Entries by Bernard Innocent

NSG456 Phoenix Telemedicine Consultation & Health Care Delivery Research Paper

NSG456 Phoenix Telemedicine Consultation & Health Care Delivery Research Paper Running head: RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS Research Foundations Sabina Thomas NSG456 6/10/2019 1 RESEARCH FOUNDATIONS 2 Research Foundations Research Topic, Problem, and Question Research Topic: Benefits and Challenges of the Growth and Development of Telemedicine to deliver Healthcare Services. Research Problem: Distance was a significant traditional barrier […]

discussion essay

discussion essay 1—Based on how you will evaluate your EBP project, which independent and dependent variables do you need to collect? Why? ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW 2—Not all EBP projects result in statistically significant results. Define clinical significance, and explain the difference between clinical and statistical significance. How can you use clinical significance […]

write 4 sentences stating the differences noted in 2 studies

write 4 sentences stating the differences noted in 2 studies Running head: Critiquing A Qualitative Research Article Group 1: Critiquing A Qualitative Research Article The lived experience of new graduate nurses working in an acute care setting. 1 Running head: Critiquing A Qualitative Research Article Group 1: Article we are critiquing: Group 1: “The Lived […]

Mental health questions: nursing

Mental health questions: nursing I have an assignment for mental health class and i need to answer these questions in apa format 1. What has been your experience, if any, with individuals with mental illness? 2. What are some of your feelings, fantasies, and fears about working with psychiatric patients? 3. Are there any issues […]

Nursing Role and Scope

Nursing Role and Scope After reading Chapter 9, please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post. Do you need help in this or a different assignment? Let our experienced writer handle ORDER A PLAGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW   1. Describe […]

nursing role and scope

nursing role and scope After reading Chapter 9 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post. Additionally, you are expected to reply to two other students and include a reference that justifies […]

Capella Protected Health Information & Electronic Health Records Paper

Capella Protected Health Information & Electronic Health Records Paper Prepare a 2-page interprofessional staff update on HIPAA and appropriate social media use in health care. INTRODUCTION Health professionals today are increasingly accountable for the use of protected health information (PHI). Various government and regulatory agencies promote and support privacy and security through a variety of activities. […]