Topic 4 DQ 2

Topic 4 DQ 2

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.


A family is made up of persons linked by consanguinity, affinity, common residence or adoption and who depend upon one another for the fulfilment of certain obligations required for the benefit of one or all members. Family assessment therefore is not only relevant in the prevention of diseases but also very important in the promotion of health. (Edelman, Kudzma &Mandle, 2014). The importance of learning family assessment theories cannot be overemphasized. For instance, it has been suggested that nursing students who receive proper training on use of different theoretical frameworks during assessment of families tend to do much better much later in practice. (Lee, Leung, & Mak, 2012)

There are many theories which provide a framework for the assessment of the family. However, this student prefers the Calgary Family Assessment and Intervention Model, (CFAIM). This student believes this theory is the most effective and useful of all theories of family assessment because the CFAIM assesses family from different directions and focuses on communication and change. CFAIM has three branches-structural, developmental and functional. The structural aspect of the theory deals with family composition, characteristics and organizational structure of family. The developmental aspect is concerned with family genealogical mutation. The functional aspect assesses how family members interact with one another. (da Mata Ribeiro Gomes, 2014)

This student prefers the CFAIM because it assesses family from multiple dimensions in order to present a clearer picture. It stretches the role of the nurse from simply studying the family to assisting in the stabilization of family as a veritable way of strengthening the bond between members of a family and their community. (Χριστιάνα, Μαρία & Παναγιώτα,2013). Again, by studying family structure, the CFAIM assists in linking certain characteristics of a family under study to risk factors for certain conditions. For instance, it has been suggested that poor income, vast number of children and absence of a father figure places a child who is a member of such family at high risk for falls. (Aline de Souza, et al 2012)

Another important reason why this student believes this theory is appealing and effective is that it has effective applicability in family assessment in a variety of settings and situations. For example, it has been suggested that using the CFAIM in hospitals and other healthcare settings allows for a more in-depth understanding of the family structure of the patients being assessed. (da Silva Monteiro et al, 2016). This model has also been used to prove that the entire family dynamics, structure and organization in every family play crucial roles in its health dynamics and support system for members of such family. ( Sabino Cavalcante, Moreira Rodrigues, Mendes de Paiva, Mourão Netto, & Frota Goyanna, 2017).

Family is the nucleus of society It is the unit from where every other societal unit derives. This student hopes that the current efforts to more clearly understand the concept of family within different theoretical frameworks will continue.

Aline de Souza, P., Samira Valentim Gama, L., Deborah Pedrosa, M., Isabella Lima, B., & Luiza Jane Eyre de Souza, V. (2012). Determination of risk factors for child fall based on the Calgary Family Assessment Model -. Revista Brasileira Em Promoção Da Saúde, Vol 23, Iss 2, Pp 101-108 (2012), (2), 101.

da Silva Monteiro, G. S., Oliveira Moraes, J. C., da Costa, S. G., da Mata Ribeiro Gomes, B., de França, I. X., & de Oliveira, R. C. (2016). Aplicação do Modelo Calgary de Avaliação Familiar no contexto hospitalar e na atenção primária à saúde. Revisão integrativa. Aquichan, 16(4), 487-500.

da Mata Ribeiro Gomes, B. (2014). Calgary family assessment and intervention model: influencing nursing practice and theory. Journal of Nursing UFPE / Revista De Enfermagem UFPE, 8(5), 1-3.

Edelman, C., Kudzma, E., Mandle, C. (2014). Health promotion throughout the life span, 8th Edition. 172, retrieved from

Lee, A. C., Leung, S. S., & Mak, Y. (2012). The application of family-nursing assessment skills: From classroom to hospital ward among final-year nursing undergraduates in Hong Kong. Nurse Education Today, 32 (1) 78-84

Sabino Cavalcante, A. E., Moreira Rodrigues, A. R., Mendes de Paiva, G., Mourão Netto, J. J., & Frota Goyanna, N. (2017). Aplicação do Modelo Calgary para Avaliação Familiar na Estratégia Saúde da Família. (Portuguese). Enfermagem Brasil, 16(2), 105.

Χριστιάνα, Κ., Μαρία, Α., & Παναγιώτα, Έ. (2013). Το μοντέλο αξιολόγησης Calgary στη σύγχρονη οικογένεια.Cyprus

Topic 4 DQ 2

Topic 4 DQ 2

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.


Families are very different and constantly going through changes. Each family has their own unique structure and own ways of dealing with these changes. In order to understand a family and the risks associated to them, a nurse must use a framework assessment as a tool to collect data to better understand family structures and functions. For this reason, this student feels that Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns is a more useful guide to the nursing process in regard to assessment of the family. This particular theoretical perspective encompasses eleven functional health patterns enabling the nurse to comprehensively organize family information. These patterns include health perception-health management, nutritional-metabolic, elimination, activity-exercise, sleep-rest, cognitive-perceptual, self-perception/self-concept, roles-relationships, sexuality-reproductive, coping-stress, values beliefs. Patterns form the standardized format for family assessment using a systems approach with emphasis on developmental stages and risk factors (Edelman, Kudzma & Mandle, 2014). Assessment includes evaluation of dysfunctional patterns within families with corresponding details in one or more of the other interdependent patterns (Edelman et al, 2014). Gordon’s Functional Health patterns approach is the theory most appealing to this student because it serves as a more organized way to obtain relevant data. An organized approach is always best practice when performing assessments on families and an individual.


Edelman, C., Kudzma, E., Mandle, C. (2014). Health Promotion Throughoutthe Lifespan, 8thEdition. [Pageburstl]. Retrieved from…

Post Question

Post Question

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.


Health Promotion Presentation

Out of curiosity, was there anyone’s parents who did not pursue getting all of your immunizations? If so, why not? Is there anyone against immunizations that prevent adult diseases? I myself am a little skeptical of the HPV vaccine even though it can protect children as young as 11 years old and adults up to 26 years old fom HPV strain 16, 18 and strains that cause genital warts (Scaccia, 2018). I also feel like you can protect yourself by using protection during all forms of sex, stick to one partner, women should follow through with getting their pap smears and eat a healthy diet to keep the immune system strong.


Scaccia,A. (2018). What are the pros and cons of the hpv vaccine? Retrieved from

MN 520 Unit 6 Implementation

MN 520 Unit 6 Implementation

Topic 1: Implementation Reducing the rate of CVC infection in outpatient hemodialysis unit


A key component to implementing a project successfully is communication; particularly, communicating with all the appropriate stakeholders. How will you communicate your project with all the various stakeholders? Do you have different approaches for different groups? Explain and provide Examples.

Remember to provide evidence to support all of your thoughts and ideas. Provide at least three scholarly references from nursing journals

APA format, subtitles to each paragraph

MN 520 Unit 7 Assignment Chapter III: Implementation

MN 520 Unit 7 Assignment Chapter III: Implementation

Unit 7 Assignment Chapter III: Implementation


Title: Reducing the CVC rate of infection in outpatient Hemodialysis Unit

Please use nursing journals, reference less than 5 years old, APA format, Use subtitles to each paragraph

Chapter III: Implementation





Chapter IV: Evaluation





Appendix A: Title here

Appendix B: Title here

Discussion Question

Discussion Question

300m words APA format 3 Scholarly sources 5 years or less


Case and Discussion: Headache

A 35-year-old woman comes to your office to discuss her “bad headaches,” which started after having her first child 2 years ago. The headaches sometimes awaken her from sleep and at times can be disabling and occasionally require her to take Tylenol and rest in a dark room. Sometimes she vomits during an attack. Over the past 6 months, her headaches have become more severe and frequent, prompting her visit today.

What additional questions would you ask to learn more about her headaches?
How do you classify headaches?
How can you determine if this is an old headache or a new headache/s? Is this a chronic or episodic condition?
Can you make a definite diagnosis through an open-ended history followed by focused questions?
How can you use the patient history to distinguish between benign headaches and serious ones that require urgent attention?
What diagnostic tests do you want to include to help you with your diagnosis?
Create a differential diagnosis flow sheet for this patient for this patient and include the diagnostics related to the differentials.

Write story in essage form 750 words minimum

Write story in essage form 750 words minimum

ENG 200 Narrative Essay Rubric EXCELLENT GOOD COMPETENT NEEDS WORK Focus of Narrative 20 POINTS


Subject/event is crystal clear, and this focus remains the central point throughout the whole narrative. The narrative focuses sharply on one moment in time, and effectively builds up to it. A clear, strong thesis statement that answers the prompt is present. Subject/event is somewhat clear, and/or focus may stray just slightly throughout the narrative. The narrative at least focuses on an area of time, and the narrative builds up to it. A clear thesis statement that answers the prompt is present. Reader is left to guess as to the subject/event, and/or there are several events mentioned. The focus of the narrative is not clear to reader, and as such, there is not and effective building up to it. The thesis statement might be unclear, and/or does not directly answer the prompt. Subject/event totally unclear to reader; the writing is more of a stream-of-consciousness journal entry than a crafted narrative. No thesis statement could be easily identified. Organization & Logical Flow 25 POINTS The narrative structure is smooth and easily followed—there are no jumps in logic. It clearly follows the natural sequence of a good plot (as taught in the plot structure diagram), and logical transitions help the narrative flow smoothly. The narrative structure is followed easily; it follows the natural sequence of a good plot (as taught in the plot structure diagram). There may be a spot or two where smoother, more logical transitions could have been made, but overall there is a good flow. The narrative structure is not followed easily. The natural sequence of a good plot (as taught in the plot structure diagram) needs work. Restructuring and/or logic bridges/transitions are needed to help the reader navigate smoothly. There is not much of a narrative structure at all, or it is very confusing; reader is confused. (Plot Structure Diagram and Academic Essay Format) Academic Essay format was not used, and this caused the organization to suffer. Development of Ideas 20 POINTS All the parts of Academic Essay Format are present and are well developed. The development of the narrative is deeply engaging. It includes vivid and detailed use of detail and imagery, and dialogue if applicable. Word choice is varied and apt (extremely well-chosen). Narrative’s Significance/ Meaning 20 POINTS Poignant; deep and important; cutting. It is evident why this matters to you, and the reader clearly understands that. There is evident significance in this narrative, and it relayed well. The reader understands why this matters to you. Reader is left to guess what the significance of the narrative was, or it could have been relayed more clearly; it is not clear to reader. There is a very weak meaning or significance, or it is missing. Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, and Spelling (MUGS) and APA Formatting of Whole Paper 15 POINTS This paper has been revised and edited well. There may be a few MUGS errors, but they do not detract from the readability of the piece. It is clear that an APA reference source was consulted, as the paper’s format is perfect or nearly so. A good, solid attempt at revision and editing has been made. Only some MUGS errors remain, but they do not detract from the readability of the piece too badly. It is clear that an APA reference source was consulted, as the format is very close to perfect. While an attempt at revising and editing appears to have been made, there are still several MUGS errors that detract from the readability of the piece. An APA reference source was likely consulted, but format is off slightly. The many MUGS errors and lack of attention to format indicate little or no time spent revising and editing the piece, and that an APA reference source was not consulted. All the parts of Academic Essay Format are present. The development of the narrative is engaging. There is good/some use of detail, and imagery. Word choice is somewhat varied and well chosen. Most of the parts of Academic Essay Format are present, but they could use some fine-tuning and work. The development of the narrative only somewhat follows the natural sequence of a good plot (as taught in the plot diagram). More detail and elaboration are needed for making this narrative “come to life.” Word choice is clear. Little attention was paid to the plot structure diagram. Very little detail is used; elaboration and development are lacking.
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People of Korean Heritage and People of Mexican Heritage.

People of Korean Heritage and People of Mexican Heritage.

Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Korean American Culture Larry Purnell, PhD,


RN, FAAN Copyright © 2013 F.A. Davis Company Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Korean Overview/Heritage ▪ This presentation focuses on the commonalities among Koreans from the Republic of South Korea, although some information may be congruent with North Koreans.. ▪ The first major immigration from Korea occurred between 1903 and 1905, when more than 7,000 men arrived in Hawaii. Copyright © 2013 F.A. Davis Company Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Korean Overview/Heritage ▪ South Koreans immigrate to America to increase socioeconomic opportunities and improve educational opportunities. ▪ They place a high value on education. ▪ Their reputation for hard work, independence, and self-motivation has earned them the label of the “model minority.” Copyright © 2013 F.A. Davis Company Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Communication ▪ The dominant Korean language, han’gul, was the first phonetic alphabet in East Asia. ▪ Most Koreans in America can speak, read, write, and understand English to some extent. ▪ Some Americans may have difficulty understanding their English, especially those who learned English from Koreans who spoke with their native intonations and pronunciations. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Korean Communication ▪ A high value is placed on harmony and the maintenance of a peaceful environment. ▪ Most are comfortable with silence. ▪ Small talk may appear senseless and insincere. ▪ Most stand close when conversing. ▪ Touch in the realm of health care is readily accepted. Copyright © 2013 F.A. Davis Company Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Korean Communication ▪ Touching among friends and social equals is common and does not carry a sexual connotation, as it might in Western societies. ▪ Hugging and kissing are uncommon among parents and children as well as among children and older aunts or uncles. Copyright © 2013 F.A. Davis Company Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Korean Communication ▪ Age, gender, and social status determine the use of eye contact. ▪ Respect for those in senior positions is shown by not looking them directly in the eye. ▪ Feelings are infrequently communicated in facial expressions. Copyright © 2013 F.A. Davis Company Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Korean Communication ▪ More traditional Koreans are past-oriented. Much attention is paid to the ancestry of a family. ▪ Yearly, during the Harvest Moon in Korea, chusok (respect) is paid to ancestors by bringing fresh fruits from the autumn harvest, dry fish, and rice wine to gravesites. ▪ The younger and more educated generation is more futuristic and achievement-oriented. Copyright © 2013 F.A. Davis Company Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Korean Communication ▪ Punctuality is the norm for keeping important appointments, making transportation connections, and reporting to work. ▪ The number of surnames in Korea is limited: the most common ones are Kim, Lee, Park, Rhee or Yi, Choi or Choe, and Chung or Jung. Copyright © 2013 F.A. Davis Company Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Korean Communication ▪ Korean names contain two Chinese characters, one of which describes the generation and the other the person’s given name. ▪ The surname comes first. ▪ However, because this may be confusing to many Americans, some Koreans in the United States follow the Western tradition of Copyright © 2013 F.A. Davis Company Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Family Roles and Organization ▪ Men are the primary financial providers. ▪ Women are expected to stay home and care for the children and domestic affairs unless they are professionals. ▪ Women have long been degraded in Korean society and seen as appendages of male family members. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Family Roles and Organization ▪ In earlier times, a woman’s identity was determined by her role as someone’s daughter, wife, or mother. While many still practice these gender relationships, more educated women and men no longer adhere to these Confucian values. ▪ Parenting in Korea is authoritative, although class differences play a more influential role in determining parenting styles and family roles. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Family Roles & Organization ▪ Children are expected to be well behaved because the whole family is disgraced if a child behaves in an embarrassing manner. ▪ Discussing domestic violence violates Korean cultural norms. ▪ Dating is uncommon among high school students, although it is gaining in the US. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Family Roles & Organization ▪ Once young adults have entered a university, they receive their freedom and are permitted to make their own decisions about personal and study time. ▪ With rapid acculturation, children often take on the values of the dominant society or culture and challenge parents who support traditional values and ideals. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Family Roles & Organization ▪ Parents expect their children to care for them in old age. ▪ Hyo (filial piety) is the obligation to respect and obey parents, care for them in old age, give them a good funeral, and worship them after death. ▪ The obligation to care for one’s parents is written into civil code in Korea. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Family Roles & Organization ▪ Older people are frequently consulted on important family matters as a sign of respect for their life experiences. ▪ Old age begins when one reaches the age of 60 years. ▪ Women who divorce may suffer social stigma. ▪ Living together before marriage is not customary in Korea. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Family Roles & Organization ▪ If pregnancy occurs outside marriage, it may be taken care of quietly and without family and friends being aware of the situation. ▪ Lesbian and gay relationships are frowned upon. ▪ Personal disclosure to friends and family jeopardizes the family name and may lead to ostracism. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Workforce Issues ▪ The skills and work experiences Koreans bring from their home country are often not accepted in the American workforce, forcing them to take jobs in which they may be over skilled. ▪ A supervisor is treated with much respect in work and in social settings. ▪ Informalities and small talk may be difficult for Korean immigrants. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition ClickerCheck An older adult Korean American man does not maintain eye contact with the nurse who is teaching him insulin injection. The nurse recognizes that lack of eye contact means he a. Does not understand the instructions. b. Does not care about the instructions. c. Is demonstrating respect. d. Is hard of hearing. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Correct Answer Correct answer: C Many traditional Koreans do not maintain eye contact with people in authoritative positions as a means of demonstrating respect. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Workforce Issues ▪ For an employee to refuse a request of an employer is unacceptable, even if the employee does not want or feel qualified to complete the request. ▪ American slang and colloquial language is difficult for Koreans to understand. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Biocultural Ecology ▪ Common physical characteristics include dark hair and dark eyes, with variations in skin color and hair darkness. ▪ Skin color ranges from fair to light brown, with those residing in the southern part of South Korea being darker. ▪ Epicanthal skin folds create the distinctive appearance of Asian eyes. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Biocultural Ecology ▪ Common health conditions occurring with Koreans include the following: schistosomiasis, renal failure, asbestosis, hypertension, tuberculosis, hepatitis, stomach cancer, lactase deficiency, osteoporosis, peptic ulcer disease, and insulin autoimmune deficiency disease. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean High-Risk Health Behaviors ▪ Korea continues to manufacture and use asbestos-containing products ▪ Smoking by women in public is taboo, but some women smoke at home. ▪ Men have a high incidence of alcohol consumption. ▪ Seat belts are worn infrequently in South Korea. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Nutrition ▪ The traditional Korean diet includes steamed rice; hot soup; kimchee; and side dishes of fish, meat, or vegetables served in some variation for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. ▪ Breakfast is traditionally considered the most important meal. ▪ Rice is served with 5 to 20 small side dishes of mostly vegetables and some fish and meats. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Nutrition ▪ Food is flavorful and spicy. Cooking includes a variety of seasonings: red and black pepper, garlic, green onion, ginger, soy sauce, and sesame seed oil. ▪ Most Korean Americans are at high risk for calcium deficiencies due to lactose intolerance. ▪ A cultural treatment for the common cold is soup made from bean sprouts, anchovies, garlic, and other hot spices Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Pregnancy & Childbearing Practices ▪ Pregnancy is a highly protected time for women. ▪ Both pregnancy and the postpartum period are ritualized. ▪ Once a woman is pregnant, she starts practicing Tae-Kyo, which literally means “fetus education.” Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Pregnancy & Childbearing Practices ▪ The objective of Tae-Kyo is to promote the health and well-being of the fetus and mother by having the mother focus on art and beautiful objects. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Death Rituals ▪ Death and dying are fairly well accepted in the Korean culture. ▪ Prolonging life may not be highly regarded in the face of modern technology. ▪ Families are expected to stay with family members and assist in feeding and personal care around the clock. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Death Rituals ▪ Many believe that patients should not be told they have a terminal illness. ▪ Crying and open displays of grief are common and signify the utmost respect for the dead. ▪ Relatives and friends pay respect by viewing photographs of the deceased instead of viewing the body. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Death Rituals ▪ An ancestral burial ceremony follows death, with the body being placed in the ground facing south or north. ▪ Rice wine is sprinkled around the gravesite. ▪ The eldest son or male family member sits by the deceased, sometimes holds a cane, and makes a moaning noise to display his grief. ▪ The cane is a symbol of needing support. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Spirituality ▪ Organized religions include Christianity, Buddhism, and Chondokyo. ▪ The church is a powerful social support group for Korean immigrants. ▪ Christians believe the spirit goes to heaven; Buddhists believe the spirit starts a new life as a person or an animal. ▪ Family and education are central themes that give meaning to life. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Health-care Practices ▪ Herbal medicine may be used in conjunction with Western biomedicine. ▪ Herbal remedies include ginseng, seaweed soup, and haigefen (clamshell powder), which has high levels of lead, causing abdominal colic, muscle pain, and fatigue. ▪ Acupuncture, acumassage, acupressure, and moxibustion therapy are commonly used. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Health-care Practices ▪ Some Korean Americans are stoic and are slow to express emotional distress from pain. ▪ Others are expressive and discuss their smallest discomforts. ▪ Organ donation and organ transplantation are rare, reflecting traditional attitudes toward integrity and purity. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Health-care Practices ▪ Mental illness may be stigmatized. Hwa-Byung, a traditional Korean illness, occurs from the suppression of anger or other emotions. ▪ These emotions are expressed as physical complaints, ranging from headaches and poor appetite to insomnia and lack of energy. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Korean Health-care Practitioners ▪ More traditional individuals frequently prefer health-care providers who speak Korean and are older. ▪ Because of modesty, women prefer women health care providers to perform Pap smears, mammography, and breast examinations. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition ClickerCheck Mrs. Kim brings her 15 year old daughter to the parish nurse because she is having abdominal cramps and fatigue that have worsened since she began giving her haigefen. The nurse should request a blood test for a. Iron levels. b. Lead levels. c. Calcium levels d. Potassium levels. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 3rd Edition Correct Answer Correct answer: B Haigefen is an herbal compound that is made with clamshells which has a high lead content. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Mexican Americans Larry Purnell, PhD, RN, FAAN Copyright © 2013 F.A. Davis Company Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Overview/Heritage ▪ Mexican, Mexican American, Latino(a), Chicano(a), la gente de la raza, Hispanic, etc. are commonly used terms. ▪ Second largest Spanish speaking group in the world ▪ 500+ different dialects and ethnic groups in Mexico ▪ Mexico City is one of the largest cities in the world Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Overview/Heritage Continued ▪ 60% of the population is mestizo—a blend of Spanish white and Indigenous Indian ▪ The majority of the Hispanic population in the United States ▪ Hispanic is the largest “minority” group in the United States surpassing African Americans in 1999 Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Overview/Heritage Continued ▪ Original inhabitants, along with Native American Indians, of southwest United States ▪ Majority of newer immigrants come to the United States for economic opportunities and are poorer than previous immigrants ▪ Low educational rates in the United States ▪ Ninth-grade educational level required in Mexico —mean is 5 years Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Communications ▪ Dialect varies by region of Mexico, including Mayan ▪ Rapid speech pattern with apocopation (e.g., como esta usted = com-esta-sted) ▪ Idiomatic and slang expressions are common— like English Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Communications Continued ▪ Concepts of personalismo is important. ▪ Touch between the men and between women is acceptable. ▪ Men and women greet with a hug and kiss to the cheek. ▪ Eye contact with staring is expected for peers. ▪ Many avoid direct eye contact with superiors as a sign of respect. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Communications Continued ▪ Intense eye contact can cause the “evil eye,” a folk illness common in all Hispanic and Mediterranean cultures. ▪ Children are more susceptible to the evil eye than are women who are more susceptible than men. ▪ Healthcare provider should greet men with a firm handshake. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Communications Continued ▪ Temporality varies via socioeconomic level ▪ Clock time is not categorically imperative; events begin when they begin and not until then ▪ Name format: First name, middle name, father’s surname followed by mother’s maiden name. ▪ A woman takes her husband’s last name which is place before her maiden name.. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Family Roles ▪ Traditional families are patriarchal but vary greatly. ▪ Current research is dispelling the myth of machismo and patriarchal decision-making. ▪ Children are closely protected and are not expected to work or do many chores in middleclass families—children are supposed to be allowed to be children. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Family Roles Continued ▪ Children are taught to respect parents, elders, and teachers, etc. ▪ Multigenerational families in Mexico, less so in the United States. ▪ Children have comadres, compadres (godparents). ▪ Single parenting somewhat stigmatized, severely so in some groups. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Family Roles Continued ▪ Significant number of Unido until at which time the family has the money for a religious wedding ceremony. ▪ Academic and professional degrees are highly respected. ▪ A good education also means having good manners. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Family Roles Continued ▪ If family and close friends are aware of gay/lesbian relationships, they are not talked about. ▪ Stigma continues to be a significant problem with many. ▪ Dignity, Hola, and Ellas are support groups and they all have 800 numbers and are located in Washington, DC. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Biocultural Ecology ▪ Intestinal parasites and diarrhea are major health problem among immigrants; also tuberculosis, STIs, and HIV/AIDS. ▪ Hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, malaria, cholera, typhoid, dengue fever, and high suicide rates. Incidence varies from point of migration and living conditions. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Biocultural Ecology Continued ▪ Alcohol metabolism is slowed, especially among those with an Indigenous Indian ancestry. ▪ Require lower doses of antidepressants and are poor metabolizers of debrisoquinine. ▪ Greater toxicity from tuberculosis drugs. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Nutrition ▪ Large percentage of women are overweight— seen as positive and is a sign of health, fertility, wealth, and beauty. ▪ Anytime is a time to celebrate with food. ▪ Food choices vary by area of immigration— mountains, metropolitan areas, seaports, etc. ▪ Staples include tacos and rice and plantains. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Nutrition Continued ▪ Lactose intolerance, especially from adults so calcium obtained from soups with bones and bone marrow, leafy greens, and corn tortillas treated with calcium carbonate. ▪ Many ascribe to the hot/cold theory of foods, although they may not speak to it directly. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Nutrition Continued ▪ Not all foods are spicy! And Nachos are American—not Mexican ▪ Meal times vary, but many continue with the afternoon siesta if job permits ▪ Many foods are deep fried or fried in some manner—high-fat diet mostly ▪ Iron and Vitamin A deficiency—especially among lower socioeconomic groups Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Childbearing Family ▪ Birth rate in Mexico and United States is higher among Mexican Americans than among other United States groups. ▪ Wide range of contraceptives when used, but not always admitted. ▪ Condom use: used mostly with prostitutes for infection prevention. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition ClickerCheck Many Hispanic Americans have lactose intolerance. A good source of calcium if the diet is a. Flour tortillas. b. Corn tortillas. c. Chicken d. Pork. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Correct Answer Correct answer: B Corn tortillas are high in calcium because they are made with calcium carbonate. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Childbearing Family Continued ▪ Pregnancy is natural so why see a healthcare provider for prenatal care? ▪ Many are not used to prenatal care in their home country because it is not available—thus, advice comes from older females in the family. ▪ Hot and cold theory extends to foods and practices during pregnancy and postpartum. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Childbearing Family Continued ▪ Do not walk in moonlight while pregnant because it may cause a birth deformity. ▪ Man not to see wife or baby until several hours after birth because harm can come to the baby or mother. ▪ Do not reach over your head while pregnant because it can cause the cord to wrap around the baby’s neck. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Childbearing Family Continued ▪ Some do not bathe or wash hair for 40 days postpartum – do take a sponge bath. ▪ Cutting the baby’s nails before 3 months of age may cause blindness and/or deafness. ▪ Umbilical belt and/or coin or key placed on abdomen to keep it from protruding when crying. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Death Rituals ▪ Death seen as a natural part of life ▪ Sit vigil over the dying and after death with the family ▪ Children are not shielded from death ▪ El dia de muerte celebrated at the gravesite of family members ▪ Velorio—festive watch over the dead before internment and may be a long procession Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Death Rituals Continued ▪ El ataque de nervios (nervous attack) occurs with death and other strong emotions ▪ A few may still hire llorandos (criers) for the funeral Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Spirituality ▪ Family is foremost among Mexicans and most other Hispanic families ▪ Take great pride in their heritage and family lineage ▪ Religiosity supports fatalism—it is God’s Will Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Spirituality Continued ▪ Majority are Catholic with Indigenous variation practices. ▪ Priests are major sources of support for the individual and family and may be sought before seeking advice from a healthcare professional. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Healthcare Practices ▪ External focus of control works against prevention measures. ▪ To express negative feelings is not considered polite—therefore do not complain of health ailments until symptoms are severe. ▪ Good health means being free of pain. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition ClickerCheck Mrs. de la caza, 32 year old pregnant Mexican American, is pregnant. The nurse recommends walking for exercise for weight control. The patient works at a sedentary job during the day and tells the nurse she cannot walk at night the baby will be born a. Too large. b. Too small. c. With a cleft-palate. d. With a birth mark. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Correct Answer Correct answer: C Walking at night, especially in the moonlight, is believed to cause the baby to have a cleft-lip or palate. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Healthcare Practices Continued ▪ Many do not protect themselves from environmental hazards because they are not knowledgeable about the hazards. ▪ Seek over-the-counter drugs and indigenous healers before seeing a Western healthcare provider. ▪ All socioeconomic levels seek traditional healthcare providers. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Hot and Cold Illnesses ▪ See book chapter with hot and cold illnesses and their treatments—varies greatly among families because they are handed down within the family and community—need to specifically ask! ▪ Barriers in the United States include money, access, appropriateness, language, limited knowledge, and gender. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Cultural Responses ▪ Accept and expect pain as a necessary part of life. ▪ Obliged to endure pain in the performance of duties. ▪ Ability to endure pain stoically is valued. ▪ Pain and suffering may be due to immoral behavior. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Cultural Responses Continued ▪ Physical and mental illnesses are readily accepted but may keep family member at home to protect others, not the patient. ▪ Can enter the sick role readily without stigma. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Organ Donation and Transplantation ▪ Not morally averse to organ donation. ▪ Hesitant to donate while alive because the body should be buried whole. ▪ If abdominal surgery, bad air may enter the body and increase the potential for cancer or other problems. Transcultural Health Care: A Culturally Competent Approach, 4th Edition Traditional Hispanic Healthcare Providers ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Curanderos: folk healers Masijistas: massage therapists Brujos: witches Sobadoros: manipulate bones Padres: priests Espiritistas—Espiritualistas—Espiritus (spiritualists) Jerberos—yerberos: herbalists
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850 word essay

850 word essay



In this Research Essay, you will start with a thoughtful healthcare-related question, gather research, and finally present that information to your peers and instructor with an objective, neutral attitude, in academic essay format.

Prompts (choose one):

Discuss a new technology or a newer way of doing things in the healthcare field, and how it has changed or revolutionized medicine and/or people’s lives.
For example, you could research and write about about robotics used in surgery, laparoscopic knee surgery, gallbladder surgery, hysterectomy surgery, etc. vs. traditional surgery. The focus should be on the benefits to the patient and to the healthcare staff, and the disadvantages (if there are any), without saying whether it is good or bad. Simply present the research you find about the impact on healthcare or patients and their recovery.
Go to the online journal Nursing Made Incredibly Easy found on the library website. Search for a healthcare-related topic that interests you. Using this topic (for example, Metformin), do further research on it by looking further in that database, or a similar one. What are the main aspects of this that are worth sharing?
Research a sub-specialty or an area of concentration in nursing. Research and share the basic duties and day-to-day reality of that career, as well as the education and training necessary for that career. For instance, you may wish to research what it takes to become a lactation consultant, and what the everyday realities of that job are.
Research a drug that either is in common use or is new to healthcare. Do not try to tell the reader if the drug is good or bad; just present what is known about the drug, including its history, as well as its drawbacks and benefits.
Research integrative or holistic healthcare and how it might help patients heal from problems both small and large. What are its main components? Where is it being carried out? What are the implications for the future of healthcare? What about the financial/monetary aspect of it (is it being funded or encouraged, or not? Why/why not?)
Your own research topic. You must discuss this with the professor and have the topic approved before moving forward.

Make sure that your submission meets the following requirements:

A clear thesis statement in the introductory paragraph
Strong organization of your ideas via academic essay format
Two to three quality, unique sources used, cited and referenced properly both in-text and on a References page
Synthesis of the source material (concrete detail) with your own writing (commentary)
Few to no Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, Spelling (MUGS) errors
A word count of at least 850 words
All essays are check in Turnitin for plagiarism, no more than 5% is acceptable.

Continuance of previous questions

Continuance of previous questions

Assignment Prompt


1.) For this essay, you are required to:
• write about any problem that is of interest to you, and
• propose a new solution that will work to solve part or all of the problem.
IMPORTANT: You should select a problem that you can successfully define and analyze and
propose and defend a solution for in a minimum of 1,200 words. For example, world poverty is too
broad of a topic for an essay of this length, but poverty in Cleveland is a manageable topic.
2.) Your essay must do the following (based on the Dewey Sequence):
• Define the problem
• Analyze the problem
• Propose a solution
• Defend the proposed solution and address any potential objections
3.) Your essay must include the following:
• An introduction with a hook (review Hooks and Attention Grabbers for examples) and strong thesis
• Developed body paragraphs with strong topic sentences, cited support, and concluding
• At least 4 unique sources, cited and referenced properly in APA style (no more than 20% of essay
consists of quoted text)
• A word count of 1,200 words, at a minimum (excludes cover page and references page)