Entries by Bernard Innocent

Quantitative Research Methods Evaluation and Statistical Applications

Quantitative Research Methods Evaluation and Statistical Applications Locate at least 4 contemporary peer-reviewed articles or dissertation or thesis research studies that are quantitative or mixed-methods in nature (experimental, quasi-experimental, descriptive or pre-experimental/survey, etc.) related to your topic of interest for your paper and PowerPoint presentation. Complete the following: Summarize the type of study and phenomenon […]

​Management in Healthcare Wk 11

​Management in Healthcare Wk 11 Management in Healthcare Wk 11 “Lessons Learned and Health Care Industry Challenges” ORDER A PALGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW Please respond to the following: Determine the three (3) most important lessons that you learned in the entire course. Argue the major reasons why the identified lessons rise to a high level […]

Process Mapping of a Quality Improvement Initiative

Process Mapping of a Quality Improvement Initiative Process Mapping: Students are required to research an existing health care organization of their choice. In your research, you should identify a quality improvement (QI) initiative that will improve the way patient care is delivered at the facility. The QI can be the result of organizational need, accreditation […]

Homework Question essay

Homework Question essay This is a TWO part question. COMPLETE Both parts Part 1: The clinic’s receptionists who are your internal customers respond to you defensively. They tell you that the HIM staff won’t answer the phone and that they want some backup when they are busy with patients. You talk to the HIM staff […]

Synthesizing and Evaluating Valid and Reliable Research

Synthesizing and Evaluating Valid and Reliable Research Develop a qualitative or quantitative research proposal based the information derived from Unit 2 and Unit 3. Include the following in your proposal: 1. The statement of the problem and any subproblems a. The hypotheses ORDER A PALGIARISM FREE PAPER NOW b.A definition of key terms c. the […]

Case Analysis Essay

Case Analysis Essay Patient Safety Case Analysis Paper – Instructions Instructions: First read the case you have chosen from the case repository on blackboard thoroughly AND review the “Learning from Defects” tool provided. This tool was developed and adapted by the Quality and Safety Research Group led by Professor Pronovost et al to help health […]

case study essay

case study essay Learning from Defects Problem Statement: Healthcare organizations could increase the extent to which they learn from defects. We define learning as reducing the probability that a future patient will be harmed. Most often clinicians recover from mistakes by reducing risks to the patient who suffered a defect. While we need to recover, […]

Project Management Planning

Project Management Planning Because many aspects of health care operations are changing, health care administrators oversee a wide variety of projects. These can include logistical projects such as moving a department to a new facility, technology-related projects such as introducing a new system or piece of equipment, or process-related projects such as initiating new procedures […]

Recruitment: Strategic Plan or Strategic Initiatives

Recruitment: Strategic Plan or Strategic Initiatives RUNNING HEADER: PROVIDING HEALTH SERVICES IN A RURAL COMMUNITY Module 2: Capstone Project Milestone Providing Health Services in a Rural Community: A Report on Project Feasibility Jeron Sherbak HCM580: Strategic Management in Healthcare (Capstone) Colorado State University – Global Campus Dr. Tracy Smith May 24, 2018 1 PROVIDING HEALTH […]