

“State Children’s Health Insurance Program” Please respond to the following:


From the first e-Activity, specify whether your state follows the private insurance model or the Medicaid model for its CHIP. Analyze the impact that the choice of model has on the fiscal health of your state. Provide two (2) examples of this impact of model choice to support your analysis.
From the second e-Activity, examine at least two (2) changes to CHIP that have occurred as a result of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Hypothesize the potential effect that the changes in question could have on access to health care for children covered by CHIP. Support your rationale with one (1) specific example of such an effect for each change that you have identified.

The State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is implemented separately by each state. Use the Internet to research CHIP funding in your state. Be prepared to discuss.
Use the Internet to research the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Website, located at http://www.ncsl.org/issues-research/health/childrens-health-insurance-program-overview.aspx, as well as other related Websites to determine the impact the Affordable Care Act has on CHIP. Be prepared to discuss.

Healthcare Quality And Liability and Quality Discussion

Healthcare Quality And Liability and Quality Discussion

PART A “Healthcare Quality” Please respond to the following:


Examine two (2) well-known healthcare quality organizations that have taken two to three (2-3) measures to improve quality within the organizations themselves. Suggest one (1) additional measure that each organization could take to further improve healthcare quality.
Suppose you are a Quality Officer for a healthcare organization in your area. (Albany, NY) You have been tasked with creating a plan to reduce the increasing number of medical errors that occur within your organization. Specify two (2) quality initiatives that your organization could implement in order to reduce medical errors and their related costs. Determine the fundamental tenets of the Standard of Care that would influence quality in your organization.

PLEASE RESPOND TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT & A DETAILED WHY: The Joint Commission (TJC) is the most well known organization that has taken steps to increase the quality of care for hospitals. By establishing the ORYX Initiative in the 1990’s almost every hospital in the country has been accredited by TJC. By establishing training programs for quality assurance and providing quality assurance reviews of hospitals on demand, they have been able to show hospitals where they can improve and provides tools to do so. A second organization that is well known is Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. This organization works with TJC in ensuring quality assurance measures are standardized and practiced by all facilities. Working with hospitals as well as non-profit and private organizations, they provide quality assurance oversight for many institutions as well as training in outpatient quality of life initiatives.

Two initiatives that an organization can implement is to have a team dedicated in oversight for documentation and follow-ups. Monthly revues of medical records. This will ensure that documentation is properly annotated as well as allowing for the ability to identify problems in diagnosis and after care instructions. A second way which is much easier but a little more costly would be to ensure the use of the electronic health record system. This system has built in quality assurance programs which are designed to check for errors in reporting as well as creating a standardized method of record keeping without the risk of damage to hard copy files or the loss of information due to misfiling.

Part B – “Liability and Quality” Please respond to the following:

As a healthcare administrator, you have been tasked with researching your hospital’s compliance in the proper reporting of both medical and non-medical errors made by the staff. Compare the relationship of hospital’s corporate liability with that of each employee’s vicarious liability in the event of an error. Discuss the essential steps that your organization can take to reduce occurrences in both. Provide at least two (2) examples of the successful application of such steps to support your rationale.
Interpret the extent to which public reporting and value-based purchasing improve healthcare quality. Include a comparison of two to three (2-3) advantages to each reporting method. Support your response with two (2) examples of healthcare quality improvements that could have resulted from of an organization implementing each type of reporting method in question.

PLEASE RESPOND TO CLASSMATE DISCUSSION WHETHER YOU AGREE OR NOT & A DETAILED WHY: Medical errors do happen everyday and at every healthcare facility. The importance of reporting is pivotal in educating and future prevention. Many of the rules and regulations that are in place are there because there was an incident that occurred that required its implementation. Employees should report any and all errors made or discovered so that a proper assessment can be made. Reporting should be signed off by supervisors and quality control reps. The reports can be monitored to see if there is a bigger issue going on such as an individual not performing their duties properly or an equipment malfunction that needs to be service.

Improvement can be developed by reviewing the public reports. Public reporting should be a mandatory reporting platform. The organization should be as transparent as possible as it is a patients right to know the stats of a health care facility. It will also show good faith that the organization is not hiding or covering any malicious practices. Public reporting can also be used as measurement for possible geographical reasons for the errors. Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act ( PSQIA) made a system that allows health care providers to anonymously report medical errors for data analysis. Being able to report anonymously takes away the fear of being attacked by the organization or provider that is being reported. This type of reporting can also help reduce the amount of errors that go unreported therefore providing more accurate data.

AIU Online Importance of Making Decisions Discussion

AIU Online Importance of Making Decisions Discussion

Discussion Board (5/25) As a manager, one of the most important duties you perform is making decisions. What is the importance of making decisions and how is programmed decision different from nonprogrammed decisions. Please cite examples of each. Please: one or two paragraphs
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Complete Discussion Question

Complete Discussion Question

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:


How has evidence-based research influenced health care research? Why is it important in the health care industry?

Perspective of Roles and Responsibilities of A Health Care Manager Paper

Perspective of Roles and Responsibilities of A Health Care Manager Paper

HCS/325 v9 The Role of a Health Care Manager Health care management is a growing profession. These managers


are expected to manage inpatient and outpatient care facilities as well as non-direct care settings. Therefore, it is important for health care managers to understand the complexity of its roles and functions to build the necessary skills to help them be successful. Complete the following table in which you identify and discuss the role of the health care manager in the following functions: organizing, planning, controlling and leading. In the spaces provided, ensure you identify and discuss them according to these guidelines: • • • Define each of the functions listed. You must define the function in your own words; do not copy the definition from a textbook. Identify and discuss the role of a health care manager in the given function. Provide an explanation that illustrates the role of a health care manager as it applies to the function in the health care Industry. Save the completed worksheet as a Microsoft® Word document with your name in the file name. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit the file to your facilitator. Submitted by: [Type your name here.] Function Identify the role of a health care manager in the function stated. Organizing Planning Provide an explanation that illustrates the role of a health care manager as it applies to the function in the health care Industry. Organizing function of healthcare managers involves the combination of the organization’s financial, human and physical resources. Therefore, the organizing function plays an important role in the success of an organization. Healthcare managers have the responsibility of recognizing the present roles of the healthcare organization and ensures that he assigns the appropriate number of employees to perform the duties (Locsin, 2018). Healthcare managers also have the duties of delegating authority and providing direction on how a particular duty is supposed to be performed. Planning function of healthcare managers involves mapping out the steps which are toe followed for the healthcare organization to achieve its goals and objectives. This function Healthcare managers need to identify the organizational goals, team goals and departmental goals in their areas and then determine the necessary steps which will lead to the Copyright© 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Health Care Information Systems Terms HCS/483 v8 Page 2 of 3 Function Identify the role of a health care manager in the function stated. ensures that activities in healthcare organizations run smoothly and patients are well taken care of. Controlling Provide an explanation that illustrates the role of a health care manager as it applies to the function in the health care Industry. organization, department or the team in meeting its goals. The controlling function of healthcare managers ensures that organizing and planning functions are working effectively (Locsin, 2018). It enables healthcare managers to ensure that the healthcare organization is working towards its goals as well as helping the manager to identify areas, where there are a need for change and the necessary changes, are made. The controlling function involves monitoring the performance of the employees and analyzing the quality, effectiveness and the reliability of all the projects that have been completed in the healthcare organization. The leading function of the healthcare managers involves expressing a great sense of direction and leadership skills when performing duties such as setting a goal and communicating or outlining new internal policy, process and products, and services. The leadership function of the healthcare managers can manifest itself in many ways such as determining when the organization needs more personal to increase the rate at which employees perform and complete their duties, handle conflicts between the employees, management and other conflicts which may arise between employees and the patients. Leading Copyright© 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Health Care Information Systems Terms HCS/483 v8 Page 3 of 3 References Locsin, A. (2018). The Role of Managers in Health Care. Retrieved from https://work.chron.com/role-managers-health-care-16590.html Copyright© 2019 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.
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HCS457 UOPX Spectrum of Health Care Facilities that Exist in US Analysis

HCS457 UOPX Spectrum of Health Care Facilities that Exist in US Analysis

For the next newsletter, you have been asked to write a 700- to 1,050-word article about the spectrum of health care facilities. In your article:


Analyze the spectrum of health care facilities that exist in the United States.
Analyze the purpose and goals of each of the different types of health care facilities in the United States.
Analyze how the different types of facilities work together.
Analyze who is responsible for the oversight of the facilities.
Analyze the similarities and differences of the health care facilities.
Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.

Healthcare administration case study

Healthcare administration case study

Bb Assignments – SERVICES AND HC X VitalSource Bookshelf: Dimensior X S Ask a new question – Studypool X + 1


https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781567938371/cfi/6/26/4/2/226/2@0:0 : CASE STUDY: THE CASE OF MRS. FLYNN C !!! Mrs. Flynn, a 68-year-old widow living alone in her home, was admitted to Community Medical Center after she became dizzy and fell while shopping for groceries. She broke her ankle in the fall. When interviewed by the hospital social worker, Mrs. Flynn admitted that she had not been taking her blood pressure medication on a regular basis and that her chronic obstructive pulmonary disease gave her difficulties when she would try to walk her dog in her gated community. After six days in the hospital for ankle surgery and a week in the hospital’s subacute rehabilitation unit. Mrs. Flynn was discharged home under the care of a home health agency. She was directed to take eight medications, three of which were brand new for her. Mrs. Flynn set goals for herself to monitor her blood pressure and to be able to walk her dog daily. The goals of the hospital’s care team were to control her high blood pressure and make sure that she could walk property Once home, Mrs. Flynn’s condition deteriorated quickly. The home health agency did not start its visits until five days after she had returned home. Mrs. Flynn’s primary care physician was not informed that she had been hospitalized, and his practice’s electronic medical record system was not compatible with the system used by Community Medical Center. Mrs. Flynn’s two daughters—who lived two hours away and did not have a close relationship—could not coordinate how to manage her care, and her son, her primary caregiver, had to leave town on an unexpected business trip. Mrs. Flynn thus lacked transportation to her follow- up appointments, and her dog could only be walked once every two days by a neighbor in her complex. Mrs. Flynn had heard that a local community agency for seniors could drive her to appointments and get her a home- meal, but she did not know whom to contact about such an arrangement. When Mrs. Flynn had returned home, she was given a list of her medications; soon, however, she was not sure which of the medications to continue taking. She also could not afford all the medications, and she had no way of having the prescriptions filled and the medications delivered. Mrs. Flynn had limited food in her home following her hospital stay, and her son was reluctant to shop for provisions because his mother had not given him money to pay for them. Mrs. Flynn became even more confused when she received her medical bills. She had no way of knowing what costs would be covered by Medicare or by her supplemental retiree health insurance from her deceased husband’s employer. She was also having trouble walking with the walker given to her by the hospital, and she was becoming increasingly depressed because she could not walk her dog as she had done before. Mrs. Flynn became lonely and isolated. She also became afraid to go outside for any reason, because she feared she would become dizzy and fall and end up back in the hospital. 八回画 CASE STUDY QUESTIONS 1. Does Mrs. Flynn’s situation resemble a typical transition home for hospitalized older adults? How could better communication between hospital staff her care providers, her primary care physician, and community-based agencies have helped? What types of services might have been contacted and utilized during the transition? 2. How could Mrs. Flynn’s children have been included in her hospitalization and discharge planning process? 3. What community-based agencies and organizations could have helped Mrs. Flynn with services during and after her transition back to the community? 4. Is Mrs. Flynn at risk for readmission to the hospital? Why or why not? REFERENCES AHC Media. 2011. “To Succeed, Hospitals Improve Transitions of Care.” Hospital Case Management. Published October 1. www.ahcmedia.com/articles/132188-to-succeed-hospitals-improve-transitions-of-care. Alley, D. E., C. N. Asomugha, P. H. Conway, and D. M. Sanghavi. 2016. “Accountable Health Communities–Addressing Social Needs Through Medicare and Medicaid.” New England Journal of Medicine 374 (1): 8-11. American Hospital Association. 2010. “Maximizing the Value of Post-Acute Care.” TrendWatch Published November 30. www.aha.org/research reports /tw/10nov-tw-postacute.pdf Anderson, G. 2010. “Chronic Care: Making the Case for Ongoing Care.” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Published February. www.iwjf.org/p1/product.jsp?id=50968 0
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HCS465 UOPX Evidence Based on Health Care Research Discussion

HCS465 UOPX Evidence Based on Health Care Research Discussion

Read and respond to at least two discussion posts. Be constructive and professional with your thoughts, feedback, or suggestions. 125 words each



1.Evidence based research has impacted health care research by providing improvements in the quality of care, validity in research through filtering out errors; improving patient outlooks and reducing the length of stay and cost for both patients and their health care providers. Once these procedures have been established, it is easier to process. They main problem with evidence based research is getting others on board, they called it translation and acceptance. If other hospitals, clinicians and practitioners of health care are not in agreement or are reluctant to try these newer innovative techniques, then things will not or will be slow to change. One must have a powerful impact, when presenting the evidence or have people who are currently using these techniques and fostering new and emerging practitioners following the evidence based techniques to keep the flow strong, so that there is no lag in between. Although the findings may be good, there is still need for others to accept the findings and to utilize the procedures to make the benefits work across the board. Evidence based research is important, because it presents its finding based on validity and the research itself can back up its findings. Once they have been accepted, they must be practiced among the majority to see the benefits that can be achieved though these findings.


2.Informed decision making in health care has thrived as a result of the expanded evidence base used in research initiatives which includes clinical aspects such as the use of procedures, equipment, and medicine and the administrative aspects that deal with the organization and management of health care between providers, information technology staff and other stakeholders (Institute of Medicine, 2007). Evidence based research drives discovery and inspires innovation in thought not only in a clinical sense, where it helps support hypothesis and disprove false assumptions on matters impacting practices and health issues, but by also providing the scientific backbone needed to secure funding and governmental support that oftentimes allows the research to operate and protects it from public policy and regulatory oversight. With the rising cost of health care in the United States, research is expected to provide value and concrete data that can be applied to processes and procedures that not only improve patient care but control spending, In order to accomplish this, researchers must support their findings with sufficient evidence that can be confirmed by other parties and is transferrable to other initiatives.

HSA320 Disciplinary Action Discussion Question

HSA320 Disciplinary Action Discussion Question

Compare and contrast two differences between employee dismissal and employee discharge. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.
Evaluate two exceptions to employment-at-will doctrines in terms of the effect these exceptions will have on employee termination in the health care field.


NRS410 v Grand Canyon University Anemia Diagnosis Case Study Analysis

NRS410 v Grand Canyon University Anemia Diagnosis Case Study Analysis

Case Study 1


Ms. A. is an apparently healthy 26-year-old white woman. Since the beginning of the current golf season, Ms. A has noted increased shortness of breath and low levels of energy and enthusiasm. These symptoms seem worse during her menses. Today, while playing in a golf tournament at a high, mountainous course, she became light-headed and was taken by her golfing partner to the emergency clinic. The attending physician’s notes indicated a temperature of 98 degrees F, an elevated heart rate and respiratory rate, and low blood pressure. Ms. A states, “Menorrhagia and dysmenorrheal have been a problem for 10-12 years, and I take 1,000 mg of aspirin every 3 to 4 hours for 6 days during menstruation.” During the summer months, while playing golf, she also takes aspirin to avoid “stiffness in my joints.”

Laboratory values are as follows:

Hemoglobin = 8 g/dl

Hematocrit = 32%

Erythrocyte count = 3.1 x 10/mm

RBC smear showed microcytic and hypochromic cells

Reticulocyte count = 1.5%

Other laboratory values were within normal limits.


Considering the circumstances and the preliminary workup, what type of anemia does Ms. A most likely have? In an essay of 500-750 words, explain your answer and include rationale.


– A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.

– Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines.

-An abstract is not required.

-This assignment uses a grading rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

-You are required to submit this assignment for plagiarism.