify, guide, and evaluate your MSN project? How do you envision using the concepts learned in this course in your future nursing practice? Answer: Purchase answer […]

power point presentation

power point presentation Develop a proposal in which you evaluate the two specific products you selected in Week 4. Your goal is to persuade the directors of the health care workplace to implement your chosen informatics solution. Address the following details: Brief description of the administrative or clinical issue Concise overview of the two products, including an […]

HSN376 Health Information Technology for Nursing Assignment

HSN376 Health Information Technology for Nursing Assignment HSN/376 Health information technology for nursing Informatics has changed dramatically in the last ten years. The changes in health care alone have forced organizations to do things far differently than they once imagined. The massive amounts of data available grow every day. The purpose of this assignment is […]

Alzheimer Agencies for Elderly Research Paper

Alzheimer Agencies for Elderly Research Paper apa, 3 references Having received a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and encountering the associated stigmas, Michael Ellenbogen encourages increased advocacy efforts for the geriatric population struggling with this disease. He says, “We did nothing wrong to get this disease, and we need to speak up to let our voice be […]

Nursing Theory/Philosophy

Nursing Theory/Philosophy Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Approaches Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations New Columns Paradigms of nursing: Health, Nursing, Client, Environment 10 (20.00%) Paper addresses three elements in all four nursing paradigms. 8.5 (17.00%) Paper addresses two elements in each of the four nursing paradigms, or omits one of the four paradigms. 7.6 (15.20%) Paper […]

Dealing With Stress and Violence in The Workplace

Dealing With Stress and Violence in The Workplace Working in the health care industry often puts health care professionals in the line of danger from ill patients, stressed families, overburdened health care facilities, and the many situations and locations in which each individual works. The Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CIS) Management Tool has been designed […]

Nursing leadership

Nursing leadership Describe how the concepts of leadership and management differ from each other. In what areas do they overlap? Explain how the goals of management and leadership may sometimes overlap. As a nurse leader, do you believe you can expand your influence to create change by taking advantage of this overlap? Explain your answer. […]

psychosocial assessment

psychosocial assessment 1 Running head: PSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT Psychosocial Assessment Nurs-386-002 Prof. Mrs. Patricia Bowie State University May 13th, 2018 Introduction 2 PSYCHOSOCIAL ASSESSMENT Mental illness has become a public health crisis due to severe shortage of inpatient care as result of increment in the number of people suffering from mental health disorder. The CDC (2013) […]