HSA3104 St Petersburg Evolution on Hypertension Management Paper

HSA3104 St Petersburg Evolution on Hypertension Management Paper

As the resources in this module illustrated, health care has changed significantly over the years. For this writing


assignment, identify a health issue that has meaning to you, a family member, or friend. Look up the Healthy People 2020 objectives for that health issue. Then consider how that health issue would have been treated differently over the past 150 years (not any older than 1850). Following the HSA Standards provided below and without writing in first person (i.e., I, me, my, us, we, our, etc.), write a paper between 600-800 words in length using the following outline/paragraphs, and including at least three scholarly references:

Introduction and description of health issue, including listing the specific Healthy People 2020 indicator(s) and current information about the rates/percentages as compared to the goal
Illness treatment/management prior to 1900
Illness treatment/management around 1950
Illness treatment/management today
Submit the assignment before midnight on Sunday. Name the file: HSA3104_TL_Yourname.docx

Standard HSA Dropbox Instructions

Before submitting your assignment to the Dropbox, please review the following:
HSA Student Assignment Checklist
HSA Style Guide
Open the HSA Assignment Grading Rubric (20 points), highlight (CTRL+A), and then copy (CTRL+C) the rubric, and then paste (CTRL+V) the rubric (as text, not an image) at the very end of your paper. I will use this rubric to assess your work and provide you feedback.
In your paper, information should be paraphrased and cited. However, do not use quotes in this course.
After you have submitted your assignment, I recommend you review your TurnItIn/Originality report. Review the Reviewing a TurnItIn/Originality Report tutorial to learn more about how this report can help you improve your writing. Your report will identify many technical writing issues. Based on the results, you may revise and resubmit your assignment. I will grade the last version you submit before the deadline.

Role of Communities in Health Promotion and Perspective of Health Discussion

Role of Communities in Health Promotion and Perspective of Health Discussion

This module started with the history of health care, and brought the discussion to today’s broader perspective of health that includes current national priorities and the role of communities in health promotion.


For this discussion, I would like you to apply some of these concepts by looking at your specific community. In 250 words or more, describe at least one partnership taking place that is supporting health promotion activities for one or more health issue in the community. Cite at least one scholarly source, and consider the following:

How are these activities expected to improve community health outcomes?
What else could be done to further support these efforts?
Who else needs to get involved?
How could it be funded?

Complete Discussion Question

Complete Discussion Question

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

What impact has past ethical issues had on today’s health care research? Provide an example.
What have we learned from this?


Communicable Disease

Communicable Disease

For the next newsletter, you have been asked to write about the effect of a specific communicable disease on your community.


Identify a communicable disease to research.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that summarizes your research. Your paper should:

Describe the disease and discuss efforts to control it.
Identify the environmental factors related to this disease.
Explain the influence of lifestyles, socioeconomic status, and disease management.
Identify gaps and how you might connect to other resources to meet needs that are not locally available.
Include recommendations to expand the community’s programs if there are gaps.
Describe what the public health department is doing to reduce the threat of the disease.
Include data findings, evidence-based intervention, and a plan to ensure quality health.

HCS465 Ethical Issues in Research Process

HCS465 Ethical Issues in Research Process

Using the University Library, locate one peer-reviewed research study with possible ethical concerns. You may use a research study you identified in the Week 2 Annotated Bibliography assignment if appropriate but not the same article used in the Week 3 Learning Team assignment.


Review ethical principles learned this week. When you select your article, consider the possible ethical issues in the research process: sampling, sampling , data collection, etc. The focus should be on the research study, not the health issue.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you:

Summarize the research study.
Identify possible ethical issues within the research study.
Explain how the ethical concerns can influence the research outcomes.
Define validity as it relates to the research study.
Hint: Review previous learning activities for key validity concepts, including internal and external validity and associated threats to validity.
Discuss the importance of research design validity and how research bias can impact validity.
Hint: Research how design validity and instrumentation validity are different concepts.
Discuss how stakeholders can externally influence health care research.
Include possible ethical concerns.
Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed scholarly references.

Format your assignment and references according to APA guidelines.

Capital Asset Pricing Model Price & Debt and Equity Financing Questions

Capital Asset Pricing Model Price & Debt and Equity Financing Questions

The capital asset pricing model, or CAPM, is used to price an individual security or portfolio. The general idea behind


CAPM is that investors should be compensated in two ways, for the time value of their money and risk incurred. The model helps investors calculate risks and what type of return they should expect on their investment. The time money value is represented by the risk-free rate, usually a 10-year government bond yield, and compensates the investors for placing money in an investment over a period of time. That is added to the other half of the formula which represents risk. It calculates the amount of compensation the investor needs for taking on additional risk. This is done by taking a Beta, which measures a stock’s volatility, and multiplies by its premium. The premium is calculated by subtracting the risk-free rate of return from the expected return of the market. For example, the expected return of a stock can be figured out in the following way using a model. If the risk-free rate is 3% the Beta or risk measure of the stock is 3 and the expected market return over the period is 11%. The stock is expected to return 27%. In short, if the expected return does not make the risk worth it, the investment should not be made.

Respond to the following questions:

You are the chief financial officer (CFO) of a multi-physician clinic. Do you see weaknesses or strengths in the capital asset pricing model (CAPM)? Explain your response and support it with examples. Include a consideration of the small market line (SML).
Your chief executive officer (CEO) asks you to decide between debt and equity financing. Explain which the best option is. Discuss the factors that influence your decision.

Patient Center End of Life Care Discussion Question

Patient Center End of Life Care Discussion Question

For this unit use your Ethics in Health Administration text to read the following: Chapter 12, “Patient Issues and Ethics,” pages 261–286. And Use your Ethics and Professionalism for Healthcare Managers text to read the following: Chapter 7, “Ethical Decision Making Process,” pages 111–113.

Internet Resources


Use the Internet to read the following:

-Death with Dignity. (n.d.). Death with dignity acts.

-American College of Healthcare Executives. (2012). Professional policy statement: The healthcare executives’ role in ensuring quality and patient safety.

-Planetree. (2016)

-National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. (2016).

-National POLST Paradigm. (2012).

-Aging With Dignity. (2015). About five wishes


1. Patient-Centered and End of Life Care

As you have read in detail in your studies for Unit 8, patient-centered and end of life care are priority approaches for delivering quality care throughout our current health care system.

Summarize the basic principles of the Planetree patient-centered care model, and explain why and how it is considered successful and of value.

Review the end of life related care resources in your studies and choose one to discuss. Describe what you learned from the information/material and explain how it might affect decisions and strategic planning made by health care managers.

Sources and Influences on Probabilities Discussion

Sources and Influences on Probabilities Discussion

Consider when you are listening to a new patient who says they have had a fever for 3 days. You would use your


knowledge and experience with probability to come to a diagnosis. What changes those probabilities? Is it age, is it other symptoms, is it new study results? What is the source of these probabilities and what causes these probabilities to change? This discussion is not to debate diagnoses, but to focus on the sources and influences on probabilities.


Holmes, A., Illowsky, B., & Dean, S. (2018). Introductory Business Statistics. Houston, Texas: Rice University.

Physicians Practice Management Discussion – Wk 9

Physicians Practice Management Discussion – Wk 9

“Designing and Implementing an Effective Compliance Plan”


The Office of Inspector General (OIG) has established a set of guidelines (e.g., auditing, monitoring, internal controls, sampling, due diligence, and standards of organizational and employee behavior, etc. Page 508 of the textbook) that physician practices should follow when creating a compliance plan. State your opinion as to which OIG guideline would be the single most significant aspect of a compliance plan for a small practice. Provide a rationale for your response.
According the text, the fundamental purpose of a compliance plan is to create an organizational culture that promotes the prevention, identification, and resolution of issues associated with risk. Suggest two (2) main aspects of a management strategy necessary to create this type of culture. Support your recommendations with at least one (1) real-world example.

What Are Your Long Term Nursing Goals for Your Nursing Career Essay

What Are Your Long Term Nursing Goals for Your Nursing Career Essay

Write a 1 page essay on what are your long term nursing goals for your career.


My goal is to become a family nurse practitioner. I started writing something but got stuck maybe you can use it.


My long term nursing career goals is to become a family nurse practitioner. I want to promote health in my community. By pursuing the highest possible education in nursing i can make a impact on others. In the future I would also consider becoming a nurse educator. I believe in caring for others in need as well as helping other nurse’s.