Entries by Bernard Innocent

Walden Finance and Economics in Health Care Discussion Response

Walden Finance and Economics in Health Care Discussion Response Anne Stanislaus RE: Discussion – Week 3 COLLAPSE Financial accounting reports are elements in the financial management of an organization created to effectively manage the business. Because the healthcare industry is a service industry, reports are generated to financially account for the different types of service […]

HUM101 Chamberlain College of Nursing Critical Reasoning Evaluating Arguments

HUM101 Chamberlain College of Nursing Critical Reasoning Evaluating Arguments Jennifer Del Corio 02/13/2019 Week 6 Assignment: Evaluating Arguments The first two steps in evidence-based practice are to identify knowledge gaps and formulate relevant questions. In this writing exercise, you will be doing just that, across three types of inductive reasoning. In addition, you will be […]

Appraisal Synopsis

Appraisal Synopsis ARTICLE Children With Special Health Care Needs: Child Health and Functioning Outcomes and Health Care Service Use Carmen Caicedo, PhD, RN ABSTRACT This study describes health, functioning, and health care service use by medically complex technology-dependent children according to condition severity (moderately disabled, severely disabled, and vegetative state). Data were collected monthly for […]

Florida National Managing Employees & Resolving Nursing Workplace Conflicts Discussion

Florida National Managing Employees & Resolving Nursing Workplace Conflicts Discussion Isaac has worked as a staff nurse on the telemetry floor for over 15 years. He holds seniority in the unit. His patient care is satisfactory; however, his interpersonal behaviors are becoming an increasing issue for his coworkers. He throws papers around the unit, gives […]

American Jewish University Combatting Moral Distress in Nursing Questions

American Jewish University Combatting Moral Distress in Nursing Questions Combatting Moral Distress Moral resilience has been defined as “the capacity of an individual to sustain or restore their integrity in response to moral complexity, confusion, distress, or setbacks” (Rushton, 2016a, p. 112a). Moral resilience is an evolving concept and other definitions have focused on “the […]

Academy of Healing Arts Massage and Facial Skin Care Combating Moral Distress

Academy of Healing Arts Massage and Facial Skin Care Combating Moral Distress Combatting Moral Distress Moral resilience has been defined as “the capacity of an individual to sustain or restore their integrity in response to moral complexity, confusion, distress, or setbacks” (Rushton, 2016a, p. 112a). Moral resilience is an evolving concept and other definitions have […]

NURS120 Los Angeles College Medical Terminology Worksheet

NURS120 Los Angeles College Medical Terminology Worksheet Course: NURS 120 WEEK 2 TERMINOLOGY WORKSHEET: GASTROINTESTINAL & DIABETES Student Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Define the following terms. Submit your work in a Word document to the drop-box provided in Blackboard. Make sure to include your name on your paper. This terminology is due on the first day of […]