Entries by Bernard Innocent

Case Study: Crowded Clinic

Case Study: Crowded Clinic Case Study: The Crowded Clinic Authors: Kate Ellis, M.D., Family Physician, Charles River Medical Associates Morana Lasic, M.D., Clinical Instructor in Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital You are one of the health care practitioners in a community health center that provides primary care to a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual […]

Systems Approach Discussion

Systems Approach Discussion Reply to discussion with no less than 150 no plagarism no copy and paste (Colleen) Using a balanced scorecard to measure and control organizational performance would have many advantages to a company. One of the advantages would ORDER A PALGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW be knowing how your company is doing and what […]

Emerging Technologies and Their Uses in Healthcare

Emerging Technologies and Their Uses in Healthcare Peruse the following website: http://www.healthit.gov/providers-professionals/yo…. Choose at least four of the reading or video options focused on securing patient information using mobile devices and read or watch the chosen content. Then, in a well-written paper: ORDER A PALGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Assess the value of these devices for […]

Analysis of Healthcare Consumer Experience

Analysis of Healthcare Consumer Experience Conduct website searches of the following organizations: National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) (http://www.ncqa.org/) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) (http://www.ahrq.gov/) Joint Commission, Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) ( www.jointcommission.org) Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) ( http://www.ihi.org/ihi) Reflect on your learning experiences as a consumer of healthcare; then […]

Patient-Centric Systems: Essay (Health Information Systems)

Patient-Centric Systems: Essay (Health Information Systems) Review the following article from this week’s reading: Information systems & technology. Patient at the center of the health care universe: A closer look at patient-centered care. Prepare a well-written paper that addresses all of the following topics/requirements: Compose a brief summary of the author’s main points. Assess the value […]

Healthcare Error Assessment Report

Healthcare Error Assessment Report Use the CSU-Global Library and the internet to identify a real-world example of a healthcare error that impacted patient safety. Use the readings and your knowledge of risk management and quality/performance improvement to write a report to the chief executive and board of governors of this organization stating your assessment and […]

Comparing Study Designs

Comparing Study Designs In previous weeks you have reviewed, researched and evaluated finding a study, reading a study, and designing a study, ORDER A PALGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Using the knowledge you have gained from these exercises, describe, and compare the three study designs—exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory. What biases are built into these three research […]

​Internal Disaster Plans

​Internal Disaster Plans Click here to read about the standard operating guidelines for hospital disaster plan. Review the elements required for a disaster plan addressing an internal disaster. Based on your review, create a 2- to 3-page report in a Microsoft Word document covering the hospital’s (internal) disaster plan for how the staff reacts and carries out […]