Entries by Bernard Innocent

HCAP Scores/Quality Improvement Project

HCAP Scores/Quality Improvement Project HCAP Scores/ Quality Improvement Project instructions: HCAP Scores- Describe why the HCAP Scores are vital for organizations in today’s economy. What change you would like to institute in your facility and how would you plan the change? Describe the current situation in your facility and why there should be a change. Support […]

Quantitative Research Worksheet

Quantitative Research Worksheet Quantitative Research Worksheet – TEMPLATE Based on readings from the semester, answer the following questions. Please note this worksheet assignment will be a helpful reference. You may answer (at minimum but appropriately) in brief statements or include additional notes you may find helpful. PLEASE use this template to add your answers and […]

Literature Review

Literature Review Empirical research is the foundation of scholarly research and scholarly writing. An empirical article is defined as one that reports actual results of a research study. An empirical article includes a description of the study, an introduction, a research question, an explanation of the study’s methodology, a presentation of the results of the […]

Summary and reflection of an article

Summary and reflection of an article PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is to explore a critical concept in nursing. The student will be able to demonstrate application of information literacy and ability to utilize resources (library, writing center, SmartThinking, located within the Tutor Source tab under Course Home, APA resources, Turnitin, and others) through […]

Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College ?Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Paper

Keweenaw Bay Ojibwa Community College ?Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Paper Ethical dilemmas occur when there are conflicting moral claims. The “rightness” or “wrongness” of decisions regarding ethical issues is often not clear. Consider a situation where you encountered an ethical dilemma. Describe factors that contributed to your uncertainty about which moral claim held the most […]

Community Health Profile

Community Health Profile Discuss aspects of a health concern not being addressed despite the efforts of services and partnerships involved and describe the ultimate outcome(s) or goal(s) from Healthy People 2020 relating to that specific health concern. The community to use is in East New York, Brooklyn, and most of the population are overweight, diabetic […]

AMP450 Grand Canyon Nanthealth Technology Systems Presentation

AMP450 Grand Canyon Nanthealth Technology Systems Presentation Explore the technology systems offered by Nanthealth, a provider of “telehealth” and health management services via the following link: Home Prepare a brief (8-10 slides) PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following: Identify at least two technology innovations to connect patients, providers, and insurers across the care […]

GCU Nurse Manager Skills Inventory

GCU Nurse Manager Skills Inventory Rate yourself using the results from the “Nurse Manager Skills Inventory”: http://www.aone.org/resources/online-assessments.shtml Write a reflection of 750?1,000 words in which you identify your strengths and weaknesses related to the four content areas below: Personal and professional accountability Career planning Personal journey disciplines Reflective practice reference behaviors/tenets Discuss how you will […]